Morrowind and Black Marsh

A week after investigating in Apocrypha, Vincent and Hermaeus Mora found a way to communicate with the other side but for it to work both sides needed to follow a simple ritual as the only real problem was to connect both objects with each other but thanks to Vincent's connection to the other side it was resolved quite fast.

Y'shtola uses a hand mirror as well as Vincent as they connected both using Vincent dreamscape to make the bonding of the mirrors.

After another few days passed finally Vasathad arrived at Corinthe to inform Vincent about his decision with the Leaders of the different clans.

Vincent was sitting on a chair and gestures to them to sit down in front of him while his Generals were standing behind Vincent when Vasathad asks, "Where are my children?"

Vincent raises his hand and Vyrve walks towards a door and opens it making two curious cats fall to the ground making the General hold their hands in front of their mouth to not show their smile when Vyrve helps Saaranji up who was in elegant clothes while Hassmhirr was wearing the armor of the Legion.

"What happened to you two? Why are you wearing that armor and why are you wearing that dress?" asks Vasathad not believing what he was seeing.

"Calm down father we have our reason," says Hassmhirr as he stays calm while looking at his father as he joins Vyrve and the others behind Vincent while Saaranji wasn't accustomed to sitting beside Vincent yet.

"Now what did the Manes say about the proposal I gave you," says Vincent as all leader looked at Vasathad nervous he wouldn't accept what the Manes decided.

"*sighs* The Manes decided that I should become King and my bloodline until the next Mane is born," says Vasathad as every Leader sighs in relief that the most stubborn Khajiit followed to break tradition before a genocide started.

"Good then from today on you will be King of Elsweyr. You will be under my rule like every other King or Queen of Tamriel. Since we are done here the Legions will retreat leaving one behind to recruit Khajiits to join the new Legion I'm building. Hassmhirr will be staying here with Briin. After the new Legion is built Briin will retreat towards Valenwood leaving Hassmhirr here with built Legion to keep everyone safe," says Vincent informing everyone about what will be happening in the next few days.

The Leader all nod as Vasathad asks, "What about my daughter?"

"She will accompany me to the Imperial City and marry me," says Vincent as suddenly Vasathad punches the table they were sitting around breaking it with his raw strength.

"She won-," says Vasathad when a voice appears out of nowhere from Vincent's side.

"She will," says the feminine voice as Saaranji takes a mirror out and turns it around towards her father.

Vasathad was stunned by seeing his wife's face in the mirror as he says, "Matoya you are-"

"Alive, yes," says Y'shtola as she looked happy seeing her husband who she thought was only an illusion before and continues, "Vincent is a friend of mine. He won't mistreat our little girl and if I find out about it hell will rain over him."

Now Vincent was sweating inside not showing it on his face as he asks, "So do you have anything against it now?"

"I trust in the words of my wife," says Vasathad as he sits back down making Hassmhirr breathe in relief again.

"Then you should go to Torval and administrate from there. Hassmhirr will stay here and begin recruiting we will return to the Imperial City beginning tomorrow. Inform the troops," says Vincent as he stands up and says to Saaranji, "You should stay with your father tonight. He will have many questions for your mother since the mirror was a gift from me to you."

"Yes, thank you again," says Saaranji as she leaves to join her father as Vincent looks at Hassmhirr to go see his father too.

Vincent retreated for the day as he was followed by the others outside leaving the Khajiits to themselves for now.

"So you going to leave me here," says Briin when Vincent nods.

"Yes, you will be the best since the Khajiits and Bosmers have a history with each other being allies before. Now with the Empire back in command over the west of Tamriel, I only need to conquer the east with the remaining Legions before peace can reign again," says Vincent as he was planning already.

"Are we going to do it like before?" asks Vyrve as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, the Dunmer will surrender if we can calm the Red Mountain. The Argonians are our problem but with the Dragons, we should be able to conquer them in a month of time even faster if we threaten with burning the Hists down," says Vincent as all General present nod in understanding.

The next three weeks the Legion marched towards the Imperial City were a surprise was waiting for Vincent as his wives and wife candidates were waiting for him there as the heir to his throne was born many wanted to see him.

Vincent was rather serious about it since he only spent three days in the capital as he married Lytara, Saaranji, Anra, and Karliah who finally gave up because Vincent promised her she wouldn't need to be around court if she didn't want to be there.

