Dragon Hunt

The very next day Vincent returned to Dragonsreach to make everything legal then they went to buy some clothes for Lucia and for himself in Belethor's General Store haggling the price down with to a fair price for him and buys vegetables from Carlotta and then he goes to the Warmaiden's and asks for two staffs one small for Lucia and one for himself.

Then they are in front of the house and Jack hands it over a staff to Lucia and says, "Lucia the weapon you hold will be your lifetime partner. You will learn how to use it. But you will learn that the spear is a weapon that you don't master in one or ten years but with the battles and experience, you gain in one lifetime. Now, Lucia, are you ready to learn it."

She took the spear in both hands and says, "I'm ready." "Good, now I will teach you the basics of the spear the first three moves you will practice them for two hours every day before you go to play with the other children alright," says Vincent and Lucia nods and Vincent shows her how to hold the spear and the first three move. True Thrust, Vorpal Trust and Disembowel. First, he uses True Thrust then Vorpal Trust then again True Thrust followed by Disembowel.

"You see this that's how you combinate the three techniques. You will learn more once you master those three. Now begin Lucia follow my movement," says Vincent gentle as he shows her how to do that combinate them with less effort. After two hours Vincent says, "You can now go and play after playing you go to the bath and then dinner will await you alright." "Yes," says Lucia a bit exhausted as she goes in and puts her staff in her room and goes out to play with the other children.

Vincent, on the other hand, sees smoke rising from the west and a guard rushing that enters through the gates towards Dragonsreach. After some minutes the guard named Guldar came to his house and says, "The Jarl wants to meet you." "Aye, let me change into my armor and get my weapons," says Vincent and Guldar asks, "How did you know that you will need them?"

"Smoke over there and I saw a guard running towards Dragonsreach as fast as possible. That either means we are under attack or it is a drill. And since you called me up it means we are under attack," says Vincent and Guldar says, "You are right a dragon appeared at the Western Watchtower. Since you have survived Helgen you are our best shot here to win this battle."

Vincent changes into his armor and puts an old Nord Battleaxe on his back with the bow and arrow and takes his spear in his hand. "Show the way," says Vincent and Guldar takes him to Dragonsreach once there. He sees Farengar, Irileth, a guard and Jarl Balgruuf talking about it until they see Vincent. "Ah, there you are. I need your help with something," says Balgruuf and Vincent says, "I heard of it and will help you. I can't have a dragon near my child."

"Child?" asks Farengar and Balgruuf says, "He adopted the girl named Lucia that was surviving on the streets. But you two can talk about that later. I want you to help Irileth in this battle against the dragon. She will be leading some guards to fight the dragon." "Alright, but I need someone to look after the child," says Vincent and Balgruuf says, "I will inform Lydia to do so."

"Can I go too. It would be fascinating to see a living breathing dragon," says Farengar and Balgruuf says, "You stay, I can't lose both of you if something goes wrong. And Irileth it's not a suicide mission if you can't win retreat. I don't want to lose more men to that lizard." Irileth and Vincent leave for the gates on their way Lucia sees Vincent and runs over and says, "Are you leaving."

"Yes, but I will be right back. Be a good girl and listen to the person that will look after you until I return alright," says Vincent and Lucia says, "Promise that you will be back." Vincent puts his hand on her head and says, "I promise. It's not the first time I meet a dragon. Now go back to playing." Lucia gives Vincent a hug and leaves to play with her friends and Irileth says, "You sure you just met yesterday. She really treats you with care."

"That's because she knows what it means if I were to die. She is scared to live in the streets again," says Vincent as they continue on their way. Once in front of the gates, there were ten guards waiting for them and Irileth was giving her speech while Vincent was thinking about how to fight the dragon with novices that never seen or fought one before.

'I need to bring it down from the sky as fast as possible or we will lose this battle,' thinks Vincent as Irileth says, "We are moving out." They pass the gates and begin to march the street down towards the west. Arriving fifty meters in front of the Watchtower Irileth stops and says, "Nowhere to see a dragon but we can be sure that one was here. The walls are all destroyed and the fire is still fresh. Let's go and look for survivors. But keep the eyes in the sky."

They approach the Watchtower and the men disperse to look for survivors. Vincent goes near the Tower with Irileth and they find a survivor who was crouching and she says, "That damn thing is still out there. It took Hroki and Tor just a moment ago when they tried to run for the city." "Guard, what happened?" asks Irileth and the guard says, "That thing overflowed us at first and then attacked us."

