
After Proventus explained to Vincent how to be a Jarl and telling Elisif the normal troubles of Whiterun they were left for a while and Elisif says, "I will live in Dragonsreach for now."

"That's alright for me don't want to force you to live with me if you don't want to. Just come once in a while over to see the girls since it seems they took a liking on you," says Vincent as he overflies some documents Proventus gave him to learn on how to be a Jarl.

"Are you worried that much because of the girls," says Elisif.

"Yes, both my girls are orphans. I could even be the reason that one became an orphan since her father was a Stormcloak," says Vincent and sees Elisif make a face that would describe disgust to him.

"Did you really?" asks Elisif.

"I don't know. We killed too many so we could escape Helgen and the Dragon also got a few of them. He could also just starved to death in the keep since we burned the provision we didn't need," says Vincent.

"Those bastards deserved what they got," says Elisif and Vincent understood that it wasn't him she felt disgusted for but the Stormcloaks.

"Yeah, but they still have families back home. Sometimes we can't choose for what we are fighting for," says Vincent to Elisif.

"You sounded like my dead husband right now. He also said that we can't choose for what we fight for and sometimes it's better to accept it than fight against it. If he just never accepted that duel he would still be here," says Elisif as tears begin to form in her eyes remembering Torygg.

"We can't change the past but form the future so the past never happens again," says Vincent as he stands up and gives her a hug and says, "Just cry for a while it better to leave all out than keeping it inside."

After half an hour Vincent released Elisif from the hug and Elisif says, "Thank you, I really haven't had much time to mourn over Torygg since many awaited many things from me. This was the first time I was allowed to cry for a while without nobody telling me that I should keep it inside to give a strong front to the others."

"Well, I'm not everyone. I lost family, friends, and colleagues in the war against the Dragons in my homeland. I always showed my emotion to show that even as Dragoons we still are human beings. I even lost a friend I have fallen for without knowing it, after finding out the hardships I wanted to help her even more but the Dragoon law would make me kill her," says Vincent remembering the Elezen in question.

"Really?" asks Elisif sad.

"Yes, she was on the enemy's side. Now that the treaty was made I could go out with her but she is dead after all," says Vincent as he sits down again.

"What was her name?" asks Elisif curious.

"Ysayle Dangoulain, she was better known as Lady Iceheart. I really hated her at first but I have fallen for her in the end. She sacrificed her life so we could defeat the real enemy," says Vincent angry remembering how she died from the attack from the Garlean.

He was gripping the documents to hard making wrinkles appear on them when Elisif says, "You need to calm down or Proventus will never give you paper again to learn from."

She calms him down by petting his hands the whole time until he relaxed them and let go of the paper and says, "I'm sorry. I was thinking about those Garlean bastards."

"Garlic?" asks Elisif making Vincent laugh.

"Garlean. They are an Empire that was conquering everything around them oppressing the other lands," says Vincent explaining the Garlean to her.

"So like the Dominion right now," says Elisif.

"Yes, just that they were technologically advanced then we are. They had flying ships. Cannons and those Gunblades. If it wasn't for our magic we would have been overrun a long time ago," says Vincent telling her about the technology the Garlean have.

"Do you think you could rebuild them here?" asks Elisif thinking, 'If we had such weapon we could win against the Dominion.'

"I don't know how to build them. Only Cid knows and he is not here," says Vincent.

"And why can Cid build them?" asks Elisif.

"He is a Garlean that left the Empire because he thought they were wrong and helped Eorzea fight against them. He is a genius when it came to the Garlean technology and build what he could to push them back from Eorzea. I used one of his ships before they were quite useful to fight against Dragons," says Vincent.

Then Balgruuf enters with Tullius into the room and says, "We are ready to leave. I wanted to make sure everything was alright."

"Yes, Vincent was telling me of flying ships and weapons I never heard before," says Elisif stunning Tullius.

"You had flying ships?" asks Tullius.

"Yes, we had also Muskets. They were used by normal people to defend against Dragons that weren't Dragoons. They can kill a man in one shoot if used right. Even a kid could kill with them. That's why I never used them. I don't see any honor in using them to kill my enemy," says Vincent now shocking all three with his comment.

"Even children could use that weapon and kill," says Elisif not believing it.

"Yes, we had to keep them away in the barracks so they don't get their hands on them. They think they are toys and could kill each other that's why we keep them under lock," explains Vincent.

