Serana from Clan Volkihar

Once they arrive at Dawnstar they go to the Inn there. They pay for two rooms one for the woman and one for themselves. They put the woman in a bed and Vincent opens his wound on his hand and the blood begins to fall from his hand into the woman's mouth.

They help her until she opens her eyes and grabs Vincent's hand and begins to suck his blood. Mina wanted to hit the woman's head to knock her out when Vincent stops her and says, "Don't worry I won't die from this. I will just need some sleep."

"Alright, but if she tries something funny I will knock her out," says Mina watching the woman drink the blood until she was full and she has fallen asleep again.

"We should go to sleep to let me place a Carbuncle in the room so she doesn't panic when she regains consciousness," says Vincent as he summons a Carbuncle and both Mina and Vincent leave the room to enter theirs.

"So do you think she is good or bad?" asks Mina.

"I just hope my blood doesn't kill her. But I can't tell without talking with her first. We will find out tomorrow. I feel exhausted from losing too much blood," says Vincent as he lies down beside Mina and both begin to sleep until the Carbuncle enters their room wanting to inform Vincent that the woman was about to wake up.

"Do you really have to go?" asks Mina as she was hugging Vincent.

"It would be good that someone explains what is going on before something happens," says Vincent as he stands up.

"Come back quickly I need your warm in this cold region," says Mina as she let's go of Vincent, who puts some clothes on and goes to the next room with the Carbuncle as he sees the woman sitting on the bed.

"So you are the master of this little fox," says the woman curious.

"He is not a fox but a Carbuncle," says Vincent correcting the woman before saying, "Now who are you and what were you doing in that crypt? I don't think they put you there just for fun right."

"How about you name yourself first before I do the same. And I will answer your next question after you answer mine," says the woman.

"Alright, a fair trade it seems to me. My name is Vincent Highwind," says Jack as he sits on a chair while the Carbuncle sits on his lap and is being petted by him.

"I'm Serana of the Volkihar Clan and as you already know a Vampire," says Serana as she sees Vincent and the Carbuncle. Then she asks, "My turn. Where are we right now?"

"We are in an inn in Dawnstar. It's not far from the crypt you were held prisoner or safe or whatever," says Vincent as they continue forward this small talk about little thing when Vincent asks, "How long have you been down there?"

"That is a good question. Who is the High King in Skyrim right now?" asks Serana back not knowing who it is.

"That would be me and my wife Elisif," says Vincent shocking Serana.

"I really wouldn't believe that the stubborn Nords would let a not Nord become their High King. Many things have changed it seems," says Serana holding her chin.

"Well, they don't really have much of a choice if I'm the one that holds the Dragons in line," says Vincent surprising Serana.

"Wait Dragons aren't they dead?" asks Serana confused.

"They are more than alive had to fight some of them before becoming their King. Now back to my question how long were you in there," says Vincent wanting to know that.

"A thousand years maybe more," says Serana as she says, "Can you tell me something about the history of the continent maybe I can point out how long I was gone."

"Then you are asking the wrong person maybe my wife Mina can help you later. She is in the other room. You should rest tomorrow will be a long day," says Vincent as he stands up and the Carbuncle jumps from his lap to his shoulder.

"Can I ask you a favor?" asks Serana.

"What do you need?" asks Vincent who was at the door.

"Can you guide me home?" asks Serana hoping that Vincent will help her.

"Alright, you seem like an honest person. Your clan must be like you too right," says Vincent as he leaves the room.

Serana had now a sad face and says to herself, "If you knew them you wouldn't have helped."

Vincent enters his room and undresses again and lies beside Mina who asks, "And is she good or evil?"

"She has the heart in the right place but she is still a worry if you ask me since her name is Serana," says Vincent as Mina looks at him seriously.

"Like the Immortal Queen Serana that you read about in the Book of Fate?" asks Mina curious to find out.

"Could be at least that would answer the Immortal part about that Immortal Queen Serana if she was a Vampire. But I'm not so sure about that," says Vincent as he hugs his wife and they begin to sleep again while the Carbuncle was sleeping on the end of the bed.

The next morning they prepared to leave Dawnstar for now and Serana was sitting with Mina on Lily and Serena asks, "So where are we going?"

"First we are going to our house. From there we will change the mount," says Vincent when Behemoth gets angry and Vincent pets it and says, "It's not because of you. You are the best of mount of all but if we are going somewhere dangerous I would like some more firepower."

"What are those birds by the way? It's the second thing I don't recognize in the continent," says Serana.

"Those are Chocobos they are mounts used by Vincent's people. Aren't they cute," says Mina as she pets Lily.

"Alright, we should arrive be arriving at home before the moon rises if we travel by land so how about we pick a little pace so I can get the children from Riften," says Vincent as Behemoth pick up the pace and spreads his wings.

"Hold on Serana we are about to fly," says Mina as Lily follows Behemoth and both begin to take off the ground and fly in the sky. They fly towards New Haven when Vincent sees a Hawk fly in front of them.

