The Wild Hunt Arrives

Ciri was being trained by Vincent as she was making improvements even if she didn't notice it because she still was losing against the others when Vincent suddenly stood up from his seat.

Everyone could feel that something was wrong as Vincent's armor appeared around him and Vincent says, {Everyone ready to be engaged!}

The earth was shaking because of Vincent's words as Ciri seemed to be scared when suddenly a portal opened and frost seemed to come out of it.

"The Wild Hunt is here," says Ciri scared as Vincent sees Ciri's expression.

{Take the girl away from here Orug. She won't help us like this. Everyone else prepare for more portals to open,} says Vincent as Orug took Ciri away towards his house.

Everyone was excited to find out who would dare to attack their city. Suddenly people in black armor came out of the portal as Vincent was colder than the frost coming out of the portal.

{Attack!} shouts Vincent making the earth tremble as the people coming out of the portal lost their footing when the member of the Highwind family rushed at them slicing them apart using their energy weapon as they cut through the armor and flesh like a knife through butter.

The attackers thought that the frost was enough to intimidate their enemy only to find out that frost didn't border the Highwind family.

The attackers tried to flee but a barrier separated them from the portals as they were massacred right there in front of the people that could see what was going on from the other side of the portal.

Vincent walked towards one portal and says, "The next time you come to attack us your kingdom will fall and I will let you watch it burn before I kill you."

The portals closed as Vincent finished his words. He returned to his normal-self as the battle was over and looked at his children asking, "How many wounded?"

"Two lightly wounded from the frost," says Naosane as it was Karliah and her son.

"It was normal that this would happen they are Dunmers," says Vincent as he caressed Karliah's face making the color appear in her face again before kissing her.

Then he warms his son up as he says, "You will have to train using an ice bath from today on."

"Please father I'm a Dunmer we are resistant to Fire not Ice like the Nords," says his son as Vincent smiles.

"I know but you should still do so since they will return sooner or later again. Let's clean the plaza before we rest and return to our houses," says Vincent as everyone nods.

They make a pillar made of corpses before Vincent burned them leaving only ash behind. Before he went with Karliah towards Orug's house.

Once there they see Ciri a lot calmer as Vincent says, "You lost yourself in fear when they appeared. What do you have to say for your actions?"

"I'm sorry," says Ciri sad as she was looking at the floor not wanting to look at Vincent or the person beside Vincent not knowing it was Karliah.

"You could have destroyed the morale of an army by going into a panic. You can call yourself lucky that my family is made out of monsters that experienced many battles before or we could have been overwhelmed by the enemy," says Vincent as he needed to teach Ciri a hard lesson right now.

"What do you want from me I already apologized," says Ciri as she was angry with herself at the moment.

"I don't want your apologies. I want you to learn that with your action today you could have killed a whole army. Do you know why a person is strong?" says Vincent as Ciri nods but didn't look at him.

"Look at me," says Vincent as Ciri looked up but didn't see an angry face on Vincent's face but a worried face.

"A strong person isn't strong because he was giving some mutations or has incredible power. But a person is strong because he knows fear but doesn't let this fear sway him from his path to greatness. He keeps moving forwards even when he knew that the next day is his last day," says Vincent as he wanted Ciri to accept her fears and fight them.

"Do you think I wasn't afraid of all my enemies until now? Every one of them could have killed me and one succeeded in that. But I still fight as I have people to protect," says Vincent as Ciri was surprised while the other two members weren't.

"What do you mean with one succeeded," says Ciri not comprehending what Vincent meant.

"Vincent is from another world where his people and Dragons were in a 1000-year old war. He died protecting the peace treaty that was made between his people and the Dragons fighting a Dragon that was against it. He and his friends fought the Dragon and Vincent lost his life after they killed the Dragon," says Karliah as Vincent told them about his past a long time ago.

Vincent walked towards Ciri and kneeled with one knee while taking her hand caressing it making Ciri comfortable as he looked serious at her but had a warm smile on his face.

"I was brought here by my father, Akatosh, to fight against my oldest brother Alduin. I faced Alduin two times. The first time he destroyed a village and almost killed me and the second time I blew a hole into his chest killing him. I was afraid that I would fail but I couldn't let him roam free so he could destroy the world. Now it's your turn to face your fears and raise out of the shadow," says Vincent as he looked into her eyes.

