Bethany Hawke

Two days pass when Vincent asks, "Are you ready to leave?"

Both nod and they leave the hut and Morrigan says, "Where are we going?"

"Lothering. My men are waiting there for us," says Vincent as Morrigan looked at him seriously.

"And we are going on foot. We will take at least 5 days to reach Lothering," says Morrigan when Flemeth had a smile on her face.

"Who said we are going on foot," says Vincent as he had a smile on his face when he turned into a Dragon in front of both. He was bigger then the Dragons Flemeth saw before when Vincent says, "Hop on."

He stretches his hand out and the climb on it. Then he puts them on his back and says, "Hold on tightly or you might fall off."

They do as said as Vincent takes off making them understand why he said they should hold tightly as the wind they were feeling was quite strong. They were hiding behind Vincent's horns to evade the wind.

Once near Lothering people could see a giant mass flying in the sky and panic began to spread in Lothering. Arthur was seeing this and only became pale while saying, "High Dragon, we need to leave."

Karliah and Kirvena didn't even budge while the Legionaries began to kneel towards the High Dragon making Arthur become even nervous as they weren't moving.

"Arthur calm down. The Dragon isn't coming towards us," says Kirvena as she could clearly see that the Dragon was landing somewhere else.

"How can you be so sure?" asks Arthur a little calmer.

"Vincent was raised beside Dragons because of his grandfather. He sees Dragons as his own family that's why he doesn't have a Dragon mount in the first place. We also lived beside Dragons and we know the characteristics of Dragons," says Karliah as they watched how the Dragon began to land somewhere outside the village.

"Alright, but why did the Legionaries kneel towards the Dragon?" asks Arthur as Kirvena and Karliah began to laugh at that question.

"Dragons represent our Empire since the founding Emperor was a Dragon himself if we say it simply. So showing some respects to them is normal for our people," says Kirvena as the Legionaries stood up the moment the Dragon wasn't in sight.

In the meantime, Vincent landed and transformed back when he says, "Once in the village, we will have to lie our way through the curious people. So try to not mention that I can turn into a Dragon to no one except he is from Tamriel."

"Understood," says Flemeth while Morrigan had rather some sparkles in her eyes.

"Can you teach people to turn into a Dragon as you did?" asks Morrigan as Vincent was overwhelmed by her excitement and curiosity.

"I can't, but maybe my grandson, Minast, can teach you. He is a master in shapeshifting since he loves to blend in with nature. He turned into a Dragon once and flew from Cyrodiil to Skyrim just to visit me. He is a Bosmer as his mother," says Vincent as Morrigan looked at Vincent suspiciously.

"He is about to head for his first adventures since he is the youngest of his siblings and with you will need to go on adventures so for me that is killing two flies with one hit," says Vincent as he began to walk towards the village when he spots a girl and catches it.

"Now what have we here," says Vincent as he sees black hair that goes to the neck and brown eyes that almost are yellow.

The girl was quite scared as she says, "I haven't seen anything."

"What do you mean?" asks Vincent as he played confused when the girl slips up by accident.

"I didn't see you turn from a Dragon to a Qunari," says the girl as she suddenly put her hand on her mouth realizing that she messed up.

"You will be joining me and the others it seems," says Vincent as he grabs her by the waist and puts her on his shoulder.

Then he walks towards the other two and he puts her down and says, "Now what do i do with you."

"We could kill her that would be the easiest thing to do," says Morrigan as Vincent looked at her while Flemeth was hiding her smile.

"Girl, you would bring it far in political circles thinking like that but no we won't kill her. First, we torture the person to get everything we want and then we kill the person," says Vincent lecturing her that first you always need to interrogate before killing.

"Are you going to do that to me?" asks the girl as she was scared pale from everything they just said.

"No, you are a mage, aren't you," says Vincent already knowing it when the girl turned even paler when suddenly in Vincent's hand fire appeared.

"Don't worry we are mages too," says Vincent when the others showed it to her.

The color returned to the girl as Vincent says, "How about this. I give you this offer. You can join me and nothing will ever happen to you. I already have a mage in Denerim waiting for me to leave for Tamriel taking some more wouldn't be a problem for me."

"Joining you?" asks the girl as Vincent nods.

"Yes, in Tamriel everyone is a mage. We don't fear magic but some like me think that it's quite cowardly to use it in a duel," says Vincent as he began to explain to the girl everything when he asks, "What's your name girl?"

"Bethany Hawke," says Bethany as Vincent pets her head making her feel quite safe now.

