Bald Mountain

"We are going to save the former Baron and his family first then. After doing that I will know what to do about Velen," says Vincent as he was holding his anger down for now.

"Then we will have to grab a boat to go there. If we trust the map a little hut should be near where we left the horses," says Karliah as she already invested the most time in this matter.

"Then it seems our next destination is clear," says Kirvena a little bit disappointed that they didn't find the Crones.

They left as the buildings were burning down as Werewolves suddenly attacked when Vincent just used one hand to grab one of the Werewolves as his eyes turned cold.

"You have come to the worst time to mess with us," says Vincent as he then crushed the throat of the Werewolf.

Vincent grew suddenly bigger in the eyes of the Werewolves when he says, "I normally don't fight against Werewolves since you can talk to them. But you, you will die today."

Vincent rushed at the next Werewolf. Karliah used her arrows to cover for Vincent while Kirvena rushed behind Vincent. Serana used magic to freeze them in place while Ellana used the forest around her to chain them up.

Vincent grabbed the next Werewolf as he put both hands in the mouth of the beast and just ripped both jaws apart killing the Werewolf in the most brutal way, making the picture the Werewolves were seeing only more scarier since in the background was the Wildfire Vincent started.

Kirvena used Vincent's back as a catapult as she stepped on it jumping high before crushing the skull of a Werewolf with her shield before slicing through the abdomen of another one.

The pack of Werewolves now knew that they messed with the wrong group but it was too late as Vincent's eyes paralyzed them in fear making their slaughter even more easier.

Once the fight was over Vincent felt someone watching him. He turned his head seeing a pale blue child standing there in fear when Vincent's eyes landed on him.

"A child," says Vincent as his eyes turned warm again.

"Stay away," says the pale blue child as he tried to run away only to fall into the swamp.

Vincent sees his armor was full of Werewolf blood and uses a spell to remove it while walking towards the pale blue child. Then he helps the child up and places him down noticing that it only had some rags on.

He notices the big yellow eyes and the crown made of wood when Vincent asks, "You aren't a child that escaped that hell, right?"

"You mean escape from the Crones?" asks the pale blue child as Vincent nods before the child says, "No and I'm not a child. I'm a Godling and my name is Johnny."

"Johnny," says Vincent when he petted the Godling's head before turning to the corpses of the Werewolves and burns them down.

"Well Johnny, why were you spying on us?" asks Vincent as Johnny became a bit nervous.

"I saw Gran run away from her home, making me worry about what could have happened when I found everything burning," says Johnny as Vincent looked at Johnny and grabbed both of his shoulders.

"Do you know where I can find the Crones?" asks Vincent as his eyes turned serious.

"They are mostly at the Bald Mountain when it is time to prepare for their solution like right now," says Johnny when Vincent turned to his wives and Karliah knew that they would change course.

"Are the children still alive?" asks Vincent as Johnny nods.

"They still are but it's only a matter of time before they are killed to increase their power and life," says Johnny as Vincent lets go of Johnny, and takes some steps back.

"Are we going directly?" asks Serana as Vincent nods making them take some steps away from Vincent while Kirvena grabbed Johnny so he wouldn't get hurt.

Vincent turned into a Dragon destroying the whole swamp as it was too small to contain him. He stretches his hand out and they climbed on it before he placed them on his back.

He then takes off and destroys everything with the flapping of his wings as a giant shadow emerges from the swamps making the villages around feel nervous.

"A Dragon. I am riding on a Dragon. Nobody is going to believe me," says Johnny excited as Vincent took a small fly towards the Bald Mountain finding a village on the mountain which he burned down.

They heard screams coming from below them when Johnny asks, "Why did he attack the village?"

"He attacked them to show the Crones that their reign will be over soon," says Karliah as she was preparing her weapons like everyone else.

He circled the Mountain making it catch fire that even people in Novigrad could see the mountain and the giant shadow over them when a dwarf asks, "Is that a Dragon?"

"It is too big to be a Dragon, Zoltan. I met one before and it was at least ten times smaller than that shadow that is covering the mountain," says a man in a bard's uniform.

"Dandelion, you mean to say that it can't be a Dragon even when it is spewing fire," says Zoltan as the whole city could see the show.

"I should write to Geralt about it. If it really is a Dragon and it is this near to Novigrad it could think of attacking us," says Dandelion seriously when he smiles and says, "Maybe I can write a new poem 'The Witcher against the Mighty Dragon'."

