Killing Ulfric

Vincent, who was on Odahviing's back challenged Ulfric to a duel but Ulfric didn't response to it and he shouts, "It seems this self-proclaimed High King is too afraid to face me. Do you see people of Windhelm your Jarl is afraid of dying to my ax. When he challenged High King Torygg and won using underhanded means like using the voice he didn't back away. But now that someone of his own caliber appeared he hide in his Palast."

He stops for a moment and the people began to gossip when Vincent continues, "Ysgramor must be rolling in his grave to have such and cowardly High King sitting on his throne. I will give you one day. If you don't show up the city will burn until nothing is left of it. When you enter Sovngarde they won't let you enter for hiding behind those walls while your people die to the fire of my comrades."

Suddenly the doors of the Palast opens and Ulfric with his commander Galmar Stone-Fist came out and Ulfric says, "Who are you and why have you really come here. I don't think the Empire can control Dragons."

The Dragons got a bit angry and wanted to attack Ulfric to question their King. {A mere mortal dare to question our King. You really have a death wish.} says one of the Dragon angry scaring the people that were calm again into fleeing the scene when Vincent stretches his arms out and stops them.

"I'm the Dragonking. Ruler of all Dragons and law keeper for everyone that can use the voice. You broke the rules that's why I came to punish you after my long slumber. You used the voice against High King Torygg and defeated him that way. Now it's your turn to fight against me. Will the man beside you fight too and bring shame to this duel between us?" says Vincent eying Galmar that became nervous when all Dragon stared at him.

He instinctively backs away and Vincent says, "Thought so." The jumps down elegantly from Odahviing's back and says, "The duel begins the moment you have your weapon at hand." Then he shouts, "MUL QAH DIIV" and he was surrounded by an astral armor that laid over his Warrior's Set armor perfectly.

Ulfric was now nervous seeing a real voice user in front of him and says, "Aren't Voice User forbidden to use their Voice against people."

"That didn't stop you am I right. Why should it stop me now? I'm not bound by this law since I'm upholding the law Jurgen Windcaller made. Now draw your weapon or die as the coward you are," says Vincent as he goes in position to finish the fight with one swing of his ax.

The moment Ulfric unsheath his sword Vincent shouts, "FUS RO DAH" slamming Ulfric against the gates of the Palast of the Kings Ulfric stood up again without holding his sword that left his hand the moment he was slammed against the gates. Vincent walks towards where the sword was and throws it to Ulfric's feet and says, "Take it. I want to feel the helplessness that Torygg must have felt when you fought him."

Ulfric takes his sword in his hand when Vincent shouts again sending Ulfric flying again then he shouts, "YOL TOOR SHUL" setting Ulfric on fire.

Ulfric was pretty much defenseless against Vincent, who was ready to finish everything from the first moment but wanted Ulfric to feel some despair. For using in a fair duel the voice against his rival.

"Stand up and fight like a man or crawl like a slave," says Vincent when he sees Ulfric rolling around the ground. Vincent suddenly released his aura and makes every humanoid being feel a feeling like they needed to knee before him for he was absolute.

Vincent looks at Ulfric that put the flames out on his body and was naked as he stood in front of Vincent and says, "Didn't you shame me enough. Just deal the killing blow and get this over us already."

"So be it," says Vincent, who walks towards Ulfric and the aura became thicker with every step he takes towards Ulfric who was sweating even in the cold weather. Vincent stood across Ulfric and kicked him behind the knee making him knee and Vincent holds the ax up and strikes it down with one clean slice separating the head of Ulfric from his body.

Then he takes the head and holds it up while shouting, "The rebellion is over. Anyone that has something against it shall speak or forever stay silent."

No one dared to speak out of fear that Vincent would kill them for speaking out loud and Vincent says, "It seems no one wants to speak. I will take his head to Solitude to inform them of what happened afterward I will bring the head back so you can bury him even if he was without honor it doesn't mean he shouldn't have a normal burial."

Vincent jumps and lands on Odahviing's back and points at the man that once helped him while saying, "Your name?"

"Brunwulf Free-Winter is my name, sir," says Brunwulf that was kneeling like the others.

"From now on you are the Jarl of Windhelm. When I return with Ulfric's head and you aren't on Ysgramor's throne I will complete my threat on the city and burn it down. Do you all understand," says Vincent making everyone understand that if they want to live it would be better to accept what he said. Then he says to the dragons, {Thank you all for assisting me today. You can now leave and continue with your matters.}

{Thank you, my King.} say the Dragons as they leave Windhelm.

{Odahviing we are going to Solitude from here on.} says Vincent and Odahviing begins to fly towards the west. They overfly almost all of Skyrim when Vincent asks, {What lies in the West from here?}

{Northwest is High Rock and Southwest is Hammerfell.} says Odahviing as they were overflying Solitude and the people of Solitude were in a panic since a dragon was overflying it.

"People of Solitude we come in peace. We aren't here to attack you but to inform General Tullius of something. As long as you don't attack this dragon and me nothing will happen," says Vincent as Odahviing lands in front of the barracks of the Legion. Vincent was in his Drachen Set as he dismounts Odahviing and legionaries stood in circling them.

Vincent sees Tor and takes his helmet off while saying, "It's been a long time doesn't it Tor."

"Vincent is that you?" asks Tor, who dropped his guard.

"Yes, I'm here to talk to General Tullius I have something for him," says Vincent holding a bloody bag up.

"Right," says Tor while telling the others, "Make way he is an ally of the Legion." The legionaries listened and made way for Vincent, who walked towards Tor.

