The Beginning of Change

The next day, Hela found herself sitting impassively behind her desk, bright green eyes analyzing the four people in front of her, with Vor and Astrid flanking her silently on both sides.

She tried to seem unperturbed, but the glaring presence of the unoccupied chair is making her frown internally. As she learned from Vor and countless other etiquette lessons, being late when requested to a meeting is an insult to the host, unless there is a good excuse. From what she knew of Bragi, the man is pompous enough to make others wait.

She refused to glance at Vor to see her reaction (knowing her instructor, she's probably irritated at the insult) especially since presenting a confident front is important in this meeting, lest these four think she's uncertain and still needs guidance. She doesn't want them to get the wrong idea.

'Still…' Hela drummed her fingers on the desk impatiently, her green eyes narrowing. The four shifted uncomfortably. 'What's taking him so long?'

As if on cue, raised voices sounded outside a moment before the door opened to reveal a cheerfully beaming man with such bright golden hair he almost appeared to sparkle. A hassled guard then appeared in the doorway, expression a mix between annoyed and apologetic. She dismissed him just as the man dipped into such an extravagant bow that it even made stoic Vor scoff. "Greetings, Your Highness. Please forgive me for my tardiness, but as you know, poems aren't going to write themselves." Bragi (for who else would be that showy but the very man they were waiting for?) grinned winningly.

Hela resisted the urge to roll her eyes as the sweet talk came, but her face must've still shown something because the merchant Authun – a clean-faced man with an impenetrable poker face – and the god of the sea, Lord Njord – a serious-looking man with a long beard and weathered skin – both glanced at each other in amusement. Lord Lucas just hid a smile.

"The rumors are true then." Bragi continued, seemingly undeterred. "Asgard's princess really does have hair as black as the skies in Niflheim and skin as pale as Jotunheim's snow."

Comparing her to Snow White? That's a first.

"Your eyes are as green as emeralds, how they have pierced me so." He continued and put a hand on his heart theatrically, "I hope that she will be as kind and forgiving as the rumors state–"

"I hope they also said I don't tolerate those who are late." She raised an eyebrow as Bragi gaped at the intentional rhyme and rebuke. She smiled darkly, "Good try though, god of poetry." She then gestured to the seat the farthest away from her.

The blacksmith, Haldier, snorted, and her eyes flickered to the burly man in amusement.

To her slight disbelief, instead of looking annoyed, Bragi suddenly regarded her with interest as he slowly sat in the offered seat. Hela quickly ignored it. "Well then, now that we are all here, let us start." She steepled her fingers before leaning forward. "I know Vor has already spoken to each of you about what is expected of you, but I would like to clarify some things.

"Starting today, Asgard's economy will change. Guilds will now become an important part of society, and I do not mean this lightly." Her eyes glinted, "Guilds will now be in charge of setting prices for the goods they are assigned. Instead of the palace, the guilds will have control over the market. They will also train those who wish to be a member. And that's just a few of the reforms I planned."

Authun frowned visibly, and she glanced at him. "That is quite a change, Your Highness. Are you sure Asgard is ready for that?"

"Recent inspections show we are, but only if we take it slow." She tilted her head, "I am not an idealistic child. I don't expect change to happen overnight. However, it is important to point out that change often begins with small steps. If we don't begin reforms now, we never will."

The merchant settled back at that, skeptical expression becoming thoughtful.

She turned to the others, "You all passed Vor's test, which is a remarkable feat. I, for one, know how difficult the goddess of wisdom's tests are." She glanced at Vor, who only gazed sternly at them beneath her nose. "If you passed, that means you are all qualified to be Guild Heads and have the skills and qualities necessary for your particular guild's requirements.

"Guilds are essentially support systems for the Palace and the realm, and Guild Heads will be the support systems for the citizens turned members. For now, we only plan to form five, but we will accommodate more once guilds become more stable and recognized. As its Heads, your main jobs are to monitor how your members will use their skills in the outside world. This is so no one can even attempt to manipulate or fool customers into purchasing defective products or worse.

"Of course, big ventures such as these need funds, which is where you come in. Rest assured the first few months will also be supported by the Palace until you can keep things running on your own."

