
The others landed near another ruin that looked like a bastion as they scouted the area finding some swords that were stored away when Vincent looks at them.

"Great work," says Vincent just from looking at them before he swings one a bit.

"Perfectly balanced and it's quite light showing that a master craftsman worked on this sword," says Vincent as he opened his bag and stored the swords away.

"You sure no one is going to miss them?" asks Ellana worried about it.

"If someone really needed them they wouldn't catch dust this whole time," says Vincent while he was looking for something that would help him understand the Witchers' Mutations.

"We should keep going towards Kaer Morhen. It should be down that passage," says Serana as she pointed at a path leading down when they hear some weepings.

"Something is wrong," says Ellana as they draw their weapon when they find some ghost manifest around them.

"It seems you angered some ghosts, Vincent," says Kirvena pointing at Vincent for pocketing the swords when Vincent takes one out.

"Let's test them out," says Vincent as he needed to be careful in using the Silver Sword because of Serana and Vlad.

"Are you going to fence against them," says Karliah seeing Vincent change into his Bard-Set.

"Let's try it out," says Vincent as she suddenly rushed in with the tip of the sword first.

He was so fast that the ghost couldn't even react to the attack as the sword penetrated the ghost completely before Vincent slashed upwards splitting the upper body of the ghost in two before slashing horizontally splitting it in three.

The ghost fades away and Vincent seems to swing into the air to clean his sword before he seemed to disappear again. He appeared again but this time behind the remaining ghost and he just cuts the head clean off making the ghost fade away as well.

"I'm a bit rusty when it comes to fencing it seems," says Vincent as he put the sword away and summons his bow.

"Rusty, he says. I think you became faster," says Karliah as Vincent smiled.

"That's because I used magic. I slowed down time with spatial magic, making me appear in front of the ghost or behind it. It isn't really tasking but still dangerous if you use it without slowing it down since you could kill yourself by manifesting inside your opponent," says Vincent as he walked to his wives when he finds a book covered in dust.

He picks it up and finds some notices inside it. He puts it in his bag while thinking, 'I will look later into it.'

He joins the others and they begin to follow the path down while talking about the future when Ellana asks, "What are we doing after all this Witcher Business?"

"Maybe we go to Vizima or Novigrad," says Vincent as he really wanted to see those two cities when Kirvena smiles.

"I thought you would want to see Ard Skellige since their culture is like that of the Nords," says Kirvena as she knew her husband.

"They would be next on my list but wouldn't it be nice to see the cities on the mainland first. We know how Ard Skellige might be but know almost nothing about the rest," says Vincent with a smile as his blood was pumping through his veins in the excitement of exploring this world.

"After this, we will explore the Northern Kingdoms until we know all about it," says Vincent as the others got excited as well.

They passed a broken down tower when Kirvena says, "I slowly begin to feel like I'm on an old battlefield."

"Ciri mentioned that the Witchers were betrayed before by the Lord of those Lands," says Karliah as that explained the ghost in the Bastion they landed.

"Let's just hope that someone is at home," says Serana as they could see Kaer Morhen already.

"I hope that we don't have to fight them," says Ellana as their meeting with the Witchers could go wrong depending if they could talk with them.

They stood in front of the gate when Vincent knocks against the old wood a bit too hard making it fall forwards into the courtyard of the old castle. The women glared at him thinking that he did it on purpose.

"Really?" asks Kirvena as Vincent smiled nervously.

"I really didn't want that to happen. I thought the door would survive that much force," says Vincent defending himself.

It didn't work when they suddenly hear a man say, "Welcome to Kaer Morhen. I'm sorry about this mess but it has been a long time since we had guests around here."

"Hello there," says Vincent as the man didn't seem angry about Vincent breaking the gate.

"Name is Vesemir, I am the Master Witcher of the Wolf School. What can I do for you?" asks Vesemir excited as it was long that visitors came to Kaer Morhen to make a contract.

"I'm Vincent Highwind and those are my wives," says Vincent as he begins with Kirvena and ended with Ellana.

"We are here because someone recommended your school," says Vincent as Vesemir seemed now confused.

"It was a girl with ashen hair and emerald eyes. Maybe you know her since she calls you, grandfather," says Vincent as Vesemir opens his eyes wide in surprise before he tried to pack Vincent's shoulder only to miss.

"You met Ciri," says Vesemir in surprise when Vincent nods.

