Duel with Godo

The next day Vincent took Saskia and her Dwarf with the others to meet with the Dragons as Vincent went to meet with someone he could always ask for advice.

Saskia was surprised to see that many Dragons as the Dragons were looking back at her as they were surprised that Saskia would renounce her Dragon-form to walk like a mortal.

"Where are we going?" asks Saskia as Vincent was taking the lead.

"I will bring you to where my son is before I go to meet an old friend of mine," says Vincent as he walked towards the Dragon Palace that was erected on top of the highest mountain.

They enter it and Vincent finds Godo sitting on his throne and says, "It has been long, Godo."

"Father," says Godo as he stood up from his throne and walked towards Vincent.

"What brings you here?" asks Godo as Saskia could see that Godo was Vincent's son since they looked almost alike.

The Palace was quite traditional Au-Ra as Godo tried to implement his father's roots in the decoration making everything look like they were in Doma instead of Ishgard like the Elezen do in their Province.

"I can see that you really love the Culture of Doma. We only had one katana that my father put on display in our home," says remembering the old shack in the village he grew up in.

"I tried my best so it looks as much like Doma as possible," says Godo as he walked to a katana and unsheathed it.

"I want to have a duel," says Godo as he sheathed the katana again and went into position to fight.

Saskia was confused about this situation while the women beside her were already familiar with it when Saskia asks, "Aren't you going to intervene?"

"It always happens when they meet. Godo might be the Dragonking in name but he never won against his father even once," says Kirvena as she explained the situation to Saskia when Vincent was surrounded by light when his attire changed, and instead of a spear, a katana was in his hand now.

"You got three attempts to hit me," says Vincent as Godo smiled.

He rushed at Vincent and slashes at Vincent who only lifts his katana a bit out of its sheath to block the attack of Godo before pushing him back.

"Again!" says Vincent as he went into position.

Godo smiles as he rushes at Vincent while Vincent rushed at him both unsheathed their blades at the same time. They clash against each other and it seemed that Wind cut through Godo's Dragonskin before they separated again.

"Last Try!" says Vincent as Godo was still smiling when suddenly a child rushed at Vincent.

The child seemed to not be afraid of Vincent as he hit Vincent's leg while saying, "Leave Dad alone."

Vincent was surprised by this revelation as the duel stopped when a Fereldian woman came out holding a newborn.

"Kojiro," says Godo looking at the child that was five years old.

Vincent puts his hand away from his katana as his hand moves to the head of the boy when a smile appeared on his face.

"Are you his son?" asks Vincent with a smile on his face as Kojiro nods with tears in his eyes when the aura around Vincent changed completely.

He picked Kojiro up and put him on his shoulders while asking, "Do you know who I am?"

"A mean Nord," says Kojiro angry as Vincent forgot that he was in Nord-form when he used an illusion and his real form showed itself.

"I'm your grandfather," says Vincent as he jumped a bit to calm Kojiro down when Godo walked towards Vincent.

"I'm sorry, father. Kojiro stopped our duel," says Godo as he bowed to his father.

"It's alright. I didn't know you married a Fereldian Woman," says Vincent as he looked at the woman who walked forward and bowed to Vincent.

"It's an honor to finally meet you, your Majesty," says the woman bowing as she was feeding the newborn when Vincent stopped her.

"You don't need to bow. You are a Highwind, which means you are my family as are your children. You only need to call me father and your children grandfather," says Vincent as he looked at the woman with a smile on his face.

"We should inform your mothers about this. Mako will be happy to know that you gave her grandchildren as your sisters did," says Ellana as she walked towards them before using healing magic on Godo to heal the wound on his chest.

"My question is why did you keep it secret," says Karliah as she looked at Godo and the woman when Godo scratches his head.

"Well, Ella is... was a wanted criminal in Ferelden. I was traveling five years ago when I met her and fell for her immediately. She wasn't the same I tried to persuade her but she loved her life as a criminal until she was betrayed by her gang and sold to the authorities," says Godo as Vincent could imagine the rest.

"You went in and rescued her before you two eloped here to Dravania. That's why you married in secret," says Vincent hitting the nail.

"Yes," says Ella as she felt guilty when Vincent closed his eyes.

