Everyday Life

Vincent was leading a normal life in Whiterun until a package from Hadvar arrived after two weeks. In it was a letter for Eorlund and Vincent as well as the clothes like Vincent wanted. "They are really pretty," says Lucia who sees them and Vincent says, "Aren't they. The tailor thought so too, it seems he is making them now on a regular basis for other people."

"Are they made to fight in?" asks Lydia and Vincent says, "Yes, Barde uses those to fight. They need to be agile and run on the battlefield in and out of danger the whole time. I should meet Eorlund he would want to read this letter." Vincent takes the clothes and the letter and leaves the house towards Jorrvaskr. Once there he walks the stairs up and sees Eorlund talking to another elderly man.

"You are a shame for us Gray-Manes. Helping the enemy instead of your family," says the man and Eorlund says, "Swallow your damn pride this Civil War won't help the Empire and only help our real enemy." "So you say that this is helping the Thalmors. But do you think they could take your son from us if Ulfric was High King? I don't think so," says the man and Eorlund says, "I'm done with you Vignar. Say one more thing and I will stop making weapons for the Companions and travel to Solitude to help the Empire myself by making weapons for them."

"You traitor," says Vignar who passes Vincent trying to push him over only to almost fall of the little hill if Vincent didn't grab him by the clothes and says, "Careful old man don't want you to break some of your bones by falling from here." After finding his stability Vignar says, "Let go." Vincent let go and Vignar leaves and Vincent asks, "Is he always like that?"

"Since we lost the war to the Thalmors. Just ignore him. Why have you come? If it's for the armor I told you I will send someone to your house," says Eorlund and Vincent says, "No, I came with something for you." Vincent hands over the letter and the clothes and Eorlund puts the clothes to the side beside the other two armors reads the letter and slowly a tear falls from Eorlund's cheek and says, "I need to leave. I'm sorry."

"Don't worry, I can understand that. I will also go home. My daughter is right now my priorities before I leave for adventure again," says Vincent as he leaves with Eorlund they walk to the marketplace where they split. Eorlund shows the letter to his wife who began to cry. She closed the stand they have and both return home for that day.

Vincent routine every day was training with Lucia for two hours and then keep training with the battleaxe and bow. Then he goes to the Warmaiden's to learn how to smith from Adrianne or Farengar comes over and teaches him Tamrielic Magic. Vincent almost forgot that he needed to leave Whiterun to see the Greybeards from living this peaceful. Five days later Avulstein the son of Eorlund came to Vincent house. Seeing Vincent and Lucia fighting with staffs.

"Aren't you going too hard on her?" asks Avulstein and Vincent says, "Not really. Maybe a little too soft because she is my daughter. My father always wanted me to fight with a katana but I refused when I was young because everyone was swinging staffs or spears around." "A Katana?" asks Avulstein and Vincent says, "It's a one edged sword."

"A you mean an Akaviri Sword. They aren't well seen right now. Best keep that to yourself. Well, my father wants to see you," says Avulstein and Vincent asks, "You going somewhere in this armor?" "No, my father doesn't want me outside the city because of what happened to my brother. Thank you by the way. He would have married my sister to you if she wasn't in love with Jon. I just hope this feud end before they can't have children," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "Wanna come with me then to High Hrothgar?"

"If you can convince my father," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "That should be easy, I think." Vincent tells Lucia that she should keep training alone the next two moves he taught her Full Thrust and Chaos Thrust. Then both leave towards the Skyforge. Arriving there they see Eorlund and Vignar having a heated conversation. Vignar leaves again and Eorlund says, "I really would kill this bastard if he wasn't my brother."

"Still fighting as I see," says Vincent and Eorlund says, "Aye, but let's talk about your weapons and armors. I made them like the schematics you gave me. I used the Dragon Bones and Scales as well as some Ebony and other ingots to give it the color. It was hard but they should serve you for a lifetime. Come to me if you ever want to make another of those exotic armors. It was quite challenging."

"I will do so," says Vincent and Eorlund asks, "How are you going to transport them?" "It will be our little secret. I trust you Eorlund. So I hope you can keep it secret," says Vincent and Eorlund says, "I will. If not for you and your friends my son could have been dead by now."

Vincent puts the Warriors armor on and puts the Bravura on his back. Then he takes the Crystal out and he begins to radiate and stands in the clothes he had on a moment ago and Eorlund as well as Avulstein open their eyes wide as Eorlund asks, "Is that some kind of magic?" "You could say yes. It helps me change armors fast in the middle of the battle," says Vincent as he puts the Choral Set with the Quiver and Artemis Bow and does the same as before.

Then the Drachen Set and the Gae Bolg but this time he didn't change into his normal clothes and says, "They feel perfect like my old one." "I'm glad that you like it," says Eorlund and Vincent says, "Now I can leave and find out what they Greybeards want. But I have a request." "And that is?" asks Eorlund and Vincent says, "Can I take your son with me. He would be an excellent company for my travel."

