Dealing with Grey Wardens

"Is there something else you want to tell me about like an old temple as that Solas had," says Vincent as Flemeth smiles.

"There is a Temple in the Emerald Forest in Orlais. But I haven't been there for a long time," says Flemeth as she was scheming once again when Vincent smiles.

"I know that look. I meet it many times before from Mannimarco. You should stop scheming before you end up dead," says Vincent as he walked away from her.

They passed Amaranthine as they sailed towards Denerim when Kirvena asks, "Are you sure you can trust her?"

"No, but Mannimarco was the same remember how he always tried to usurp the throne from me. She is trying something too and until I don't see what it is I won't be able to know it," says Vincent as Kirvena nods.

"You should take Mina with you if you leave with her," says Kirvena as Vincent smiles.

"I will she always was open to adventures when it was only the two of us," says Vincent remembering the past.

They could see Denerim from afar as the Captain says, "We are almost there."

The ship docked smoothly in Denerim and Vincent could see a ship beside the Flying Argonian that had a flag hissing a Gryphon making it obvious who they were.

"It seems the King has company since he didn't come out to greet us as usual," says Vincent as normally Cailan would be welcoming him.

The Guards were there and welcomed Vincent like normally and one of them says, "The King sends his apology. He is tending to the Grey Wardens that came from Anderfels."

"Don't worry about that, but I have some people that will be staying with me since I adopted them and some are guests of the Empire," says Vincent as the Guard nods.

"Follow me then. The King would like to see them in the Palace then," says the Guard as Vincent stops the Guard.

"Before going to the Palace, I need to go to the Chantry and get some Phylacteries," says Vincent as the Guard was a little nervous about it.

"Alright," says the Guard as he guided them to the Chantry in Denerim hoping nothing bad would happen while another group was guiding the others towards the Palace.

Vincent arrived at the Chantry with the Guard when they enter and a Mother stopped them and asks, "Why are you here?"

"I'm here to get three Phylacteries from you since they belong to people that will travel to Tamriel. We will need a way to catch them if they escape," says Vincent as the Mother nods understanding Vincent's trouble.

"I will inform the Grand Cleric about it, please wait a moment," says the Mother as she leaves both standing there.

After some minutes the Grand Cleric arrives and sees Vincent and says, "You must be the Ambassador Highwind. I already met your wives."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Vincent Highwind. You can call me by my name if you want Grand Cleric," says Vincent when the Grand Cleric smiles.

"Elemena. I'm the Grand Cleric Elemena. You can also call me just Mother Elemena as the King does. I heard you are here for three Phylacteries, am I correct," says Elemena as Vincent nods.

"That's right, I will be taking three Mages and a Tranquil with me to Tamriel as a cultural exchange if we call it like that and if they try to escape it would be the best to have the Phylacteries of them to catch them again," says Vincent convincing Elemena.

"Do you have the name of the Mages?" asks Elemena as Vincent nods.

"Elissa Cousland, Daylen Suranna, and Anders," says Vincent as Elemena nods and leaves for a moment only to return with the three Phylacteries.

"Here they are. May the Maker watch over you my child," says Elemena as Vincent bows showing respect to her before leaving with the Guard.

Once outside the Chantry Vincent sighs in relief and says, "I hate to be so formal."

"You fought quite well inside there even the King has sometimes trouble dealing with Grand Cleric Elemena," says the Guard as he was relieved as well that nothing happened.

"That's because Cailan is still too green behind his ears. If my grandfather didn't teach me right I would have lost to her quite easily," says Vincent as the Guard nods guiding him back to the Palace.

Once there Vincent was brought to the throne room were Cailan and Anora were talking with Duncan and two more Warden.

"As I said before we won't give our Gryphons to the Grey Warden. We made a fair trade with the Empire. If you want we could talk to them in your favor in purchasing Gryphons for you," says Anora making clear to everyone that she is the head of Ferelden.

"We are the best when it comes to rearing Gryphons since our order raised them for many years," says one of the Grey Warden when suddenly a laugh takes their attention.

Anora and Cailan, as well as Duncan, recognize Vincent while the other two didn't and one says, "What is there to laugh about."