Hela immediately paused when Authun looked up again thoughtfully. "Investing in these so-called guilds and becoming its designated Heads? The idea certainly has merit. I have one question though," He waved a hand at his fellow Heads, "with many guilds operating at the same time, who will be in charge of all that money? Will you appoint a new Minister? Or perhaps the King?" He quirked an eyebrow, "Or yourself?"

As expected of a person who practically breathes business. Hela smiled and spread her hands, "The King and the administration does not have the resources to monitor that many guilds and organizations. That is why I made it so the guilds and their Heads would personally oversee and take charge of the flow of money and various other expenditures after a six-month test run. Basically, the Palace will have no say in how you operate as long as you do not violate the rules, which a supervisor from my retinue will keep an eye on." She smiled sweetly, "After all, we don't want any of this to be vulnerable to exploitation and corruption, isn't that right gentlemen?"

Everyone seemed to shiver at her words.

She clapped her hands, making Lord Njord flinch. "Now, I believe you haven't had the chance to know each other yet, which just won't do. You will be working together, after all." Hela then allowed a sly smile to grace her face, and the five men suddenly looked wary. "I have been observing you since you entered, and have thoroughly inspected your backgrounds, and I believe I have a good approximation of your characters."

Lesson number one in business dealings: Always make sure you look like you know what you're doing, and that can only be done if you prepare information beforehand.

Everyone looked as she nodded to the merchant, who raised an eyebrow at the sudden attention. "You are the only one who seemed to be the most concerned about Asgard's economy and asked questions earlier. But if that's not obvious enough, the tests showed that Authun here exhibited incredible knowledge of the inner workings of the business world. Most importantly, he has traveled to almost every realm in the Nine and is well-versed in the other realms' trading and price systems. A very valuable trait for the one who is to be the Head of the Merchant Guild."

'Not to mention Vor said she was impressed by his shrewdness. That, more than anything else, settled it.' His poker face revealed nothing as he inclined his head in acknowledgment at the praise.

She then turned to the older and thinner man beside him with dry, brittle hair and tanned skin, likely because of exposure to seawater and sunlight. "Lord Njord here is what most people called the god of the seas. His sea navigations are never wrong, and he has the best knowledge of all the sea creatures and conditions of every sea in the Nine Realms. Thus, he will now Head the Fisherman's Guild."

Njord looked surprised and uncomfortable by the end of it, and Hela quickly added 'shy' to her notes about him.

Almost dwarfing the thin Njord beside him is Haldier, a very tall and burly man with long dark hair, an unruly beard, and a hardened expression on his face. "Haldier is well-known for his outstanding creations and metal work. He supplies most of the weapons of Asgard's army and has a skill that rivals even that of the Dwarves of Nidavellir. As such, he will now be the Head of the Blacksmith's Guild."

He grunted, and she hid a smile as he too looked uncomfortable at her words but was hiding it with an even deeper scowl.

Hela turned next to the familiar black-haired boy sitting beside Haldier who gazed back at her with mild curiosity. As usual, he looked languid, his lean body practically oozing quiet confidence. "Lucas is known for his amazing catch in this year's Coming-of-Age ceremony. Although young, he is already one of the best hunters in Asgard in addition to being well-versed in administrative duties and responsibilities as the son of the Duke. He'll be a suitable Head for the Hunter's Guild."

Lucas's eyes flashed with something unreadable as she finished, and he quietly bore everyone's incredulous and skeptical stares with grace. Hela had anticipated this; after all, he was the youngest and has the fewest qualifications in the room. It's clear everyone has doubts. She tensed as she waited if any of them would object.

No one did, and Hela slowly relaxed. Finally, she glanced at the latecomer, who's still looking at her with such blatant interest she resisted the urge to turn away. "Lastly, Lord Bragi here is famous for his beautiful musical pieces and soulful poems. He is known for having a very creative disposition and has since been declared the god of poetry and music. Now, he will begin to work as the Head of the Artisans Guild."

Nobody mentioned his tardiness or the fact that Vor is still glaring at said Head.

Smart men.

She waited until they have nodded and greeted each other before continuing. "Do you understand now? With all that money and such a huge responsibility, I need dependable and trustworthy people to be Guild Heads. Vor assured me of your credibility. This time gentlemen," Her eyes flashed shrewdly, "you just have to prove it to me."

