The Valkyries

Hela stood firmly at attention, with Tyrkir and Ornulf on either side. Beyond them, legions and legions of Einherjar trainees decked out in ornate silver armor stretched in neatly formed rows across the vast palace grounds. Up on the platform in front, Commander Herryk stood with his rigid posture and signature scowl. He had ordered them to this position while they waited for the Queen and the Valkyries to arrive, though that didn't stop the air from almost buzzing in anticipation at the face of their first real battle.

She tried her best not to shift as pieces of the armor dug uncomfortably on her sides. The Einherjar armor felt awfully restrictive and heavy, especially as she favored being light on her feet and to use her body's flexibility to its full potential. With this on, she felt bogged down. She sighed resignedly, and Ornulf glanced at her quickly from her right.

"Forget anything, Hela?" Ornulf's voice whispered; though his eyes remained focused straight ahead.

Her lips twitched slightly, "Not on your life, Orn. It's just this armor."

He snorted, before falling silent when Tyrkir quietly cleared his throat in warning when Herryk's gaze swept over them.

In spite of that, Ornulf's question quickly made Hela think back to all the duties and tasks she would have to temporarily leave because of this. She was sure she hadn't forgotten anything, but it wouldn't hurt to run through them again to check…

Unaware that Heimdall already informed her; the Queen pulled her aside earlier that day to apprise her of the situation. She had said that they would leave the moment the Valkyries arrived, as Odin needed reinforcements immediately. They might arrive in the middle of the battle even, hence Frigga advised her to stay alert and run the second the Bifrost landed them in Vanaheim.

It wasn't like Frigga to look so worried, but there she was. To keep her mind off the upcoming danger, Hela finally revealed her project and all the necessary details. With Frigga essentially being left behind to manage Asgard until Odin and Hela's return, it's best to let her in on the project now. Frigga's astonished face after Hela told her of the Guilds will certainly be something she'll carry with her to Vanaheim and the rest of the war.

Speaking of that, after her conversation with Heimdall, Hela immediately tore through the palace to find Vor, Astrid, and her friends. With a rushed deployment such as this, she needed to delegate all the necessary tasks to her Heads before they leave. Fortunately, Vor accepted her role of acting as interim leader of Asgard's Reform Project until Hela's return, before asking her solemnly to stay safe.

Her quick letters to the Guild Heads, the builders, and Healer Eir also ensured they will continue running the project under Vor's supervision so as to prevent stagnation. She also penned an additional letter for Lucas to find a temporary Head for the Hunter's Guild quickly, as he will likely be deployed with them.

While she was doing all that, Tyrkir also took it upon himself to inform the Treasury and its Minister to keep on monitoring and recording all the money that came from the project. Meanwhile, Astrid also began readying Hela's designated Einherjar armor and all the things she would need while Ornulf rushed home to inform his mother and take care of her one last time. She worried for the sickly Inga, but trusted Ornulf to find someone who'll take care of her in his absence.

She had tried to inform Fenris of the situation in an effort to bring the Wolf with her to battle, but Hela eventually thought better of it after realizing that the Wolf still hasn't recovered from its many wounds and still emaciated state. Not surprising, especially since she had been imprisoned in that cave for a long time. She wouldn't bring it to a warzone in its state, though perhaps soon.

Fenris did look confused when she visited her without saying anything, but Hela quickly bid her goodbye and left before it could ask any questions.

Hela pursed her lips as she ran through her mental list of tasks and responsibilities for the tenth time, before finally being satisfied that she had not forgotten anything.

"I know that face," Ornulf whispered again, glancing at her with a ghost of a grin on his lips. "You're checking your mental list again."

Tyrkir couldn't help himself and glanced at her too, "You didn't forget anything, did you?" He hissed in dismay, face visibly looking like he's also running through his own mental list. "We can't go back and check now; we're slated to leave soon!"

"Relax, everything is fine." She told them in amusement, "I took care of it, and Vor will handle our little project in the meantime. I trust her."

Tyrkir visibly slumped in relief before quickly straightening, wary of Herryk's keen gaze. "I do too. She's extremely efficient."

Ornulf shuddered, "And terrifying."

"If I catch any of you incredibly loud bastarður speak again, I'll string you up by your ankles and leave you as Fire Giant bait!" Herryk barked, and the whole palace grounds went so still and silent one could hear a pin drop. Tyrkir barely breathed.