Vincent jumped off Behemoth making Serana shout, "Are you crazy."

"Don't worry he can maneuver in midair as if he was a bird," says Mina who saw Vincent do it time after time.

Vincent was jumping left and right feeling like in his prime. He reaches the nest of the Hawk and wants to take one out when he decided not to do that and just falls towards the ground safely then he sprints before jumping again landing on Behemoth's back as if nothing happened.

"Did you get Luci's gift?" asks Mina curious since Lucia wanted a hawk.

"No, I will get her something better. Do you have Griffins in this world?" asks Vincent surprising Serana that Vincent didn't know since they lived from where his wife is from.

"Yes, they are in Summerset Isles. But they are called Gryphons around there," says Mina as she looks at Serana, who was confused about where this conversation is going.

"I will get her one of those. With Sofie having Snow a hawk for Lucia is too little. She should have her own mount in the future," says Vincent.

"Who is Lucia and Sofie?" asks Serana curious.

"They are our daughters. Well adopted but we love them as they are ours," says Mina as alarm bells ring in Serana's head.

"You can't possibly be thinking of gifting your daughter a Gryphon they are too dangerous," says Serana seriously.

"It wouldn't be the first dangerous animal at home. Sofie has a Snow Sabre Cat as a pet since she found it outside the city. They can be tame with time and if you have them since little. Also, they aren't as powerful as a Chocobo. Aren't I right," says Vincent making Behemoth happy with that comment.

"So you going all the way to Summerset?" asks Mina worried.

"Yes, after leaving Serana at her home I will leave to get Lucia's gift. I might as well get some for the other two as well. As well as show the dragons outside Skyrim who is the boss so they know who is in command here," says Vincent.

"I thought you were in command of all dragons?" asks Serana seriously.

"Not all. The dragons that lived in Skyrim and didn't want to stay under my rule left for the other regions but I might show some dominance to show the dragons that I'm their King and if they don't follow they will just become my food," says Vincent as if it was nothing big while Serana was nervous just picturing that in her head.

They arrive at New Haven and find Sofie and Lucia training while Snow was chasing some skeever that was running outside the house.

Vincent jumps down while Behemoth was descending and once he landed he goes to his girls and hugs them while saying, "Did you miss me? Because I missed my two cute daughters."

"Papa," say both returning the hug careful since the armor had some spikes here and there.

"Did you bring me a pet this time?" asks Lucia full with hope. Vincent sees the stare of Lucia and it almost breaks his heart to say no when he says, "I will leave later to get your pet since I want it to become your mount in the future as Sofie has Snow when he is grown out. So it won't be a dog or a hawk but I will get you something really special that lives in a faraway land. That's why tomorrow I will leave again for some time to get your pet. But before leaving I will bring your new brother and sister."

"So I'm becoming an older sister?" asks Sofie excited about it.

"Yes, your mother and I agreed on it," says Vincent when Mina and Serana landed.

Both girls rushed towards Mina and hugged her in the excitement when Vincent calls Odahviing. {It has been long since you called me,} says Odahviing as he lands in the backyard giving Serana a heart attack.

"So you really control Dragons," says Serana, who was excited from seeing a Dragon for the first time.

Vincent mounts Odahviing and says, "See you in a moment."

As they take off towards Riften and says, {I need some Dragons from Rift and Falkreath Hold to gather the Dragons of Tamriel to come to the mountain near Bruma. They shall bring the five strongest from every Region. If one Region doesn't appear this Dragonking will go there personally to kill them all to become my food.}

{I will tell them once I leave you in Riften,} says Odahviing as they arrive at the gates of Riften. The guards were nervous until they see how Vincent dismounted the Dragon and the calmed down again.

Vincent goes to the Honorhall Orphanage and enters it. He finds now more children in the Orphanage now that the war was over and bandits were being killed by the guards left and right making the streets safer to get the children to the Orphanage.

"Ah, my lord are you here for the two children," says Constance as she sees Vincent.

"That's right. Now let's make it official so I can take them with me. My two girls want to meet their siblings," says Vincent and Constance brings the papers out and hands them to Vincent.

Then she goes to get the two and once she returned with them she says, "This here is your new Father."

"Are you really adopting us?" asks Hroar a little exciting as well as Runa.

"Yes, but it won't be always easy for you since I will train you both as my own children. My other two girls that I adopted didn't complain about the training. I hope you won't too. If you complete it you both will be as strong as I'm one day," says Vincent to them.

"And how strong are you?" asks Runa after hearing Vincent's speech.

"You will find out once we ride back home," says Vincent when he hears Hroar's stomach growl and says, "But first we should eat something right."

"Yea," say both as Vincent takes both to the Bee and Barb Inn to get them something to eat. But now rumor of who Vincent was started running in Riften and Keerava didn't want to accept the coins but Vincent forced her to accept it since the food was to his taste.

Meanwhile, Maven was red in anger since the Thieves Guild didn't exist any longer as well as the Dark Brotherhood who both returned the money back to her because they were now under the new High King's Network making it harder for her to make businesses.