They hear a cry and the guard says, "That damn thing is back." Vincent looks up, like everyone else, and sees the dragon flying over towards them. 'It's too high for me,' thinks Vincent who asks, "Lead those stairs to the end of the tower?" "Yes," says the guard and Vincent says, "I will go up, Irileth try to make fly near the tower so I can bring it down. Once on the ground, we will have an advantage if we attack it from the flanks."

"I will try my best but what do you have in mind?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "Bring it down. I can't jump that high so I will use the tower to jump on it's back. Once on it, I will make it land by piercing one wing or both if needed after that, you know the plan. Let's just hope they aren't as resistant as Nidhogg or it will need more than just us to kill it." "Nidhogg?" asks Irileth and Vincent says, "I can tell you about it later. For now, let's kill that dragon."

Vincent enters the tower and runs up the stairs while Irileth commands her men towards the tower to be bait for the dragon. The dragon not knowing what was going on says, {I have forgotten what fine sport you mortals can provide!} And flies near the tower wanting to scare them at first until he sees a man flying towards him. "You think this is fun. I will show you the pain you inflicted on those poor souls," says Vincent who jumped at the dragon.

With his spear first he lands on the dragon piercing into the dragons back and the dragon says, {Who dares to attack me, Mirmulnir.} "That would be me, Vincent Highwind," says Vincent as he takes the bow and shoots twice into the wings of the Mirmulnir. Mirmulnir began to fall from the sky and Vincent takes the spear out of the back of Mirmulnir and jumps off when Mirmulnir was almost hitting the ground.

"Men attack from the flanks don't become idiots and stand in front of him," says Irileth and the guards shout, "Attack!" As they run towards the dragon that landed on the ruins of a wall. Vincent who landed on another piece of the destroyed wall jumps again towards Mirmulnir taking its attention. {Mortal, I will kill you!} shouts Mirmulnir as it runs towards Vincent once both were five-meter away from each other Mirmulnir shouts, "YOL TOOR SHUL!" And a fire breath came out of nowhere. Vincent already in mid-air used his spear to jump out of the trajectory of the fire breath and takes the Battleaxe he still had and swings it down at Mirmulnir's mouth closing it.

"Not so arrogant anymore. That happens you challenge a Dragoon," says Vincent as he takes the ax back out of the flesh and walks a meter forwards and swings his ax back down and he hears how the skull breaks and Mirmulnir says, {You defeated me today. But I will be back for vengeance.} Until Mirmulnir feels how his soul is getting sucked by something and Mirmulnir says, {No, a Dragonborn that's not possible.}

"Just die already," says Vincent who keeps swinging his ax at the head of the dragon until a guard says, "It's already dead." "You can never be sure," says Vincent as he jumps down from Mirmulnir's corpse. He walks towards his spear when Mirmulnir's corpse begins to radiate light begins to fly over to Vincent which was also begun to radiate too. The light flies into Vincent's body and only a dragon skeleton was left behind.

Vincent closed his eyes and the word he read before in the ruins on the Word Wall began to radiate in his consciousness like trying to get out until Vincent unconsciously shouts, "FUS." And the air in front of him made way and Vincent thinks, 'It's like back in the dungeon when the Draug pushed me back.'

The guards were shocked and one says, "You are a Dragonborn." "A Dragon what?" asks Vincent puzzled and the female guard says, "A Dragonborn. Slayer of Dragons. A Mortal with the soul of a Dragon." "What has that to do with me?" asks Vincent and another guard says, "You used the voice after absorbing the Dragon Soul. Only a Dragonborn can do that since it's his birthright." "It's been long since a Dragonborn appeared. I think since Tiber Septim himself," says another guard and a guard says, "What do you think Irileth?"

"I think that we were lucky today that the Dragon underestimated us. I don't need some legendary Dragonborn a man that can kill them is enough for me," says Irileth and a guard says, "That's because you don't believe in it. It is an honor to have fought against a Dragon with the Dragonborn. A story to tell my grandchildren once they are born."

Vincent picks his spear up and sees that it was almost not useable any longer and begins to sighs when Irileth comes to his side and says, "Maybe Eorlund Gray-Mane can make you a nice spear with those Dragon Bones and Scales. Take as many as you can carry. We will carry the rest to the city." "Are you sure?" asks Vincent and Irileth says, "You brought it down and killed it afterwards. It's only fair that you are the first."