"She used to live with us for a while. I had to give her some training and I made her a sword after graduating from my training," says Vincent as he showed his real form to Vesemir as well as the others.

Vesemir wanted to draw his sword when Vincent's hand was at his sword pummel stopping him from drawing his sword when Vincent says, "We are here to talk not to fight against you. If I really came to fight, you would be dead by now."

Vesemir tries to pull his sword out with all his strength only to find out that it wasn't moving one bit when he removed his hand from his sword and Vincent does the same.

"What are you all?" asks Vesemir as he was calm again.

"Well, they are all Elves as you can see except for me and Serana," says Vincent as Serana showed her fangs making Vesemir nervous.

"A Bruma!" shouts Vesemir as he tried to draw his sword again when Vincent stopped him again.

"Yes, she is a Vampire and she won't attack you," says Vincent as Vesemir felt overpowered again.

"And you are?" asks Vesemir as he was quite nervous now.

"I am an Au-Ra or in your language a Dragon," says Vincent as Vesemir was quite surprised when Vincent continues, "We came from another World that Ciri visited with her Elven Friend. Also, you tried to attack a former Empress."

"Empress?" asks Vesemir as Vincent smiled.

"Well all of them are former Empresses since I am a former Emperor better known as the Dragonking in my world," says Vincent when Vesemir remembered seeing a Black Dragon some minutes ago.

"You were the Black Dragon that was flying over Kaer Morhen a moment ago," says Vesemir as Vincent nods.

"That was indeed me. We came from Velen to meet some Witchers to study their mutations since they could be useful for our soldiers," says Vincent as Vesemir seemed angry and disappointed.

"You want to put people through those mutations. Do you know that with luck maybe two or three children survive them," says Vesemir angry as Vincent smiled at him.

"Are you really that cold-hearted," says Vesemir seeing the smile on Vincent's face.

"No, I wouldn't use the mutations on anyone until we researched them completely. We can't just inject the people with the mutations and kill them. In my world, we are quite more advanced than you are here. We even sent a ship into space something that won't happen here for at least a millennium or two," says Vincent explaining that they wouldn't inject the mutations into a person until they researched and perfected the mutations so the people wouldn't be affected by the side-effects of the mutations.

"So you are saying that you would research them until they aren't harmful to their new possessor," says Vesemir as Vincent nods.

"I would never let my people go through something that comes near to torture. We are an Empire that survived many wars and will survive through the ages because we all live peacefully with each other," says Vincent as Vesemir could see that the group didn't show distrust towards Serana as people would normally do.

"So Brumas are welcome in your ranks?" asks Vesemir as Vincent nods.

"Also Werebeast such as Werewolves and Werebears. Then we have the Cat folk called Khajiit and the Reptilians called Argonian and many more. They all live in harmony with each other while they have their own province as well in the Empire," says Vincent as Vesemir was now curious.

"And how do you hold them all in line?" asks Vesemir as everyone smiled hearing that.

"That's because I was forced by my first wife to marry one woman of every race. All my children became Kings or Queens of their respective races while my firstborn became my successor. Right now his firstborn is on the throne," says Vincent as he explained how biology worked on Nirn that the child would take after their mother's race.

"Your first wife seems to be quite open to this," says Vesemir as Vincent sighs.

"Too open since I even married a God just to bring back an extinct race. She also tried to pursue me to take Ciri as a wife but I don't like to take Men as wives," says Vincent sad as Vesemir was confused.

"What is wrong with marrying humans?" asks Vesemir as realized his mistake by seeing that everyone present was Elven or Undead.

"They all die overtime leaving me behind to roam the world while they can rest," says Vincent with a sad smile as Vesemir wanted to apologize when Vincent says, "It's alright many could misunderstand me in how I phrased that sentence."

"Anyway, we would like to stay in Kaer Morhen for a while. Maybe we can help you in reconstructing this fortress into its former glory while I study your mutations and send some home," says Vincent as Vesemir looked at them.

"I really don't like to be experimented on," says Vesemir as Vincent laughs.

"I will just extract some blood from you to research it. Nothing more," says Vincent as he stretched his hand out towards Vesemir.

"So just some blood and you help me rebuild Kaer Morhen?" asks Vesemir as Vincent nods.

"Yes, it should be easy to rebuild it using the Daedras under my command," says Vincent as Vesemir takes his hand without a second thought not even knowing what a Daedra was.

"Then welcome to Kaer Morhen. I will show you to the room you will be staying from today on," says Vesemir before letting go and guiding them inside.