"NEVER! I don't want to worry about another son of mine," says Eorlund and Vincent says, "Nothing will happen to him. I promise you that." Both begin to discuss until Eorlund says, "Fine, but bring him back in one piece. That's all I want." "Don't worry old man I will come back in one piece," says Avulstein and Vincent says, "We meet tomorrow. I will go and buy supplies and a map. I learned from Farengar where everything is but it would be better to have a map just in case."

"Yea, sometimes you can lose yourself even when walking on the street. Just be careful that goes for both of you," says Eorlund and Vincent leaves and sees Aela returning from her contract and sees Vincent but can't recognize him and asks, "Are you here to enter the Companions?" "No, I was just leaving," says Vincent in a different voice because he knew where it would end if he didn't.

Aela visited him once in a while to have fun when she returns from a contract and Vincent didn't have time for that now so he left and Aela was looking at him puzzled and says, "Vincent, you know that you are the only one with those horns in Whiterun so come over here and please me before you return home." "I don't have time right now how about I come tonight?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "As if you would with your daughter sleeping beside you."

"*sighs* Fine but let's make it fast I need to buy supplies and a map for my trip to High Hrothgar," says Vincent and Aela grabs his arm and drags him into Jorrvaskr that was almost empty to her room and says while taking her armor off, "You owe me two hours." 'If I had known I would be this irresistible I would have become a boy toy to earn money,' thinks Vincent as he takes the armor off and Aela says, "Can you be more violent than normally?"

"You are in the mood to get punished today?" asks Vincent and Aela says, "Yes, punish me." And they began Vincent takes her from behind while grabbing her from the hair and hitting her butt. She begins to squeeze his dick. Vincent already made programs with Aela with all the time they had sec together. Soft is when they have normal sex. Wild when they fight for who is up and Violent was when she wanted that Vincent dominates her or does like he was r***** her.

After two hours she says, "Awesome as always, we will need a new program in which you completely destroy me until I can't walk anymore for two days." Vincent puts his armor back on and takes the spear into his hand and says, "I will leave tomorrow. Don't know when I will return so try to look out for my daughter when you are around." "Will do so and when you return my body will have forgotten how it feels to be taken by a real man. So make haste," says Aela as she lies in her bed and Vincent says, "See ya."

Vincent goes to the marketplace and buys meat from Anoriath and vegetables, as well as fruits, from Carlotta before returning home. He gets curious glances from the people since they never seen an armor like that before. Once at home Lucia sees him and runs at him and says, "You look cool, Dad." "Thanks, Lucia but I will be leaving starting tomorrow," says Vincent and Lucia asks, "Do you really have to go?"

"Someone has to stop the Dragons after all. They won't die by themselves," says Vincent while petting her head as both sit on the dinner table and Lucia asks, "Are you also a Warrior of Light like those of your stories?" "I was to tell you the truth. I was made one before I arrived here," says Vincent while thinking, 'It's too complicated to explain that to her now. Once she is older I will tell her the truth but for now, let's be as simple as possible.'

"From tomorrow on you need to sleep in your bed understood," says Vincent and Lucia says, "I will." "Good girl. Now let's eat something together before meeting the others at the Bannered Mare," says Vincent and all three eat the stew Lydia made after that all three meet with the others at the Bannered Mare and Carlotta says, "So you are leaving tomorrow."

"Yes, don't know how long I will be away. I hope you all can watch over Lucia until I return," says Vincent and Olfina who joined the little group of friends almost 3 weeks ago says, "Of course, I will treat her like a sister. You know that my father sees you as a son after helping Thorald. He would even let her live in our home." "Who could say no to such a cute little girl isn't that right Ulfberth. How about you put your seed in me already so we can have a child," says Adrianne while Carlotta and Vincent shut the ears of Lucia and Mila.

"In given time woman how about tonight if you want it that bad," says Ulfberth back and Vincent says, "Can we change the subject." "Aye it would be favorable to change it before Carlotta brings her dagger out," says Ysolda the group was having fun into the night. Until everyone left for their home.

The next day Vincent says, "Be a good girl and don't forget to train." "I won't," says Lucia who was almost crying and Vincent puts one knee on the ground and says, "Trust me, I will return. After all your big brother Avulstein wouldn't come with me right. Now wash those tears away from your face and give me one more hug before I leave."

Lucia gives Vincent a hug and Vincent does the same after some seconds Lucia was a lot calmer and Vincent says, "Better?" "Better," says Lucia after releasing the hug and Vincent says, "I will come back as fast as possible." Vincent then walks to the gates where Avulstein was waving at Lucia saying goodbye and asks, "You ready?" "Yes, I knew this day would come," says Vincent almost crying but his helmet was hiding it.