
Entering the city Aela shows him around and once in front of Jorrvaskr she says, "Where will you go from here? They won't let you enter Dragonsreach just because you want to enter." "I will go to The Warmaiden's. A friend of the person that sent me here lives there he or she should be able to help me," says Vincent and Aela says, "Good luck then and remember to come by sometime to talk at least if you don't want to join us." "I will remember this Aela. I hope to see you again," says Vincent as he leaves towards the gates again.

Once he wasn't in sight the door towards Jorrvaskr opened and three people fell to the ground and Aela says with a scary face, "You were listening?" "It isn't every day that you bring a man with you even more so alone. Farkas told us what happened in Pelagia Farm," says a dark elf while Aela says, "I think you three need some discipline to not spy on your superior member."

In the meantime, Vincent was walking through the streets of Whiterun and finds himself in front of The Warmaiden's and sees a woman outside working. The woman notices him and says, "If you are looking to buy something go inside my husband is the vendor. And if you think a woman isn't a good smith then go away. We don't have time for people like that." "I don't belittle women that take the occupation of a smith since many do better work than men in my experience. But I'm looking for a friend from Alvor the smith in Riverwood. He told me I could get help here to see the Jarl," says Vincent and the woman says, "Alvor sent you here. Did something happen there?"

"No, not yet. He just wants the Jarl to send more guards because of the dragon attack that happened in Helgen," says Vincent and the woman says, "So it wasn't the Stormcloaks that attacked Helgen. We saw the smoke from here and the Jarl know that something was up that's why he closed the gates to everyone. How did you enter with the Lockdown?" "The Companions helped me enter after helping them kill a Giant that was terrorizing a nearby farm," says Vincent and the woman says, "Well if Alvor sends you, it means you are trustworthy. My name is Adrianne Avenicci inside is my husband Ulfberth War-Bear. Now I have something that I need to send to the Jarl so you are lucky normally I would go myself but it would be a burden for my father."

Adrianne goes inside and Vincent follows her. Once inside Adrianne says, "Ulfberth were is the sword I made for the Jarl? I have someone to bring it to him." "The sword is right here," says Ulfberth who takes the Greatsword with both hands and puts it slowly on the table and Adrianne says, "Right." Adrianne wanted to continue but realizes that she didn't know Vincent's name and asks; "What was your name?" "Vincent Highwind," says Vincent and Adrianne says, "Vincent will bring the sword up to Dragonsreach." "Fine by me if he can carry it without breaking it on his way there," says Ulfberth and Adrianne says, "He should do fine he is a friend of Alvor he should be strong enough to carry things if he can kill a Giant with the Companions."

Vincent takes the sword with both hands and asks, "They will let me in like this?" "No just wait a second and give you a note for the guard positioned on the gates to Dragonreach and you should be able to enter," says Adrianne and Vincent remembers something and puts the sword carefully down on the table again and takes one letter out of his pocket and hands it over to Adrianne and says, "Alvor gave it to me just in case. I don't know what's inside but I should still give it to you even if you are already helping me."

Both read the letter and Ulfberth begins to laugh and Adrianne holds her head and says, "The old man is always trouble even when he is miles away." "What does it say?" asks Vincent and Adrianne says, "I shall make you a spear and a bow sturdy enough to not break easily since he normally doesn't make spears or bows. He just only makes sword, axes or maces if we don't count armors. It will take me some hours to make them so try The Bannered Mare after talking to the Jarl or Jorrvaskr since you have friends with there."

"How long will it take?" asks Vincent and Adrianne says, "At least some hours like told it could take me to tomorrow if I make a mistake. I normally don't make spears since no one uses them around here. If you want to make some money while staying here a friend of mine has a problem her name is Carlotta Valentia. She is getting molested she didn't tell me who it is but if a strong man like you ask her she might tell you and give you some gold coins for helping her. And you would do me a big favor since she is one of my closest friends."

"I will see what I can do but before that, I have to go to Dragonsreach," says Vincent who picks the sword up again and Adrianne puts her note in his pocket and says, "Alright you know how to get there." "Yes, see you tomorrow then. It's better to let you work without pressuring you," says Vincent and leaves and Ulfberth asks, "What do you think of him?" "He is easy to talk to even when he is lost here in Skyrim. Alvor writes that he could be trusted in so let's trust in him for now," says Adrianne as she goes to the door to leave the shop and continue her work.