"Are they that dangerous," says Tullius.

"If I had thousand of them I could conquer Tamriel with a thousand men and my Dragons. If every shot kills it means a thousand men will die from one shoot or is gravely wounded and won't be able to fight. How long do you think the war would go on," says Vincent pointing out how to win the war the easiest way.

"Then there are also the cannons with them you could get a dragon from the sky with one shot. With them, you can kill ten to twenty people if aimed right. The ships would be used to transport supplies making it impossible for the enemy to intercept them," says Vincent already forming strategies for them against the Dominion when he says, "But it will be impossible to build them in this world because for that I would need to know how Magicka works and the brain of Cid nan Garlond."

"Why his brain?" asks Tullius making Vincent laugh.

"He always kept everything behind closed doors and only his students knew how everything worked so no one could misuse the knowledge he has," says Vincent when the other three were making a disappointed face.

"But we still have time before war breaks out. How about we worry when the time arrives," says Vincent to them as he stands up and says, "Let me accompany you towards the gates."

"I thought you would bring us back," says Tullius confused.

"Too many people for one Dragon. And Odahviing is the only Dragon that would allow people on him. The others would protest the whole day about it," says Vincent stating the truth about the Dragons not wanting to carry humans around if it wasn't necessary.

"We will need some guards until reaching Rorikstead. I will send a messenger to Dragon Bridge to sent people to await us in Rorikstead," says Tullius as he leaves the room.

"Alright, now that he left to let me smuggle you and your kids to Solitude while he and your brother go by carriage. We can't have Solitude that long without a Jarl don't you think so," says Vincent as he smiles.

"What about not having enough space?" asks Balgruuf confused.

"Let's say it's a lie I made up to get back on Tullius for making me marry Elisif," says Vincent when Elisif hits him with her elbow in his ribs making Balgruuf smile.

"You already behave like a real couple there. Well, where do we meet then?" asks Balgruuf.

"In front of my new house. Let me get your baggage so you don't need to carry it out," says Vincent as he walks towards Balgruuf and both leave the room and Balgruuf leads him to his luggage. Vincent puts everything in his bag and says, "Get the kids the faster we leave the better. He will need some time to finish his letter. So he won't notice us leaving."

Balgruuf takes his children and they were excited to ride a Dragon after hearing Vincent talk about it. They walk through the streets swiftly so even if Tullius now found out he won't catch them. Then Vincent took both of his girls with him and they left for the house outside Whiterun and Lucia asks, "What are we doing here?"

"Today you will have a one-time chance to ride on a Dragon so I wanted you both to experience it. Maybe one day when you are older you will ride one yourself," says Vincent as he calls for Odahviing.

He sees them and says, {Even more human this time. Did I become a mule now.}

{Come on he is one of my benefactors and his children and my children. You really don't want to leave a good impression on them.} says Vincent persuasion Odahviing.

{Fine, but only because your children are coming too.} says Odahviing as Vincent helps them all up.

"Alright everyone hold tight or you might fall," says Vincent as Odahviing begins to fly through the air making the children being excited from feeling the wind in their face.

Suddenly Dagny the daughter of Balgruuf crawled towards Lucia and Sofie and they began to talk until Lucia lost her balance and began to free fall from Odahviing's back. She began to scream and Vincent jumped straight behind her to catch her.

Once he has her in his arms he began to think about what Akatosh told him before about changing into a Dragon. He began to concentrate but the only thing in his mind was Nidhogg and he shouted, "MUL QAH DIIV" and his armor disappeared while he began to transform into the dragon he had in mind.

He took the form of Nidhogg and began to fly instinctively in the sky while carrying Lucia in one of his front legs. He puts her on his back and says, "Don't scare me like that again."

"I'm sorry Dad," says Lucia that was crying her eyes out.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry with you. I'm just angry with myself for not bringing another Dragon with us," says Vincent as they almost reached Solitude.

Both land in front of the Barracks making the children of Solitude appear when they saw Odahviing. Vincent transformed back into his human form and he had his armor back on.

{Was that form from the Dragons on your side?} asks Odahviing finding it curious that the Dragons here only had two legs while the one's in Hydaelyn had four even with their father being Akatosh.

{Yes, I took the form of my Archenemy that was killed by a friend of mine.} says Vincent.

{Better that than a dead child.} says Odahviing seriously.

{Truer words were never spoken before.} says Vincent as he leaves with the other towards the Blue Palast.