Entering Vizima

The next morning, they rode towards the gate of Vizima in quite some tension because of what happened yesterday.

Geralt could see why Vincent would want to conquer this world as humans were discriminating against the other races that lived on it.

Ciri was thinking hard about everything that happened. She was a bit frightened about Vincent finding out about her family's past as Vincent already knew about it.

It was no secret for him after reading about Cintra in a book and talking with some of the people of Aedirn about it he found out that Cintra was nothing but a slaughterhouse for elves that wanted to live peacefully in it.

He didn't hold it against Ciri since she was either not born or a child so she didn't inherit the crimes of her Ancestors.

They reached the gate as the guards were quite tense just from seeing Vincent ignoring Geralt and Ciri completely as they pointed their weapons at Vincent.

Vincent smiled as he looked at them while saying, "You aren't going to attack a messenger from the Highwind Empire. This would provoke a war between both of our Empires."

"You are from the Empire of Aedirn," says one of the guards as Vincent nods not wanting to correct him.

"That's right," says Vincent as Geralt then enters their sight of view.

"Witcher, we thought you would never return. Are you here for the Emperor as well?" asks the same guard as Geralt looks at the guard.

"That's right, I brought him what he wanted from me," says Geralt as the guard nods and turns around and looks up.

"Open the gates!" shouts the guard and the gates were opened while Vincent was already calculating how to breach into the city.

They entered the city as Geralt took the lead guiding them towards the Palace. Vincent got a nice view of the city but saw what he saw everywhere he went in this world.

He began to lose faith in this world with Velen and gained some with Vergen but had lost it all when he heard what Redania was doing to their subjects and walking through Oxenfurt.

"Can we talk about something personal?" asks Ciri quietly as she didn't want Geralt to hear her.

"If it's about Cintra, I know what happened there and I don't blame you for the sins of your Ancestors. You are your own person," whispers Vincent back as Ciri was happy but that wasn't what she wanted to ask from Vincent.

"Thanks for reassuring me, but my question is a different one," whispers Ciri as Vincent looks at her.

"Which is?" asks Vincent curious about the question.

"What will happen to the humans after the war?" asks Ciri worried as Vincent only smiles at her while petting his innocent student.

"They will have to learn to adapt to live between the other races or will be punished by the laws of the Empire," says Vincent as Ciri was worried about what said punishment could imply making Vincent say, "To this day no human has died by being racist but they learned not to be it a second time. Most died by rebelling against the Empire that is also a reason why I didn't want to conquer this world. But the pros for conquering the Northern Kingdoms are more than the cons for not doing it."

"What about Skellige?" asks Ciri as Vincent was thinking when he had an idea.

"If the culture is the same between the Nords and them then I should be able to challenge their leader for the position. That way we can take Skellige over without any trouble maybe I should send Uther the Bold to take over Skellige," says Vincent thinking that a Nord would be better to take over peacefully, and with Uther being a Highwind makes this perfect.

Uther was someone that loved the simple life as he was more like his Ancestor Tyr who loved to roam around having as little responsibility as possible and the best thing is that he isn't the next High King of Skyrim.

"Uther the Bold, I heard from him when I traveled to get the Horn for you," says Ciri as she heard that Uther was a heroic Nord that fought against ten trolls using his fists alone and won against them.

"He is quite famous for his battles but his heart is in the right place. Do you know why he is called Uther the Bold?" asks Vincent as Ciri shakes her head.

"It's because he fought two rogue giants on his own without caring for his life. Even I fought only one giant before. They are literally that strong that one of their swings will send you flying through the air. While you are flying up you wish that swing would have killed you since if it didn't gravity will," says Vincent as they arrived at the stable beside the Palace of Vizima with Vincent telling the stable master to give Behemoth some vegetables.

They entered as someone received them right away. Vincent was thinking that it was quite a nice place resembling the old palace of the Imperial City before it got modernized. They were guided towards the garden where Emhyr was sitting on a stone bank surrounded by nobles that turned to his side.

"My Lord, the Witcher Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf and -" says the guide presenting Geralt when Emhyr interrupts him saying Ciri's full name with all her titles while the people all bowed towards her.

"Get used to it soon everyone will bow to you," says Emhyr as he then looked at Vincent and asks, "And you are the messenger from the Highwind Empire?"

"Yes, I am Vincent Highwind. Nice to see you, Emhyr var Emreis," says Vincent as he smiled at Emhyr.

"Does every person in the Empire have the same name?" asks Emhyr as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, no one would dare to name their child after me. Even my children don't do that. We meet before back then I was using a potion to look like a Nord to hide between the mass. But now I don't need to do that any longer," says Vincent as he looked at Emhyr when the guide comes towards them with a small chest.

"We can talk later. I want to reward the Witcher for bringing my daughter to me," says Emhyr as he looked at Geralt who didn't accept the coins.

"I brought her here because you wanted to talk to her, not because of the reward. We will be gone as fast as your conversation is over," says Geralt seriously as was serious.

"Then you will have to excuse me and my daughter. I will speak to her alone before I talk to you, messenger," says Emhyr not knowing who Vincent really was.

Vincent only smiled and says, "Of course, I will wait. A father and daughter must have a private conversation after not seeing each other after so long."

Emhyr retreats with a nervous Ciri since she knew who Emhyr offended while Geralt was nervous as well while Emhyr whispers something to the person that guided them to the garden before leaving with Ciri.

"Follow me, sir," says the guide to Geralt while another person came towards Vincent.

"You will be following me," says the other guide as Vincent nods and follows him.

They arrived at the main hall that is connected to the office of the Emperor when the guide says, "The Emperor will be ready in a moment. We should wait here until then."

"Well, the more time we waste the better it is for me and the Empire," says Vincent with a smile as he sent words to Serana to inform Naomasa to inform Godo and assemble ten Legions.

Vincent thought they were enough people to take over the Northern Kingdoms and to organize them needed some time as well as to get the Dragons through the portal. But while he gets the Black Emperor he can send the Dragons through a portal towards the Imperial City from there they only needed to fly into the portal. He really wants to see who will fight against two thousand Dragons that are organized.

They waited when Geralt returns with his guide when Vincent asks, "What did he reward you with?"

"A horse that I will be giving to Ciri for now. She will need it to ride towards Novigrad," says Geralt as he wasn't surprised that Vincent knew that.

"I might have gifted you more like a house in which you can grow old but I know that they think Witchers aren't human because of their mutations but for me, you are a human like any other of them," says Vincent as the guides were confused by what Vincent said.

After fifteen minutes you could hear screams coming from the office making Geralt and Vincent smile as they recognized that it was Ciri's voice screaming. She comes out of the office when she sees both looking at her with a smile.

"You heard me?" asks Ciri furious and embarrassed at the same time.

"We didn't understand you but yes we heard your screams," says Geralt as Vincent walked past Ciri.

"I think, it is my turn now. You should wait outside the city for me to be exactly where we make camp yesterday. It could get hairy at any moment," says Vincent as he looks at Ciri and says, "Also, take Behemoth with you. I won't need him for this."

Ciri and Geralt nod knowing that it will be dangerous for them since they accompanied him here and the soldiers don't know who Ciri is. Vincent smiled at Ciri for the last time in the months to come as his warm eyes turned completely cold and his smile disappeared, making not only she but also Geralt feel shiver from seeing them.

Geralt now saw a glimpse of what Lucia and Orug said about Vincent who could change completely when he enters a war and this was the beginning of a war that has already started it seems as Vincent entered the office. Geralt grabbed Ciri and rushed out of the Palace as fast as possible to keep her safe.