"Can you do that?" asks Vincent wanting to hear a convincing word from Ciri.

"Yes!" says Ciri feeling better as Vincent stood up and petted her head.

"Good, beginning tomorrow you will be facing the older ones in training to overcome your fear. See you tomorrow," says Vincent as he leaves the house with Karliah.

"You still are good with your words," says Karliah as she hugged Vincent's arm.

"And you are still the best rogue around and don't tell me you didn't feign your injury to get some attention," says Vincent with a smile as Karliah kissed him.

"Well, we all are missing you in bed lately because you are worried about what you read in the Book of Fate," says Karliah as Vincent sighs.

"It's just this White Frost thing that I don't fully understand but our world won't fall prey to it because of this," says Vincent showing his amulet to Karliah.

"As long as I wear this amulet and the Dragonfires burns in the Temple of the One it would never be able to harm us," says Vincent as they arrived at home when Mina opened the door and hugs her husband making him almost fall because he was surprised by it.

"Glad to see you in one piece," says Mina as she kissed her husband.

"I can't die remember," says Vincent with a smile before kissing her back.

"That doesn't mean we can't worry about you aren't I right Karli," says Mina looking at Karliah.

"That's right. Even if we won without casualties we should be wary of their next attack," says Karliah as Vincent nods.

"Let us enter and talk about it. I still need to work on the armors that will be mass-produced once I have succeeded to make them without much trouble," says Vincent as the Dragoon's armors and spears were already made and ready to be distributed to the Dragoons.

They entered the house and sat down beside the table as Mina asks, "How strong are they?"

"They aren't strong compared to us. They felt like novices instead of real warriors it can be because they intimidated their enemies as I do normally," says Vincent as he didn't think they were a challenge since only one person was wounded by the frost.

"If they prey on the fear of their enemy they will lose against us. We have after all the master in that field," says Ellana as she looked at Vincent.

She still feels fear remembering what happened to Antiva as every living soul was burned down to install fear in everyone in Thedas.

"True nothing can intimidate us except the man controlling Dragons," says Mako with a smile when she suddenly realizes that the Dragonking wasn't Vincent but Godo and rectifies her sentence, "The one who used to control Dragons. At least he still controls the two biggest Dragons out of all of them."

The women giggled since they caught the joke that Mako was talking about when Azura says, "Maybe I should summon some Dremora to keep the city safe. We both know they can just return to my plain and recover from their wounds."

"No, let us use do something differently," says Vincent as he had a smile on his face that made his wives understand that he had a plan in his mind.

"What do you want to do?" asks Kirvena as she was worried.

The last time Vincent had that smile was when he entered Coldharbour to kick Molag Bal's ass.

"I intend to enter the Deadlands and make an offer to Dagon," says Vincent as Azura was the first to hit the table.

"You can't do that," says Azura in a worried tone while the other wives agreed with her.

"But that would resolve two things with this one problem," says Vincent as the others now were curious.

"What do you mean?" asks Serana as Vincent lifts one finger in each hand of his.

"Dagon wants to conquer and change. Why not conquer and change something that isn't on Nirn making an Invasion from him on Nirn impossible since he would be occupied with the Wild Hunt and their world. That way we can also help Ciri lose her stalkers since they are occupied to defend against a threat they won't be able to defeat since Dagon is quite stubborn when it comes to giving up," says Vincent as he had both hands now united with both fingers touching each other.

"Dagon would be too occupied to even think about Nirn leaving us alone while he has fun on another Universe," says Mina liking that idea since Dagon's next attempt conquering Nirn was quite close since more than two hundred years have passed since the last attempt.

"Now who is for this idea?" asks Vincent as everyone except for Ellana raised their hands.

Ellana didn't experience Dagon's might yet making it clear to the other by not raising her hand as she looked confused that everyone agreed that fast to it.

"Then tomorrow I will meet Dagon. I really hope we can talk like civilized people," says Vincent as he stood up and looks at his wives full of lust while saying, "Now who wants to have a fun night."

This makes everyone raise their hand as they smiled quite lewd while Vincent says, "Then let us have fun the whole night."

Vincent enters his bedroom as the women followed him to have a night they all won't forget before the next day arrived and Vincent left opening a portal towards the Deadlands.