Vincent then takes half of the Dragon Scales and Bones and asks, "Is that Eorlund that good?" "You haven't heard of him before. He is the best smith of Skyrim," says Irileth and Vincent says, "Maybe he can make me a good armor to with them." "He will no doubt with all the Bones and Scales," says Irileth and Vincent asks, "Can I give him some drawings and he could make the armor like the drawing?"

"He could. I will ask the Jarl once I return to convince the old man. He normally doesn't make weapons or armor for anyone," says Irileth and Vincent says, "I will look forward to it. See you at Whiterun then. I need a bath after all this." "See you there. Can you inform the Jarl about everything that happened?" says Irileth and Vincent says, "Will do so."

Vincent then begin to walk back towards Whiterun once on the gates the guard asks, "Were you successful?" "Yes, the dragon is dead. The others should return with the remains," says Vincent when suddenly the whole sky felt like it was about to shatter from a shout, "DOVAHKIIN!" "What was that?" asks Vincent with a drawn ax in hands and the guard says, "That were the Greybeards something is going on. You should go up to Dragonsreach and inform the Jarl of what happened at the Watchtower."

Vincent enters Whiterun and Adrianne sees the spear and says, "Really not even a week passed and it's already unusable." "Sorry about that. The Dragon almost incinerated me so I used the spear to change direction in mid-air," says Vincent and Adrianne asks, "Did you defeat it at least?" "Yes, you should see the remains once the other return. I will now go inform the Jarl see you later," says Vincent and Adrianne says, "Yes, do so he will be happy."

Vincent enters Dragonsreach and he sees Lucia with a woman eating together and Lucia stands up and runs towards Vincent while tears began to form in her eyes and hugs him while saying, "You are back." Vincent puts one knee on the ground and returns the hug and says, "Don't worry your Dad is hard to kill. We Highwind's are Dragon Knights after all. Remember that. Now go back to eat I need to talk to the Jarl." Lucia only nods and Vincent washes the tears away from her face and walks towards Balgruuf.

Balgruuf was surrounded by his brother, Hrongar, and Proventus that were discussing something until Vincent stood in front of them and Balgruuf says, "You are back were you successful in killing the Dragon?" "Yes, the other should return with the remains of it," says Vincent and Balgruuf asks, "Did something else happen after you all killed the Dragon?"

"*sighs* Yes, the Dragon turned into a Skeleton after killing it. The guards said that I absorbed the Dragon Soul and shouted in the old tongue bending the air around me," says Vincent and Balgruuf stood up from his seat and says, "Is that true. Demonstrate it." Vincent the shouts "FUS" into the air and Balgruuf says, "The Greybeards were called you earlier. Have you heard them before you came that shout that felt like the sky shattered. That was them calling you the Dragonborn."

"That means?" asks Vincent and Balgruuf says, "That means you need to go to High Hrothgar. Not now though, I know that you have to look after a child now. But you should go before the end of the month. We will look after your daughter once you leave." "Thank you," says Vincent and Balgruuf says, "No I have to thank you for defending my hold against a Dragon. But I forgot to give you your reward."

Balgruuf takes his sword out and puts it on Vincent's shoulder and says, "From today on you are a Thane of Whiterun." Then he sheaths it again and says, "I will inform my guards about your new title and everything else. Then there is Lydia she will become your Housecarl. She will serve you well. It's the woman besides your girl. Proventus give the man 1.000 septims for helping to kill the Dragon. That should be everything for now."

"Thanks, my lord," says Vincent who bows and walks over to Lucia's side, while Proventus went up to get the money for him. After some minutes he returns with a nice bag of money and Vincent says, "Thank you." "Don't worry you have done great work," says Proventus as he returns to Balgruuf's side and they began to discuss what to do next.

"My Thane," says Lydia and Vincent sits down beside Lucia and says, "Eat up." Then he looks at Lydia and asks, "What is a Thane?" "A Thane is an honorary title giving to a person of great importance. Like someone that contributed to our society," says Lydia and Vincent asks, "And a Housecarl?" "A Housecarl is a sworn bodyguard that will protect their Thane, their family, and their properties," says Lydia and Vincent asks, "You will live with us?"

"Yes, that way I can protect everything better since I'm right there than being here and something happens and I never get to know until the next day," says Lydia and Vincent says, "Fine, the guest room will be yours." "Thanks, my Thane," says Lydia and Vincent says, "Vincent is fine. All the 'my Thane' is molesting me already."

Lydia nods and Lucia finishes her meal and the three go home.