After a moment, an aide quickly ran up to the Commander's side and whispered something to him. Like a switch, Herryk's distraction made everyone exhale in relief.

Hela settled back again, her eyes narrowed and alert as they all went back to waiting for the Valkyries to arrive again. A few rows from her own, Gudrik – Tyrkir and Ornulf's tormentor – shifted impatiently, his fidgeting made awkward by his bulky build. Beside Ornulf, someone kept clenching and unclenching their hands anxiously. At the very front of the rows, Lucas managed to make the formal parade rest stance look almost lazy.

All of a sudden, a loud crackle! resounded in the skies and made them all drop into fighting stances in surprise. Someone then shouted and pointed up, and everyone's heads followed the finger and watched in awe and disbelief as the clouds seemingly split open and winged horses began to descend from the brightly lit sky above.

The previously picture perfect rows were immediately reduced to chaotic scrambling as they began to back away to clear a landing space for the horses. In spite of their hasty retreat though, they knew better than to bump and jostle Hela out of the way as she calmly stayed in place, body unmoving as she watched the majestic arrival of the Valkyries look awfully similar to how they first appeared in the movie; moments before they were completely slaughtered. She fought down the shiver that went down her spine before straightening and deliberately standing at parade rest yet again in an effort to calm herself.

Around her, her friends and the other trainees quickly noticed her movement before following her example. Soon enough, those surrounding them followed as well until everyone is standing at attention on the grounds again, mere moments before the Valkyries finally landed.

The ground threatened to shake as hooves landed one after another, some even stomping and neighing aloud, until all fifty winged horses have touched down. The crowd around her murmured in surprise and excitement as Hela quickly took in how imposing and impressive the women in ornate white armor with blue capes atop white warhorses looked, their figures almost statuesque and their expressions fierce and stern as they silently regarded the similarly armored men below.

Suddenly, the horses parted to the side, and Hela swallowed as the most stunning and intimidating young woman she had ever seen steadily approached on top of her own winged warhorse. Her awe-filled gaze moved from the woman's rich brown skin, her dark hair long and wild upon her back, to her armor that looked both gleaming and worn – obvious signs she had been to various other battles before and come out on top – until landing on a sword Hela quickly recognized as Dragonfang slung on a scabbard on her back.

Valkyrie, leader of the Valkyrior.

They all watched warily as her stern gaze gradually swept over the gathered Einjerhar below, instantly silencing any excited whispers that started with a glance. Valkyrie continued to turn her head, uncaring of all the attention she is garnering, until narrowed brown eyes met green.

Hela took great care to keep her stance tall and confident, unwilling to back down as the Valkyrie's eyes didn't immediately leave hers like she did the others. Likewise, the other Valkyries were alerted to their leader's sudden interest and turned to stare at her as well.

Hela kept her expression blank, trying to stop an excited grin from appearing on her face at their arrival, and Valkyrie frowned.

"Brunnhilde, how nice of you to finally join us." Herryk suddenly called, sarcasm evident in his tone. "I had thought for a moment that you'll just continue staying in Valhalla's comfortable halls."

The other Valkyries visibly bristled, and Valkyrie's – apparently named Brunnhilde – gaze hardened, before turning away from Hela and towards Herryk. "Commander," She said lowly, and every Einherjar in the courtyard almost leaned in anticipation. "I see General Tyr still hasn't deigned to let you accompany him to battle, if you're still here. Speaking of which, how are these children's training coming along?"

Hela didn't know whether to be offended or amused, though Herryk unsurprisingly scowled and stepped forward angrily, "How dare–"

"And," Brunnhilde continued, frowning now too. "You apparently had the Princess of Asgard join your Einherjar." She shook her head. "A shame, indeed. We could've taught her so much."

At the mention of her title, the other Valkyries stiffened in recognition and turned to gaze at her in a mixture of surprise and disappointment. Hela distantly felt Tyrkir and Ornulf step forward protectively, but that was quickly overshadowed by the fact that Herryk stepped forward too, "The Princess has been assigned to us by the King. She is an Einherjar." He shot back, "In fact, perhaps that is a sign of his lack of confidence in your abilities. After all, why didn't the Allfather assign her to you instead?"

