Killing Solas

The next day Vincent and the other left the ruins when Solona asks, "Where are we going?"

"We are going to meet with luck one of Theron's Gods even though I would call him only a Mer," says Vincent as Solona was a little confused about it.

"So is it normal for you to meet a god?" asks Solona confused and curious at the same time.

"If you knew my family you wouldn't ask that when the First Emperor married his father the Divine Akatosh was always present," says Vincent confusing Solona and now even Theron.

"What he means is yes. Divines are our Gods and Akatosh is the head of the Divines. So you could say Vincent bloodline comes from Akatosh since he like the First Emperor has Dragon Blood in his veins," says Anra explaining it simpler to them.

"So you met some of your Gods, except for Akatosh?" asks Solona since it was something new for her that a God would show himself.

"Yes, I met three more," says Vincent as they arrived at said ruins that Hrotti mentioned before in her letter.

"Another ruin," says Serana as she wasn't really fond of them.

"It can't be helped," says Vincent as he enters it.

They kill some spiders that were in their way as Vincent feels that something was strange and says, "Careful everyone, I don't have a good feeling about this."

They continue further in and find a room with a mirror when Serana asks, "Where is the Mer?"

"Maybe behind the mirror," says Vincent remembering how he created a special mirror once before for Saaranji to communicate with Y'shtola.

He walks over to the mirror and touches it and his hand passes through and he says, "There is something behind the mirror."

Vincent enters the mirror completely and appears in another ruin. He turns around and puts a hand through the mirror signalizing the others to follow him.

They pass through the mirror. Theron and Solona were in awe seeing those ruins while Serana and Anra weren't.

"You think the Mer is here?" asks Serana as Vincent nods.

"Yes, magic is in the air. It's stronger than everywhere else we were before," says Vincent as they walked a bit when suddenly shadows of Mer appear in front of them.

"What are those?" asks Solona nervous.

"Ghosts it seems. Not the first time we fight those," says Anra as she summons a wave of light that went after the Ghosts.

Some disappeared but others were only weakened. Serana draws her sword and used Lighting Blast against the ghost in front of her while rushing in.

Vincent jumps making Theron and Solina open their mouth since he jumped too high for anyone possible.

When he pierced the ghost it disappeared. Then another one attacked but he changed his armor into the Warrior Set as he holds an ax now instead of his spear.

He blocks the sword coming for him and counterattacks the ghost killing it. Then he changed again as his Warrior set changed into the Pacifist's set and his ax turned into Sudarshana Chakra gauntlets and began to rush at the ghosts after using the spell Dragonhide.

Anra suddenly takes a bow out and begins to shoot some arrows that made an explosion of light appear when they made contact with a ghost.

Solona used Stone Fist to keep the ghosts away from Anra and Theron while mixing a Cone of Cold or Shock into her combination. Theron was using his bow and drew his swords if the enemy came to near to them.

The fight was almost over and the ghosts were encircled by them that Vincent jumped over them and used Elixir Field making a beam appear out of his hands that vaporized them.

"Good Job everyone," says Vincent as he looks at Theron and Solona.

They were quite exhausted from the fight as Vincent let them rest while collecting everything valuable with Serana when Solona asks, "Why are you always collecting everything?"

"This is more like a habit of mine when I was still an adventurer. You will find it quite useful since you can win money by selling things that you picked up and since your opponent is dead he won't need it after all," says Vincent explaining why he is doing what he is doing.

After finishing looting and both were well-rested they continued going through the ruin. They encounter quite a peculiar room.

They enter it and find a bald Mer sleeping in it while beside him was an orb. Vincent raises his hand making them understand not to make loud noises as they surround the Mer.

Vincent then jumps onto the Mer immobilizing him while waking him up while Serana picked the Orb up and Vincent says, "So the sleeping beauty is finally up."

"Who are you and how comes you made it here?" asks the bald Mer as Vincent stands up still immobilizing the Mer.