Vincent walks through the city reaching the stairs to take upwards to reach Dragonsreach. Once in front of the door the guards stop him and asks, "Who are you and what do you want?" "I'm Vincent Highwind and was sent here by Adrianne to bring this sword to the Jarl. There is a note in the pocket written by her," says Vincent and one of the guards goes to Vincent side and puts his hand in the pocket and takes the note out and says to his colleague, "Make way he is on official business here."

Vincent enters Dragonsreach and walks straight finding two large tables with many chairs around them and Vincent thought, "Either the family is big or the person governing here has a big heart for letting the servants eat with him." He keeps going and sees one man sitting on a chair while a dragonhead skull was over him and another one that was talking to the man that was sitting. Beside them was a Dark Elf that made Vincent skip a beat thinking that he met an Au-Ra at first because of the skin. The Dark Elf comes close to Vincent and says, "How could you enter Dragonsreach? I told the guards that we won't get any visitors until we know what happened two days ago in Helgen."

"I was sent to bring this sword here by Adrianne and also to talk to the Jarl about what happened two days ago in Helgen. My name is Vincent Highwind and I was there when it all happened," says Vincent and the Dark Elf says, "Irileth is my name. Now you were in Helgen when the smoke came up?" "Yes, I was there. I escaped with a group of the Legion when a dragon attacked Helgen," says Vincent and Irileth says, "You should talk to the Jarl about this wait here for a second."

Irileth leaves Vincent there and goes to the side of the man that was sitting on the chair and whispers something into his ears and the man sitting stops the other man from talking and says, "You there come forward." Vincent does as commanded and the person says, "My name is Jarl Balgruuf the Greater. My Housecarl informed me you have information about what happened in Helgen." "Yes, my lord but can someone accept this sword first so I can talk freely," says Vincent and Irileth takes the sword and asks, "Why are you carrying a sword if you won't use it?" "I had to pass the guards and a friend helped me by making me bring a sword she smithed for the Jarl."

Jarl Balgruuf laughs at Irileth and says, "We would have lost information if he wasn't intelligent enough to pass the guards because of your lockdown. I also need to reward your daughter Proventus. If she didn't send him he would most likely leave sooner or later. Now can you tell us what happened?" Vincent recounts what happened and Jarl Balgruuf says, "I should have known Ulfric would be there. So could still be alive." "Why didn't they execute him first is my question?" asks Vincent and Jarl Balgruuf says, "Maybe because the gods didn't want him to die yet or he was just lucky or the Thalmor had something to do with that. Who knows?"

"Right I have a letter from Alvor the smith of Riverwood he asked me to come here and report what happened since they are unprotected against a dragon attack. He asked for guards to protect Riverwood," says Vincent and Irileth and Proventus began a discussion between themselves until Jarl Balgruuf interrupt both and says, "Enough, Irileth send Guards towards Riverwood. Proventus if the Jarl of Falkreath Hold has a problem with that they will send us a messenger. You both can retreat now." Both do as said and Jarl Balgruuf says, "Since you survived Helgen and have seen a dragon I want you to talk to someone follow me."

Jarl Balgruuf stands up and walks towards a side room to his left and Vincent followed him and Jarl Balgruuf says, "Farengar, I brought you someone useful that could help you in your dragon research." Farengar looks up sees Vincent and says, "My name is Farengar Secret-Fire. I'm the court mage of Whiterun as you can see." "He can be a bit prideful but he is a good man. Now I will leave you two," says Jarl Balgruuf and Farengar says, "Since you are here to help me in my dragon research let me ask if you can carry your weight." "Mage I carried my weight since I escaped Helgen and survived the dragon that attacked it," says Vincent and Farengar says, "Good, we will leave tomorrow for the Black Falls Barrow. I have found out something is in those ruins that should help me in my research."

"You sure about that?" asks Vincent and Farengar says, "Yes, I will await you tomorrow morning at the gates to leave towards Riverwood where we will stay for a night before continuing towards Bleak Fall Barrow." "Alright see you tomorrow then," says Vincent and leaves the room. He wanted to leave Dragonsreach when a guards stops him and says, "Wait a moment I have something for you from my lord." The guard hands over a pouch with hundred gold coins over and says, "It should help you get a room and food in the Bannered Mare for some days." "Tell him my thanks," says Vincent as he passes the door and leaves Dragonsreach.

'Now what shall we do the day is still long. I should help that woman Carlotta like Adrianne asked me since she is making me weapons for nothing,' thinks Vincent while descending the stairs.