The other four children really liked the change around them as they got some teachers to tend to their needs that Vincent couldn't because he was outside the last few months waging war against the continent. Varen was still in Hammerfell recruiting Redguards for the Legion as well as a trustworthy person to become Vincent's General.

Vlad, on the other hand, was going through information around the Redguard nobility to find a woman for Vincent that would suit him personally. She had to accept that she would become one of many and had to see all the children as her own.

Vincent in those three days wasn't really having fun since he had to look over the reports looking over his children as well as his wives and giving the new wives some more attention to get them pregnant so Mina's plan would work.

It wasn't easy for him to sleep with Lytara since they almost didn't know each other while he had passed the last month with Saaranji and knew the other two longer than a year.

Vincent was quite exhausted if it wasn't for his children making him feel full of energy when he saw them making the women around see how he cared for his adopted children even when he had his own.

Behemoth and Lily were in the stables from the Imperial City until Vincent could get them into the city somewhere near the Palace because for him they were family.

After the three days Vincent marched again this time with Ysayle, Serana, and Karliah making Kuntur and Vermont take a break of being Vincent's shadows for now.

They were reaching Morrowind when Serana says, "We are going to miss Elisif giving birth."

"Most likely but she knows how to name our child," says Vincent as he was in the middle of the Legion when they arrived at Mournhold and from there Vincent and his wives went alone with the Dragons towards Vvardenfell leaving Vyrve behind to look after the Legion and keep an eye on the Dunmers.

Arriving at Vvardenfell they could see the devastation left behind by the Red Mountain as Ysayle had to transform into Shiva while the Dragons had to use they Frost Breathe to calm the Vulcan down as the free Dragons began to use magic to clean the air with the help of Shiva as she was almost everywhere until she landed back on Vincent's back and turned back.

"We have done what we could now the people need to repopulate the island again," says Ysayle as she was exhausted and Vincent flew back.

Once in Mournhold, many were happy since the air wasn't as contaminated as it used to be as a mild breeze passed through making many Dunmers happy as they could return to their homes even if they needed to rebuild everything it was better than to live in the streets.

Vincent then made Adril the temporary King until he had a Dunmer son and left Vyrve behind to begin recruiting to build another Legion as he takes half of the Legion and marches towards Black March.

Once at the border he gets informed that Black March already surrendered to Wuldimar who was in Helstrom in the center of the Black Marsh. It was the capital of the non-imperial Black Marsh and with Wuldimar holding said Capital making clear that he won't stop until all Black Marsh would be in his control for the Empire.

The Argonians were scared because Wuldimar made an example of some Hists near the borders making many cities as well as town and villages surrender. He didn't destroy the eggs since Vincent told him not to do that and escorted the eggs towards another Hist so the Argonian can keep going with their tradition.

Once at Helstrom Vincent was welcomed by Wuldimar as well as what the Argonian would call Nobility. Many Argonians were surprised that the Emperor had scales like them on some parts of his body as well as a tail. They thought that Vincent was an Argonian until they get closer and didn't feel the influence of the Hist in him making clear that he either wasn't an Argonian or was born without the influence of the Hist.

Vincent was presented to an Argonian that had white scales like snow almost. She was looking kinda cute like that and Serana and the other women looked at her and talked with her before raising their thumbs up in agreement towards Vincent.

As she wasn't nobility because there didn't exist nobility in Black Marsh but the biggest reason why the women agreed was because Nuslei was born outside the Hist's influence making her not follow every tradition the Argonian had.

That was the reason why Nuslei was also single since no male Argonian wanted to marry her because she wasn't connected to the Hist making it risky for them if their descendant could be stillborns because of that.

"Your Majesty," says Nuslei nervous as Vincent only smiles.

"Don't worry my wives just seem to like you and want to make you marry me. But before that, I need a temporary King or Queen. Do you know a person I could trust?" says Vincent as Nuslei nods and tells him about a female Argonian named Skalah Calileesh.

She was the woman who raised Nuslei even without her being connected to the Hist while her parents abandoned her when she was born that way. This convinced Vincent to make her the Queen of Argonian for now as Wuldimar stayed behind to form another Legion and to find a trustworthy General for it.

Vincent from there returned with half the Legion he came with from Morrowind as he returned again victoriously and found a new baby lying in another crib beside Naosane.

It was a healthy boy named Torygg named after Elisif dead husband since she loved him that much Vincent thought that if it was a boy she could name the boy after him.

He picked Torygg up and walked over to Nao and picked him up to as he was playing with both before returning to train their other siblings.