"Good, Bethany now that you know my secret I can't let you live so either you join us or you must die," says Vincent with a smile as Bethany became nervous again.

"Can I take my family with me?" asks Bethany as Vincent closed his eyes to think.

'A whole family. I could get in trouble with Cailan because of it if its a giant family,' thinks Vincent when he opens his eyes and asks, "How many members?"

"Just me, my two brothers and my mother. We also have a Mabari," says Bethany as she looked at Vincent nervous when she sees him smile.

"Well, it shouldn't be a problem to get you all with me. Follow me later to where we are camping so you can return on two days with everything you need," says Vincent as he took the lead before saying, "Also, no word to anyone that I can turn into a Dragon until we leave Thedas."

Bethany nods as Vincent smiles. They walked for a bit when Morrigan asks, "What were you doing so far away from the village?"

"Collecting herbs. A friend of mine pays quite well for them. I collect them and return to sell them while my brothers are working on the fields," says Bethany as they arrived at Lothering.

They walked a bit and find the camp that was beside the village when Bethany opens her eyes and says, "You are the Ambassador."

"Yes, that's why I told you not to blow my secret. Do you think everyone can promise you to take you to Tamriel," says Vincent as Bethany turned red in embarrassment because she didn't think about who Vincent was until now.

"Now that you know where we camp you can go and inform your family. We will wait for two days, not more. I still need to visit the Circle of Magi before returning to Highever to take the ship back to Denerim," says Vincent seriously making Bethany to understand that if she doesn't appear she won't be going to Tamriel.

"I will be there," says Bethany with confidence as she leaves them to tell her family about.

"You know that you have destroyed all my planning with everything you did in the last two days," says Flemeth when Vincent laughs.

Suddenly two Mers appear in front of them one was snow-white while the other dark as the night and one asks Vincent, "Who are they?"

"Flemeth and her daughter, Morrigan. They will be accompanying us to Tamriel," says Vincent when he turns to Flemeth and Morrigan while saying, "Those two are Kirvena and Karliah two of my wives."

Kirvena walked towards Morrigan making her feel nervous as Kirvena takes a better look at her when she says, "Too bad that you don't want to marry anyone again. She looks quite beautiful even if she is quite young."

"She walks her own path," says Vincent as Kirvena smiles.

"Sorry about that," says Kirvena as she hugs her husband and gives him a long kiss before separating.

"So the 'Flemeth'. I heard much about you from my ears on Thedas," says Karliah before walking towards Vincent to do the same as Kirvena did before she looked at Flemeth.

"You are said to be the strongest mage on Thedas but compared to Serana and Anra, I would say you are nothing," says Karliah seizing her up.

"Serana and Anra?" asks Flemeth when Karliah turned to Vincent.

"They are two of my other wives," says Vincent when Morrigan looked at Vincent suspicious.

"Is it normal to have that many wives on Tamriel?" asks Morrigan when Vincent begins to laugh.

"It isn't," says Karliah as Morrigan looked at Karliah who continues before Morrigan could say anything, "And its also not because he is the Founder Emperor. He was the one that was against it from the very beginning but his first wife convinced him to do that. You will meet her soon."

"Your first wife must be quite wise to let her husband marry multiple women," says Flemeth as she walked towards her daughter.

"She is," says Vincent as Morrigan wasn't understanding anything looking at her mother.

"Do you know how difficult it is to govern an Empire, child?" asks Flemeth as Morrigan shakes her head.

"You need people you can trust in a high position so no usurpation happens. And what would be the best way but to have the whole family have all the high positions? All his children must be in high position making it easy for the Emperor to rule. Even the Military must be built with Family members as Generals," says Flemeth explaining it to Morrigan as she opened her eyes wide.

"That's right," says Vincent as he smiles at Flemeth before continuing, "All of my children are either Kings or Queens of a Province their race comes from. Those that aren't are in the Military and are Commanders of the Legions. That's how we can control that the Empire will never crumble and only get stronger."

"Now let's get you a tent since you will need one until the little family arrives," says Vincent as Kirvena and Karliah looks at him.

"We awaiting someone else?" asks Karliah as Vincent nods.

"Yes, a girl named Bethany. She was in the forest collecting herbs when she saw me turn back," says Vincent as Kirvena began to laugh when Vincent asks, "What's so funny?"

"We met her before. She is such a shy girl. You must have scared her am I right," says Kirvena as she couldn't stop laughing imagining it.

"A little," says Vincent as he leaves to look for a tent for Morrigan and Flemeth.