"I'm the one that asks the questions here Mer. You destroyed this continent and doomed a whole race to become monsters that are now feared. What do you have to say to defend yourself?" says Vincent as the Mer was trying to free himself only to find out there was no way.

"I did what I thought would be the best at the time," says the bald Mer as Vincent opens a portal that leads to Apocrypha.

"We will see what my friend has to say about that. Serana keep that thing safe until I return it should go fast," says Vincent as he then passes the portal with the Mer and it closes behind them.

They were at the top of the Tower in Apocrypha where he killed the old Mora and Miraak. Someone was already waiting there for him as Hermaeus Mora asks, "That's the Mer that disturbed the connection between father and the cursed continent?"

"It seems so he even created new Fallen Ones. I really hope we can still save some of them once the Veil is destroyed," says Vincent as now panic entered the Mer's eyes.

"You can't destroy the Veil. Once you do that the others would be free-," says the Mer as Vincent and Hermaeus Mora interrupts him.

"That is the plan all along. They will be weak but by doing so a war would begin on this continent since they wouldn't like to be ruled by the humans," says Hermaeus Mora showing teeth.

"And once the war ends we the Empire can swoop them all while everyone is weak. It's a win-win situation for us since we have enough warriors that come near your level of power when it comes to magic," says Vincent with a smile as he let go of the Mer and continues, "But first we need your secrets Fen'Harel or should I say Solas."

"How do yo-," says Solas as suddenly tentacles surrounded him and interrupt him as he begins to scream while Hermaeus Mora was going through his mind completely killing him in the end.

"I have what you need. Do you need it now?" asks Hermaeus Mora as he was ready to give it to him.

"Not yet but can you keep an eye on Vaermina for me. Once we destroy the Veil she might try to do something to take revenge on us for taking her influence away over this continent," says Vincent as Hermaeus nods and Vincent opens a portal back to the room.

"Is the deed done?" asks Serana as she was holding the orb.

"Yes, we have all the information needed to destroy the veil. Now we only need information on the Darkspawn," says Vincent as he gets the orb from Serana and stores it away.

"Have you tried the Grey Warden before?" asks Solona as everyone looked confused at her.

"I can understand that they are looking confused but not you Theron. You are from this continent," says Solona as Theron wasn't really knowledgeable in this theme.

"*sighs* The Grey Wardens fought against the Darkspawn since they first appeared. We could go to Denerim to meet them if you want more information about the Darkspawn," says Solona as Vincent nods.

"That sounds good. But first, we will bring Theron home his clan must miss him," says Vincent as they began to make their way back through the mirror.

They meet up with the Chocobos as they begin their way back. They arrived near Theron's clan after two days of travel as they left him there and they continued on their way back to Denerim.

Back in Denerim, Mina and the other two were having fun watching over Anora as they could determine when a woman was pregnant and not by letting magic pass through the body and Anora was.

They made sure Anora eat for two from the get-go since if she could bear a strong heir her place would be secured and no one could pick on her for the heir being not strong enough.

"So were your pregnancy also that much eating?" asks Anora as she saw the food in front of her.

"Yes, I looked like a mice that are a whole wheel of cheese back in the days. Everyone gave me and Elisif enough food and care poor Lydia had to carry meals for four people when we were hungry," says Mina with a sad smile.

"And how did you get this fit again?" asks Anora as everyone laughed at that.

"You know Mina was one of the first companions of Vincent. She like to go on adventures as he does," says Karliah as she explained how everyone had their own ways to lose weight again after pregnancy.

"Yes, except for Elisif everyone lost way again after giving birth but Vincent doesn't care if we were chubby or not. Elisif gave birth to another three children after her first child," says Kirvena remembering that Elisif might have become chubby but Vincent loved her anyway.

They continue their small talk when a guard enters the room saying, "My Ladies, it seems the Ambassador is back. His Majesty would like to welcome him with you all."

"We are coming right away," says Anora as they all finished their meal and stood up to follow the guard.