Silence ensued as the five digested her words. Hela leaned back and gave them time to think it over as she requested Astrid for some tea. To be honest, she was a bit nervous; especially since this will be the first time they will ever hear about Guilds. After all, she only got this idea from games she played in the past. She only knew the basics like how they operated, but has no idea about the technical and legal aspects of it. Vor and Tyrkir (who had been a valuable help in the legalities of it) had mostly handled that part.

For a moment, she wished for Lucas' easy confidence and almost lazy posture as he thought of her proposal. She breathed deeply to calm herself and sipped her tea.

To everyone's surprise, Haldier – who looked the most disinterested in the whole meeting – was the first to react, "Fine by me." He raised an eyebrow at the others' visible surprise, "I don't see why you're all hesitating. The Princess just offered a stable way for everyone to have an occupation and be recognized for their hard work and skill rather than their family name. As a blacksmith, this is very important to us."

"I agree," Authun crossed his arms, his poker face giving way to a slight smile. "Being a merchant is all about taking risks. As far as I can tell, this risk is worth a try. Besides, when this becomes successful, the return on such an investment would be great indeed."

Hela braced herself when Bragi began to open his mouth – probably to wax poetic or something – when Lucas suddenly spoke, "The benefits outweigh the risks in this situation." He smiled languidly and pretended not to see Bragi's affronted face. "This is a good cause, and one I am honored to take part in, Princess."

Njord shrugged, unintentionally cutting off Bragi again, and said simply. "I do not have a problem with it."

Hela resisted the urge to snort as everyone seemed to conspire against Bragi. The golden-haired man, in turn, rolled his eyes at them before continuing to stare unabashedly at her, making no move to hide his interest. "I must say you certainly did your research, Princess." Bragi smirked and kicked back in his chair. "I now realize I am wrong for misjudging the severity of this meeting."

Astrid visibly stiffened at his audacity, and Hela quickly held up a hand. Her servant slowly settled back down but not before proceeding to glare at the man along with Vor. She doesn't want to be in his place, being glared at by two intimidating women.

Hela raised an eyebrow lightly, observing the puzzling man carefully. "Are the official summons for a meeting by the Princess not reason enough?"

He shrugged easily, "To be honest, I was skeptical. I think we all were." He indicated to his fellow Heads, who Hela admits did a good job of pretending otherwise. "But I believe I can speak for us all when I say you clearly know what you're doing."

And that, out of everything else, filled her with a sense of confidence.

As if he knew what she's thinking, Bragi laughed good-naturedly before bowing in his seat, winking playfully. "I will prove myself to you and more, Your Highness."

"I look forward to it." She told him.

"As will I, Your Highness," He continued laughing, "As will I."

Hela set a brisk pace down the corridors, heading straight to their rooms.

Solitude. She needs solitude and hopefully a whole lot of honey nut cakes after that intense meeting.

She has always been slightly reserved in her previous life. Sure, she can handle herself in meetings and talks with different people, but she always tires around crowds so easily. It's why she doesn't really like the raucous feasts Asgard always throws. At the end of the day, all she wants is some peace and quiet with her favorite people. In her past life, it's always been her family. In this, she has the next best thing.

She barely pushed open the double doors when a blond blur suddenly ran and collided with her, nearly making her fall on her ass. She grunted and looked down in amusement at the blond monkey that suddenly wrapped itself around her. However, the body's faint trembling and quietness immediately filled her with alarm.

"Ornulf, what's wrong?" She asked worriedly as his grip around her tightened.

His head suddenly jerked up, and Hela was struck full force by sky-colored eyes brimming with barely concealed hope. "Are the rumors true?!"

She placed a calming hand on his own, stilling his trembling. She carefully led him inside the room before shutting the door firmly. "What rumors?" She inquired softly.

"T-That–" His grip on her clothes tightened as he struggled to calm himself down, "The reforms?"

Ah. He finally found out. She nodded and grinned widely, "I told you it's my concern, didn't I?"

"But…" He exhaled, "Do you have any idea what they've been saying about you?"

She immediately fell silent at that, "…What?" She asked tentatively. "Is it bad?"