She thought Vincent was about to say something bad when he says, "Well, the past is past and you two have to worry about your future. Since you will be soon renouncing your throne to one of your nephews or nieces since your son can't become Dragonking."

"What do you mean?" asks Ella as Godo hadn't told her yet it seems.

"What he means to say is that only a Dragon can sit on the Dragon Throne. Everyone else would provoke the Dragons into a revolt to go against that King or Queen since he isn't a Dragon like I or Father. We will be moving to Highwind City since the Dragons would respect me more than the new King and that could go to rebellion as well," says Godo explaining to Ella what Vincent meant.

"But we can still be together?" asks Ella as Vincent nods.

"Of course, you will just live with the other Highwinds in Highwind City," says Vincent as Ella seemed relieved that they would stay together.

"Now, who do we have here?" asks Serana looking at the little girl that was being fed by Ella.

"She is Suzuka, she was born last month," says Ella as she showed Suzuka's face to the rest of the family when Vincent put Kojiro down.

"Kojiro, the next time you see your father fighting against someone don't come out. It was brave but also foolish what if the enemy takes you as a hostage. Your father would suffer greatly because of that," says Vincent explaining to Kojiro to not do that.

"You can do that once you are older and can defend yourself," says Kirvena as she petted Kojiro who was calmer now.

"I need to go for a moment to meet someone. Can you entertain our new friends and your mothers," says Vincent as Godo nods while Vincent changed into his Drachen-Set again.

He leaves as he jumped towards the second highest mountain in Dravania. He landed and found a Temple there. He knocked on it and a man in a grey tunic opened the gate and was surprised to see him.

"Your Majesty, what brings you to Neo High Hrothgar?" asks the Greybeard as Vincent looks at him and smiles.

"The Greybeards were my teachers. You don't have to bow to me. I'm here to meet the Grandmaster," says Vincent as he entered into the Hall.

"The Grandmaster is outside in the courtyard. If you want to talk to him just pass through the door to the courtyard," says the Greybeard as Vincent nods and walks toward the door across the gate he passed and enters the courtyard.

There he finds Paarthurnax meditating with other Dragons and Mortals. When he approaches the Dragons felt him and stopped their meditation as they bowed their heads towards Vincent.

"What bring you here, Wuth Fahdon(Old Friend)?" asks Paarthurnax as he awoke the other from their meditation.

They realized that it was the former Emperor and they bowed before they realized that Vincent and Paarthurnax wanted to speak alone.

"I'm here to ask for advice as I always do in hard times," says Vincent as Paarthurnax looked at him confused because normally Vincent would have asked their father.

"In what exactly?" asks Paarthurnax as he refused to speak in Dovahzul as always.

"I was thinking about returning home," says Vincent as Paarthurnax was confused.

"You mean Skyrim?" asks Paarthurnax as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, my real home. Y'shtola made it back and now that I traveled into another World and returned I was thinking of returning home and help against Garlemald. If I can return just at the right time and the right place I could change many things," says Vincent when Akatosh appears between both of them.

"And you couldn't talk to me about this?" asks Akatosh as he looked at Vincent disappointed.

"Your hands are tied have you forgotten," says Vincent as Akatosh smiles.

"Indeed, my hands are but didn't I have a student that could do what you want from me. She could just jump and bring you there just like this," says Akatosh as he snaps his finger but nothing happened.

"Ciri!" says Vincent as Akatosh claps his hands together.

"Indeed, she could do that and even more now that she learned from me. But to accomplish everything she needs to accept her ancestry and become what her Ancestors were," says Akatosh talking in riddles to Vincent and Paarthurnax.

"You know that I never wanted to trap you on Nirn or I wouldn't have let you go to that other world. I just want you to be happy as everyone else of my children," says Akatosh as he sighs before saying, "Also, you should talk to Kynareth she could help you in this better than I can."

Akatosh then disappears as Vincent was now helpless. He has to talk to the one person that he didn't want to talk to because of his mistake of trusting the Book of Fate.

"I will have to enter hell and come back out of it alive. Thanks, Old Man," says Vincent as he sat down and looked at Paarthurnax.

"How about a wholeheartedly apologize?" says Paarthurnax as he didn't know what to advise Vincent in the mess he did with Kynareth.

"Thanks, Old Friend," says Vincent as he left by opening a portal.