"You should worry more about your own skin before thinking of writing that poem," says Zoltan as the night helped well in seeing what was happening while the villages around Velen were scared that they could be next.

The mountain was burning when Vincent landed on the top of it breaking an old Oak Tree with his hand before breathing ice out of his mouth to open them a path.

He puts the others down and turns back into a Nord when he says, "Now we find them and save the children. I hope we aren't too late."

"Do I go as well?" asks Johnny seeing how Vincent had the situation in control.

"You can but stay in the shadows so they don't know it was you that helped us. If one of them escapes you will have to fear them for the rest of your life," says Vincent warning Johnny to stay out of the Crones' sight.

"I will," says Johnny as he wanted to see what is going to happen next.

"He really shouldn't be around," says Ellana as she was worried about Johnny been targeted by the Crones.

"Then let's make sure that nothing happens to him," says Vincent as his Warrior's armor and ax changed to his Dark Knight armor and black two-handed sword.

"We should not let them escape. If something dares to stand in our way we kill it be it sentient or not. We need to save the children before they die," says Vincent as Kirvena turned to Vincent.

"What if they are dead?" asks Kirvena as Vincent's eyes turned cold again.

"The mountain will be renamed from Bald to Burning Mountain making sure that no living being will dare to worship those Crones ever again or they will suffer the same consequences," says Vincent as he walked forward making Johnny feel shivers run down his spine.

"Don't worry he will be back to the caring Vincent once this is all over," says Ellana petting Johnny's head while trying to calm him down.

They walked and entered a cave when they find some Succubus hiding there and a Sylvan when Vincent says, "You either drop your weapons or die. It is your choice."

The group of Succubus dropped their weapon while the Sylvan says, "Traitors, all of you!"

He rushed at Vincent when he suddenly feels his legs freeze to the ground. He looks down and sees that ice was slowly covering his legs as he couldn't feel his legs any longer as the Ice progressed until it covered his whole body and his face showed only despair.

Kirvena then shattered the Ice Sculpture of the Sylvan showing that he wasn't imprisoned in the ice but completely froze as his blood was solid and his intestine shattered when they touched the ground as if they were glass.

"Are the children alive?" asks Vincent the group of Succubus as they didn't know what to answer out of fear.

"An honest answer might save your life," says Serana as she showed her fangs making the Succubus know that she was a Vampire.

"A Bruma under humans?" asks one of the Succubus when the group used an illusion to show their real appearance.

"Where are the children?" asks Vincent again in his Au-Ra form.

"They might still be alive since they were still preparing the pot. The children need to be fresh for it," says one of the Succubus as Vincent passed them.

"I hope so for your own well-being because no one can escape my claws," says Vincent as he went deeper into the cave while the illusion disappeared.

The others followed him while Serana says, "The mountain top us safe for now or you can try to escape through the inferno that is raging outside. But you don't want to be around when my husband goes wild."

The Succubus leave for the mountain top as Johnny was nervous and asks, "Should I also wait with the others?"

"No, you will be just fine just keep your head down," says Serana as they followed Vincent.

Vincent seemed to have arrived too late as he finds one of the Crones cutting a dead child into pieces. Vincent's anger spiked at that moment that the Darkness inside him sparked out of his body.

The Darkness seemed to forge two shadows one that looked like Vincent and the other looked like Lorkhan. The cave changed and the Crones noticed too late that they were pulled into a Domain where there was no escape.

"It seems we came too late," says the shadow that looked like Vincent.

"Then we should at least avenge them," says the shadow looking like Lorkhan.

The Darkness opened an entrance and the women entered with the Godling. They see the table with the dead child on it as he was already half cut into pieces.

"Not good," says Serana seriously seeing both shadows.

"I know normally it would be only one. Something is wrong," says Kirvena as Karliah shakes her head.

"No, he said that he absorbed Lorkhan. That shadow must be the remaining of Lorkhan in Vincent's Void," says Karliah as Ellana had a bad feeling.

"We should let him deal with them and make sure that no one else is dragged into this fight," says Ellana as she saw Vincent holding three Black Soul Gems.

The women nod as they suddenly split off and created an arena by connecting their barriers into a giant one that surrounded Vincent and the Crones so Vincent didn't have to worry about killing the Godling by accident.

"We should make this fast," says Vincent as the shadows nod and Vlad comes out as well.

"Vlad, you will fight in my place," says Vincent as Vlad bows.

"Of Course," says Vlad happy to fight.