Again, Hela didn't know whether to be happy, surprised, or offended. The only time Herryk acknowledged her, and it's only because his pride was hurt. Figures.

Brunnhilde looked furious this time, and Hela immediately decided to step in before this could get any worse. "He did consider the Valkyries at first, but changed his mind because of the fact that I would have to swear the Valkyries' eternal vow, and I can't do that if I'm the heir to the throne." Hela smiled as pleasantly as she could, all the while wondering internally where in the hell Frigga was as both parties turned to stare at her in disbelief.

Brunnhilde recovered first, "Still a shame." She shrugged, "There are talks about you and your fighting prowess even in Valhalla, Princess Hela. Some say you found and claimed the fen-dweller as well, of all creatures." Her keen gaze slowly sized her up critically, "Now I'm sure those rumors are greatly exaggerated. After all, the King wouldn't simply allow the Wolf to be released after working so hard to bind him."

"He did, as a matter of fact, and it's also true that I claimed Fenris. Brunnhilde of the Valkyrior," Hela returned, and felt gratified seeing her look almost startled. "I have heard much about you as well. Rumors state that fighting you is the equivalent of fighting fifty men." She inclined her head, "I look forward to seeing you in action."

The Valkyrie suddenly grinned, showing all teeth. "Knowing where we are going, you shall soon see."

Hela almost let out a laugh at her blatant ferocity and boldness. However, an aide suddenly announced the Queen's arrival, and all the Valkyries and Einherjar turned as one to watch Queen Frigga enter the palace grounds.

"ATTEN-TION!" Commander Herryk barked out and Hela and the rest of the Einherjar's conditioned bodies immediately turned their arms akin to steel rods, aligned their hands on their cuisses, their feet on 45 degree angles, and stayed absolutely still, eyes forward and fixed only on the Queen as she climbed up the platform.

No one else would notice but her closest family and ladies-in-waiting, but Hela took note of the tight lines around her eyes and her subtly pursed lips, and realized that Frigga looked worried and unsettled. Nevertheless, she swiftly gathered her composure and began to address the warriors before her.

"Warriors! For millennia, Asgard stood as a beacon of hope across the Nine Realms. We have sought to maintain the peace and eradicate any who threatens it. However, three Realms have opposed our avowed duty and has trapped your fellow brothers and soldiers in hostile territory." She stepped forward, her aura and white seidr almost palpable in her quest to be heard. "The Fire Giants and Light Elves have now aided the Vanir, and as such, will be considered our foes. It will be difficult, but your King needs you. Asgard needs you! Fight for your brothers!

"Fight for victory!"

Brunnhilde unsheathed her sword and raised it high in the air, "For Asgard!"

Swords unsheathed, and feet stomped as voices raised and boomed out, "FOR ASGARD!"

The Bifrost hummed and glowed as Heimdall harnessed its energy to transport every single Einherjar, Valkyrie, and their steeds from Asgard and into a warzone. Hela waited for her turn beside Dagny; anticipation and hunger for a good fight flooding her veins.

This is it; the start of the war and the tipping point.

Fight against their enemies, save her father, protect her allies, and destroy anyone who gets in her way.

She's ready.

Hela and Tyrkir watched as Ornulf entered the portal and was transported away, and finally, it's her turn. She glanced one last time at Heimdall and spotted him looking dazed; the way he usually looked when he was using his Sight.

She began to turn away, regretting that she wouldn't get to say goodbye, before Heimdall quickly regained his bearings and turned to pin her with his golden gaze, eyes wide with shock. He quickly shouted something, but the sound was muffled by the Bifrost.

Hela frowned in confusion, but was swept away by the Bifrost before she could respond.

…Why did Heimdall mouth the words 'fire'?

The answer came in the form of incredibly searing heat on her skin and a gigantic wall of raging flames just several meters away from where she landed out of the Bifrost. If the armor felt uncomfortable earlier, it's downright scorching and probably melting from the heat right now.

Hela staggered back in shock at the frankly alarming sight before a hand grabbed her arm and whirled her around. Recognizing Ornulf's frantic gaze beneath his helmet, he quickly pulled her away from the wall of fire that just kept growing, and Hela had the vague sense to whistle for Dagny and grab the newly-arrived and shell-shocked Tyrkir on the way out too.

'Fire' indeed.

  1. Bastarður – Icelandic translation for 'bastard.'