
"Now that I explained to you most of our culture how about we talk about the Darkspawn Blood. The purer it is the better," says Vincent as Duncan was playing with his Necklace when he pulled it from his neck and handed it over.

"I really hope I'm doing the best for the Order in trusting you," says Duncan as Vincent smiles while taking it.

"Trust me once we have a cure for the Darkspawn problem we will exterminate them but I still need a little favor from you," says Vincent as he looked at Natia.

"What do you need from her?" asks Duncan as Vincent liked how fast Duncan was catching on not like Cailan.

"I need a bit of her blood. She is a fresh recruit so her blood is still the purest. I would have asked you but yours is too tainted to be used," says Vincent as Duncan nods.

He called Natia over and Vincent took a bit of her blood and put it in a vial then he healed Natia with just a touch while putting a finger over his lip so she would panic and alarm everyone that he was a mage.

"Thank you for your collaboration Natia," says Duncan as she nods and returns to Cailan's side to keep talking about the Grey Warden.

"Now with that, we should be able to reproduce a serum to cure people that get tainted even if Blood Magic would be the easiest way," says Vincent as Duncan looked confused at him.

"Right, you see Blood Magic as evil here in Thedas even when it can do so much good," says Vincent listing some of the benefits of it.

"Well anyway I should send this away and in at least 2 months we should have a cure," says Vincent as he sends the vial and necklace back with a big warning to be careful with it.

Normally he would do it himself but the Research Department should be able to handle it in less than a month if all work together leaving everything else beside until they find a cure.

The one leading the Research Department was Mannimarco a brilliant mind and deadly Necromancer that finally gave up after Vincent beat him up 7 times in 100 years becoming a loyal dog to the Empire because the alternative was permanent death since Vincent found a way to kill him thanks to Hermaeus Mora.

Mannimarco received the note and the two objects. He reads the note as he turned pale after reading it and says, "He really thought of everything before leaving. Well, it seems I won't be able to have fun until this doesn't have a solution."

Mannimarco then ordered the people to stop working on the project only letting one team continue working on the electricity and how to develop it since it could make up for many things not needing to use Magicka for Candlelights any longer.

The rest were with him when he says, "We have a royal mission on finding a cure to this disease. Until we don't have a cure no one will stop working also use your protection don't let it touch your openings or you will get infected."

Everyone nods as they begin to work on finding a cure for the Thedanian Blight.

In the meantime, Vincent was with Duncan and the others. He listened to the stories when he asks, "Are there big Dragons in Thedas?"

"They were. Most were killed by a family in Nevara. The Pentaghast family is an old and strong family that hunted the Dragons down to near-extinction. You can still see a Dragon or two in the wild but High Dragons are really rare," says Duncan as Vincent was quite disappointed as everyone could read it since it was showing on his face.

"Are Dragons on your continent normal appearances?" asks Duncan as Vincent nods.

"Yes, they live normally in high places living in peace as long as you let them alone. Dragoons like myself can ride Dragons as long as they permit it for now only 4 people still exist that can ride on Dragons," says Vincent as he sighs again.

Cailan already knew about this but was still quite excited from hearing that while Duncan and Natia were in disbelief from hearing that.

"You people ride Dragons," says Natia in disbelief as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but only four people like said before. We also ride other mounts like the standard mount of the Legion the Chocobos. Then we have the Gryphon Rider and even more mounts," says Vincent as he began to list all the mounts they were breeding in the Empire when Duncan looked at Vincent in shock.

"You really have Griffons?" asks Duncan as Vincent nods.

"We call the Gryphons we write them differently but it's the same majestic beast," says Vincent as he had a smile on his face.

"I need to inform the Wardens in Anderfels about this maybe we can make a trade between the Empire and the Wardens," says Duncan as he looked at Vincent for confirmation.

"For that, you will have to ask the King. We only make trades with Ferelden. That's what was written in the treaty King Cailan signed and we won't break said treaty," says Vincent as he didn't want to break the treaty until it was time to invade.

"How do we buy said Griffons?" asks Cailan as he looked at Vincent excited since he only knew about them from history.

"Well, first we will be breeding new ones since they need to be with their partner from young. Once they too old they can't be trained and are declared wild beast and we let them go to the wildness with other Gryphons. So you can expect that the newest one will be born in two months if I remember correctly," says Vincent as he was thinking because he wasn't getting the reports any longer of when the new mounts are born.