"Where is Hadvar?" asks Vincent curious since he hasn't seen him around the other legionaries.

"He is outside completing a mission right now. He will return in a day or two," says Tor guiding Vincent inside.

Once in front of General Tullius and Legate Rikke, who were discussing some tactics on how to unify Skyrim again, Tor says, "Legionary Tor here to report."

"What happened Legionary and why have you brought this man here," says Rikke when Tullius sees Vincent.

"The Argonian from Helgen that escaped with you," says Tullius recognizing Vincent.

"Not Argonian. I'm an Au-Ra and I'm not here to join your Legion since I have other things to do right now," says Vincent when Rikke unsheaths her sword.

"You don't talk to my General like that," says Rikke while Vincent releases his aura making her knee before him.

"I'm the Dragonking. You really want to fight me. The man that commands almost all Dragons right now. That sounds almost like suicide," says Vincent scaring Rikke when he takes the head of Ulfric out of the bloody bag. Everyone was stunned and Vincent says, "Well being stunned was part of it but to be speechless too that's something new."

"How?" asks Rikke still bit believing what she is seeing.

"Like said before I'm the Dragonking. I now control Dragons because I killed their King. I in being the Dragonborn have the right to take over the throne after killing Alduin it seems," inform Vincent the three people that were now sitting on chairs because they had shaky legs when he continues and says, "But I defeated Ulfric in a Duel as he has done against Torygg. He should be resting in peace now that he was avenged."

"So you just flow over to Windhelm challenged Ulfric and killed him is that right?" asks Tullius still puzzling everything together.

"Yes, something like that if we don't count that every Dragon of Eastmarch was there to intimidate the guards so no one intervened in our duel. Killing him was quite easy if we talk seriously I appointed someone else, that I think that is far better, as the Jarl and stopped the civil war. And you are welcome," says Vincent as he sits down on a chair.

"I need to talk to Elisif about something," says Tullius as he leaves the barracks.

"Who is Elisif?" asks Vincent confused.

"She is the widow of Torygg, as well as the rival of Ulfric for the position of High King or better said Queen," says Tor already thinking what could happen in the next minutes.

"If I were you I would prepare to meet here," says Rikke.

"How about you show me where Hadvar ordered to make my clothes," says Vincent wanting to make his Summoner's Set clothes.

"Right let me bring you there," says Tor as he wants to guide him towards Radiant Raiment when Rikke stops them.

"You can't just leave what if the General returns in a moment," says Rikke angry.

"It's just a moment it's not like we will be eaten by the ground and disappear," says Vincent as both leave the barracks.

Once outside Vincent sees Odahviing annoyed because he is being used as a toy by the children of Solitude and says, {Be lucky I vowed not to hurt humanoids or you would be done.} Everyone not understanding what was going on thought that he was quite neutral while Vincent was holding his laughs inside as Tor guided him away.

They arrive at the Radiant Raiment and enter when an Altmer sees them and says, "A Tor it's you. Did Hadvar sent you to make another of those exotic clothes for your friend?"

"You really catch on fast," says Tor.

"That is quite easy since no legionary enters this shop. The only time one came was because you wanted to let something made for a friend of yours. Ah, you must be new in Solitude. My name is Taarie. My sister is Endarie normally it's her who attends business but she is on a pause. Now if you are like the other Nords it would be better just to leave," says Taarie.

"Don't worry don't have anything against Altmers. I'm married to one," says Vincent stunning Tor as well as Taarie.

"You are married?" asks Tor shocked to hear that.

"Not officially but yes. We found each other when I was on my travels. We traveled together for some time before we grow attached," says Vincent.

"You still haven't told me why you are here?" asks Taarie now curious.

"Right," says Vincent while taking out the schematics for his new clothes and hands it over while saying, "I want you to make those clothes for me. Can you do that?"

Taarie looks at the schematics and says, "Are you the friend that wanted those clothes some months back?"

"Yes, I heard you made quite a sum with them," says Vincent.

"If it was really you then we will make them for free to you since you are a benefactor to us. It's quite rare to see such clothes and they sold quite good to the nobles around Solitude," says Taarie.

"Can you send them to Whiterun for me. I won't stay long in Solitude since I live in Whiterun with my family," says Vincent and Taarie nods.

"If you want you can look into our wares. Maybe you like some of the clothes for you or your wife," says Taarie showing him to the clothes they were selling.

Vincent picked some nice dresses for girls and two nice dresses that showed some line when putting on and says, "I will take those."

"Aren't they a little too small for your wife?" asks Taarie.

"They are for our daughters. I have two of them waiting at home," says Vincent.

"Really, even daughters. What else do you have now. A title and a big house?" says Tor.

"The big house is completed and only needs furniture and I have a title have you forgotten. Well, then there is also the Thane of Hjaalmarch, Eastmarch and Whiterun Hold," says Vincent making Tor sad.

"Why can't I have a big house and title," says Tor.

"Work hard now with the civil war over you might be able to see your wife," says Vincent when Taarie begins to laugh and Vincent asks, "Something wrong?"

"No nothing he never told you who he married right," says Taarie with a smile and she point at herself and says, "Right here is his wife."

"Wait-" says Vincent when Taarie interrupts him.

"Yes, he a Nord married an Altmer. His parents and my parents aren't even talking to us since they see us as traitors for doing so," says Taarie when a Legionary enters the shop and informs them that General Tullius and Jarl Elisif arrived at the Barracks and they should return.

"Well, it was nice to meet you. Vincent Highwing, if you ever need a problem solver let me know and I will take care of it," says Vincent while packing the clothes away and leaving the shop with Tor.