He looked like he's debating with himself, but seemed to come to a decision. He deflated, "Asgard's divided." He admitted, "The people in the lower levels… we're grateful." Ornulf smiled at her sincerely, and Hela's taken aback by how genuinely happy he looked. "No one's ever actively done anything about the situation before. King Bor and Odin weren't… they only cared about the Einjerhar. With all that, what use are those who are too sickly and weak to fight?"

She remained silent as he explained further, clenching his fists, "I was lucky enough to have a strong physique. I passed the tests to become an Einjerhar trainee. Others are not so fortunate."

Hela's heart clenched as Ornulf ducked down, looking ashamed with himself for admitting that. She knows it's terrible down there, but coming from him… 

"Orn…" She whispered.

"But… but never mind that! Your ideas! I don't even know where you got the idea of public healing wards, the guilds, or those identical housing units but they're brilliant!" He grinned so earnestly at every word that Hela found herself smiling back. "You're coming up with all these ideas that's just… so strange and otherworldly almost." He flushed darkly. "I mean, all I want to say is… thank you." He smiled tentatively, "You didn't have to but… thank you."

She clasped his shoulder and squeezed it firmly. "Anytime." She then frowned, "But you said Asgard is divided?"

His expression dropped, "Yeah." He ducked his head, "I'm sorry to say but… only the lower levels sounded happy about the news. The nobles… not so much."

"Let me guess, it's about the ranks, right?"

"Yes," He heaved a sigh, "The nobles… they're not happy with the fact that 'poor' people now have the chance to gain a status that was previously exclusive to them. Truthfully, they are spreading bad rumors about it and are looking to discredit your name, but rest assured we're doing our best to prevent that. Hopefully, it's enough." He mumbled under his breath.

"Discredit? How unpleasant." Her face twisted in distaste, "I meet those nobles every day and they always praise me to my face. How typical that they would utter such ridiculous insults once my back is turned."

"They're all a bunch of arrogant bastards, and I'm always thankful to the Norns that you're not like them," He poked her teasingly, "Otherwise, I never would've given you the time of day," He grinned at her, all teeth, and she instantly knows that he isn't joking. Ornulf is just too honest for his own good sometimes.

She raised an eyebrow, "As I recall, it was you that jumped at the chance to become friends with me."

He snorted, "Only because Tyrkir wouldn't pull his head out of his a–"

The door suddenly opened, and they both flinched in surprise. Tyrkir popped his head in, and he looked right confused at the sight of Hela and Ornulf standing so close to each other, the latter still poking her chest. His eyes narrowed suspiciously at Ornulf, "Am I interrupting something?"

Ornulf immediately sprang away, "Nothing!" He cried, "Thought I saw a bug in her clothes."

She silently raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Really?"

He shrugged helplessly. Hela turned to her other friend who's still frowning at them, "Tyrkir, what news do you have for me?"

He stared a moment more before carefully stepping inside and shutting the door. He then waved the stack of papers he's been carrying, "Got all their signatures, as instructed. It's finally official, Hela."

Ornulf stared at the two of them, his surprised gaze landing on Tyrkir with something akin to wonder. "You're helping Hela? To improve life in the lower levels?"

"Of course." Tyrkir replied immediately, "As soon as I heard about it at least. Took a while, but I finally managed to ask her what she's been hiding."

"But…" Her friend still looked stunned. "They're people without statuses. Aren't you concerned they'll steal your rank or something once they get wealthy enough?"

This time, the brown-haired boy stared at him like he was insane. "Of course not. Everyone deserves to be recognized for something other than their family and rank. I personally think it's a brilliant idea." He then frowned suspiciously, "I thought you, of all people, would be happy we helped them."

'That certainly answers Ornulf's unnecessary worries about Tyrkir.' Hela smiled reassuringly at Ornulf, and he looked down in shame for doubting him.

She clapped suddenly, startling them out of their funk. "Now that that's settled, how would you like to help me more with my little project?" She grinned.

Ornulf immediately perked up, body bouncing excitedly. "Yes! Yes, of course! I was waiting for you to say that!"

Tyrkir smiled at seeing his genuine joy. "I am always at your disposal, Hela."

"Good, because we're only just getting started."