"So they are like Mabaries?" asks Cailan as he heard how the Gryphons needed to be from young with their partner.

"Mabaries?" asks Vincent as he wasn't familiar with what a Mabari was.

"How about I bring you to our Kennel Master to show them to you. But be warned they are quite aggressive to new faces," says Cailan as he began to guide Vincent while Duncan and Natia followed them.

They arrived at the Royal Kennel and the Kennel Master bowed while saying, "Your Majesty."

"We are here to show our friend the Mabaries. He never saw one before," says Cailan as the Kennel Master then guides them through the room showing them the Mabaries while thinking that they were to quiet.

"I think something is wrong with them," says the Kennel Master as Vincent smiles while approaching one of the cages and the Mabari inside backed away.

"It might be that they are afraid of me. Most animals are until they know me better. How about this you give the Empire 10 male and female Mabaries and I will push the Empire to send 5 male and 5 female Gryphons. What do you say your Majesty?" says Vincent as he saw that the Mabaries were like dogs but have a better instinct it seemed.

A normal dog would have run over towards Vincent to be petted but the Mabaries somehow knew how dangerous he was without even showing it.

Cailan eyes sparkled in excitement hearing that he would get 10 Gryphons for only 20 Mabaries and says without thinking, "I will accept that."

"Good let me send a note back so the Gryphons come with the scholars," says Vincent with a smile as he saw the puppies of a Mabari calculating already how many youngs one female would give birth to.

He takes the runt of the litter while the mother was growling when Vincent says, "You can have your pup back in a moment."

Vincent inspected the pup a little bit as it had a snow white fur not like the others and put it back beside the mother and tried to pet the mother as she bites his hand. Everyone was nervous as they knew it could end badly but Vincent just took his other hand and petted the mother before she releases his hand.

They looked at Vincent's hand and saw no bite marks on it when Vincent says, "It's hard to penetrate my skin."

Over the years Vincent's skin got harder and harder as if his skin became that of a Dragon just without the scales. He still preferred to use armor just in case.

"Are you alright?" asks Cailan worried when Vincent smiles at him.

"Yes, the Mabari was only defending her pups. I think, I want one myself even if I have a Chocobo he would be an excellent addition to balance my team," says Vincent as he was thinking of balancing his little team with a Mabari now after seeing how protective it was of his youngs.

"Now if you will excuse me. I have a letter to write to prepare everything," says Vincent with a smile as he left the Kennel.

Duncan was suspicious of Vincent right now because no one would trade 20 Mabaries for 10 Griffons but he didn't say anything because if the Griffons arrived at Denerim the Wardens of Anderfels would too.

They would purchase every Griffon so they could breed them to fight the Blight with them again.

Vincent was back in his room in Denerim and began to write the letter and send it to Lucia to prepare everything when the Kennel Master and Cailan entered the room holding the same puppy that he was holding before.

"Vincent it seems we have a little problem with this little one," says Cailan as he knew the problem not like Vincent who was confused.

"What is the problem?" asks Vincent not knowing what was going on.

"The pup imprinted himself to you. He will recognize you immediately as you can see he stopped to whine when we entered the room knowing his master was here," says the Kennel Master as he puts the puppy down.

The puppy walked over towards Vincent slowly until arriving in front of Vincent as it tried to sit in front of him before falling over making Vincent almost laugh from its cute behavior.

"So you want to say it will follow me forever?" asks Vincent as both nod confirming it when Vincent picks the puppy up and says, "Well then this pup will need a name."

Vincent holds the Mabari and looked at his fur that white as the snow while asking, "How about Fenrir?"

He waited for the puppy to say something when it began to bark happily and Vincent then says, "Then it's done. I hope you get as strong as the Fenrir, I once saw."

Vincent then puts Fenrir on the ground and asks, "What do I need to feed him?"

"Nothing for now. He will be feed by his mother until he can eat solid food from there on you will have to feed him with a balanced diet of meat," says the Kennel Master as he approached them to pick Fenrir up only to find him hiding behind Vincent's leg.

Vincent picked him up and says, "Listen to him until you can eat solid food then you will return to my side."

Vincent then hands over Fenrir who was beginning to whine when he was in the Kennel Master's arm as the Kennel Master leaves and Cailan says, "See him as a gift since the mother bite you."

"Now I have to explain to my wives about the little man. But I already sent the letter. They should arrive in two weeks up to one month depending on it," says Vincent as he called it a day and went to search for his wives to finish this day.