
They turned around and see O'Dimm walked in the air down towards them with the full moon in his back. Olgierd walked forward wanting to face O'Dimm when O'Dimm suddenly begins to laugh out loud.

"What is so funny, Demon!" shouts Olgierd in anger as O'Dimm touched now ground as he walked towards Vincent.

"I'm laughing because I finally fulfilled your last wish," says O'Dimm as he smiled from ear to ear giving off an aura that even intimidated Vincent a bit.

"I wanted to stand on the moon and as I see it, am I still on earth since the moon is up there," says Olgierd as Vincent now sighs from hearing Olgierd.

"Olgierd, you should have done some research before coming with me. I gave you almost a whole week to find some clues about this temple," says Vincent as he knew everything about the temple but he was on O'Dimm's side here so he faked not knowing anything.

"What do you mean?" asks Olgierd as he was confused.

"I lied, when I said, I didn't know about this place. This is the Temple of Lilvani as said before but Lilvani is the Goddess of the Moon," says Vincent as Olgierd looked shocked at Vincent when O'Dimm summons a little gale that removed the leaves from the ground making it visible.

Olgierd was standing on a moon as he wished before and with this O'Dimm fulfilled his third and last wish of standing on a moon.

Olgierd wanted to draw his sword when he remembered that he had an iron sword that he bought before going to the orphanage since Vincent confiscated his sword at the beginning as ransom.

"You dog sold me out!" shouts Olgierd at Vincent who didn't care about Olgierd since he made the deal with O'Dimm and tried to find a loophole in it.

"A deal is a deal. You should never bargain for more if you aren't willing to pay the price. And you know that the price for your deal was your soul. Now pay the promised price like a man and face your end like a man. Maybe one of your gods will help you in your last moment and pull your soul away from O'Dimm's realm," says Vincent as he looked at Olgierd while O'Dimm walked towards Olgierd.

"We have a deal and I completed my part of the deal. Now it is time to complete your part," says O'Dimm as Olgierd began to age rapidly in front of both until he collapsed and his body turned to dust.

"Is his wife still under us?" asks Vincent as O'Dimm nods.

"Of course, she wasn't part of the deal after all. She will live as long as she wants as will her guardians. Anyway, back to our deal. You fulfilled your part, now I shall fulfill mine," says O'Dimm as he walked towards Vincent.

He touched his shoulder and both disappear and appear on an island that was surrounded by mist the sky was black and some lanterns were lightened to guide the people coming to the island.

"She is in the house on the end of this path. I will leave some boats at the harbor that is behind us. It was nice that you helped me. Now I will leave you alone. I have to guide a soul into my realm. See you again, friend," says O'Dimm with a smile.

"See you soon, my friend. But I hope it will be under better circumstances than last time," says Vincent as O'Dimm disappears again.

Vincent followed the path as he hears howls through the air making him draw his ax just in case something tries to attack him. The mist was quite dense making it hard to see more than five meters away from him.

He looks at the ground to follow the path walking up the hill until reaching the top finding two lanterns hanging on a house showing where the entrance to the house was.

Vincent walked towards the entrance and pushes the door lightly making the door open slowly. It was dark but Vincent could see that it was a house with one room.

Across from him was the bed and he hoped that Ciri was alright. He walked towards the bed and finds Ciri sleeping on the bed. Vincent touches her shoulder and feels no resistance coming from Ciri.

This makes Vincent suspicious as he now puts his finger under her nose and doesn't feel the air passing through his finger.

'She is dead. No that can't be I have to take Ciri to her,' thinks Vincent as he picked Ciri up and opens a rift towards Vengenberg.

Once there he entered the portal towards Nirn without anyone noticing him. He takes only two steps on Nirn before he opens another rift that took him straight to the peak of the Throat of the World.

"Kynareth, I know that I have done you wrong. But she is innocent and needs your help!" shouts Vincent as he was looking at the night sky.

The wind picked up before it stopped before Kynareth appears in front of Vincent. She was glaring at the man who killed her husband as she walked toward him.

"And I should help this girl because she is innocent. But why should I, you killed my husband who hasn't done anything," says Kynareth as she didn't even look at Ciri.

"I have done many things that I am not proud of lately and killing your husband is one of those things. You should know they will haunt me forever but she has nothing to do with our fight," says Vincent as he puts Ciri down before removing his armor and putting his ax on the side.

"If you help her you can do whatever you want to me. I know that you want to punish me. Punish me but don't let a bystander suffer because of our fight," says Vincent kneeling in front of Kynareth as he looked at the ground.

"You are right, she hasn't anything to do with our fight. But once I breathe life in her again you will bring her back where you found her and you will help her complete her destiny. Once that is done you will be in exile on the said island until I send Anra to get you," says Kynareth as Vincent looks up and sees that Kynareth was serious.

"I will remove your exile once something big happens on Nirn," says Kynareth as Vincent nods.

"I will do as you command," says Vincent as he stood back up and put his armor on and his ax was hanging from his waist.

Kynareth walked towards Ciri and touched Ciri's face as she breathes life into Ciri. Ciri slowly gained color again and was now sleeping soundly.

"Is she alright?" asks Vincent as Kynareth nods.

"She is alright, but she will need to recover her strength. She will wake up when she is completely recovered. Also, I would want to ask you to not use the mutations on the people if possible," says Kynareth as she looked at the night sky.

"Why should I not modify our people?" asks Vincent as Kynareth looked at him.

"Because something big is coming even bigger than the Reapers. I fear that interfering with this new world made a crack appear in our universe that made it possible for new enemies to enter it," says Kynareth as she looked back at the night sky.

"You aren't the only one protecting Nirn. Just because we are gods it doesn't mean we don't care. Just don't do something as stupid as last time again or you will face my true fury," says Kynareth as she vanishes as she came with the wind.

"Thank you, Kynareth," says Vincent as he picked Ciri up from the snow and opens a rift to the Imperial City before entering the portal and opening another rift to the island.

Once back on the island he enters the house and puts Ciri on the bed letting her sleep and recover her strength.

"Don't do something stupid again next time. I might be immortal but being exiled to this island until the Gods know when is not something I would do for everyone," says Vincent as he kisses her forehead.

"Sleep well, my student," says Vincent as he leaves Ciri's side.

He walks out of the house and hears some howling again. This time Vincent walks into the forest and finds himself surrounded by monsters. This made Vincent smile as he takes his ax that turned into a spear while his armor transformed into his Drachen-set.

"It seems I have to show my dominance over this island," says Vincent as he manifested his aura while taking his stance.

"If I have to stay on this island I want to sleep without waking up to your howling," says Vincent as he rushes at a monster that looked like a deer on steroids while the Twin Dragons went for the harpies and bilge hags.

The monster rushed at Vincent and wanted to smash his whole body against Vincent only to find Vincent elegantly jump over him and pierce it in the neck before placing his feet on its back.

Then he used more force and pierced through the neck killing the monster that was now sliding towards the next enemy that seemed to be a group of Foglets.

Vincent didn't have much to do since the body of the monster he was sliding on killed by piercing them with the horns. Vincent jumped from the corpse and landed on the ground in the middle of the group of the Foglets before he rotated his spear killing all of them that were too close to him.

The others tried to escape but they hit something big while running away. They didn't know what it was until they looked up and saw that it was the Black Dragon who then crushed them under his pawn.

The White Dragon landed after taking care of the Harpies and Vincent dissolved his aura, making both return to his body.

"We should clean this mess up before it is tomorrow," says Vincent as he piles the bodies up before burning them down.

Then he returns to the house as he began his temporary exile.