"It's your arrogance that made me laugh. We in Tamriel reared Gryphons for far longer than you did. Also, I heard from Duncan that Gryphons are an extinct race on Thedas because you killed them in your war against the Darkspawn," says Vincent as he walked forwards.

"You dare to slander our Order," says the Grey Warden before Duncan could stop him.

"I am only stating the truth or do you want to tell me something false. We even found already a cure for the taint and yet you people still don't have it. So tell me are you really investigating the Darkspawn or only waiting for them to come at you so history repeats itself over and over again," says Vincent as he mocked them.

"You found a cure for the taint," says Cailan as both Cailan and Anora suddenly stood up from their throne.

"Yes, our researchers made an antidote," says Vincent taking out a little bottle and shows it to them while continuing, "One drop of this antidote can save a million people. We are working on a vaccine right now to make everyone in the Empire Immune against your Blight."

"Really we can save Millions of our people with only this much," says Anora as Vincent walks towards them and hands it over to Cailan.

"See it as the goodwill of the Empire. We look after our allies," says Vincent as he then turned to the Grey Wardens.

"So I heard that you wanted to take the Gryphons we gave Ferelden. It seems your Order is pretty much suicidal," says Vincent as he looked at the Grey Wardens when for them the throne room turned dark and the Twin Dragons were breathing into the necks of the Wardens.

Anora and Cailan, as well as Duncan, didn't know what was going on as the Wardens were shaking from something when Vincent turned towards the couple and says, "I will be leaving today again with one of my new companions and Mina."

"Where are you going this time?" asks Cailan disappointed that Vincent wouldn't stay longer to share some stories.

"Back into the Brecilian Forest. I need to investigate something that I didn't last time because of other urgencies. Now I have time," says Vincent as Cailan and Anora nods when Vincent says, "I will be taking Mina with me."

Anora made a sad face since Mina was one of her best friends by now when Vincent says, "I will bring her back as fast as possible, Queen Anora."

"Right, Kirvena and Karliah will be staying then," says Anora as Vincent nods.

"Yes, someone needs to watch over the kids after all," says Vincent as Anora and Cailan looked at him confused.

"Children?" asks Cailan as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I adopted five people. Two stayed in Highever and will be here in a week. Arthur Cousland should bring them," says Vincent as Cailan nods.

"I will inform the guards then," says Cailan as Vincent bows showing his gratefulness.

The Wardens returned to their sense as Duncan was looking over them when Vincent walks over and says, "I hope you learned your lesson."

"We need to leave now," says one of the Warden as the other nods while Duncan looked at them confused.

"Look after them even with me already punishing them some ears can kill them out of nowhere," whispers Vincent to Duncan who bows.

"Thank you for sparing them," says Duncan as Vincent puts his hand on Duncan's shoulder.

"Good Man die faster than those hiding behind them because they need to guard both the front from the enemy and his rear from a dagger that could come out of nowhere. Remember that," says Vincent as he leaves to get Flemeth and Mina.

Vincent finds Flemeth quite fast as well as Mina since they seemed to have clashed against each other.

"So you are that 'Flemeth'. The Men on this continent really must have never seen real magic it seems," says Mina as she looked at Flemeth.

"That's because the Magic in Tamriel is far richer than here in Thedas. An expert spell here seems to be a novice spell in Tamriel," says Flemeth as she explained why her power was limited on Thedas.

"I see that you two already met. Mina, I need you in the next mission. Flemeth, I hope you are ready. We are leaving right away," says Vincent as he looked at Mina who leaves to get her armor.

She returned wearing the same armor her Ancestor Queen Ayrenn seemed to wear while she led the Aldmeri Dominion her daggers were on her hips and says, "I'm ready to go."

"It's been long since you had this armor on," says Vincent as Mina smiles.

"I would never wear another armor. That would be betraying you except your father made it," says Mina as Vincent sighs and they were ready to leave when Anora finds them.

"So you came to say goodbye," says Mina as she hugged Anora while whispering, "Don't worry about me and always eat your meals. The child that is growing inside you will need everything you give it."

"I will wait for your return," says Anora as the three leave the Palace to get their mounts and leave Denerim again.