Valexus Highwind

They all seemed to have forgotten why they were there when Vincent remembers and shouts, {Let us fight for the new King and bring glory back home!}

Vincent then turns to Kojiro and says, "Kojiro go back inside and look after your mother and sister while your father isn't at home."

"Yes, grandfather," says Kojiro still not knowing what was going on making Vincent smile at his innocence.

"Then go," says Vincent as Kojiro jumps from Godo's lap and runs into the palace.

Vincent then turns to his son and says, "It is time to move. You will be commanding not only the Dragons but also the Dragoons under your sister."

"Yes, father," says Godo looking at Vincent as he stood up.

{We are marching to the battlefield! Let us show them why we Dragons are to be feared and respected by everyone!} shouts Godo rallying the Dragons up as Odahviing flew down towards the three.

They mounted Odahviing as Vincent was holding Behemoth reigns so he wouldn't fall of Odahviing's back. They take flied as they flew in the direction of the Imperial City when a rift big enough to fit them opened making the Dragons fly through it arriving at the Imperial City right away before they flew through the portal arriving at Vengerberg.

Once over Vengerberg, everyone that didn't know of the Dragon Army was scared shitless as the Dragons flew towards the mountains under Godo's command since they would scare the people of this world.

The Legions that were present all showed respect since the arrival of the Dragons means that many of their lives will be saved on the battlefield because the enemy will be intimidated by the Dragons.

Odahviing was still overflying Vengenberg when Behemoth with Vincent mounted on him jumped from Odahviing's back. They flew down while Godo told Odahviing to continue on their path to the mountain.

The Dragoons were already in Vengerberg they kneeled knowing who was falling from the sky since they were all trained by him. The Veterans of the Last War recognize Vincent as well making the newer folk look at Vincent confused as they couldn't recognize him from that far away.

Once on the ground, the people that never served beside Vincent knew who was standing in front of them. They all went down on one knee like the others did as Vincent passed them making them feel nervous because they felt Vincent's cold aura.

They were nervous that Vincent was angry with them when they see the Veterans unmoved because they began to radiate the same cold aura Vincent was radiating.

"It seems my fellow brothers have returned to the battlefield to fight for the Empire. I hope you can show the younglings how they have to act on the battlefield as they will soon taste the horror of war as you all did before them!" shouts Vincent at the Legions as the Veterans stood up giving a mighty roar from themselves.

The aura scared the normal people of Vengerberg as they were buying their supplies for when the war starts they won't hunger because the troops would need it. What they didn't know was that the supplies for the troops were still behind the portal.

Vincent rode towards the Palace of Vengerberg. Once at the gate, he dismounted Behemoth and hand him over to a guard who salutes to Vincent. Before walking away with Behemoth and Vincent entered the Palace.

He walked for a bit when he finally meets with his shadow again and asks, "How was the vacation, Vlad?"

"My Lord, you should have waited for my return. I was worried sick when I couldn't find you," says Vlad as he would normally a spell to return to Vincent's shadow but it didn't work for a long time.

"I was on an island that doesn't allow people outside of it to enter it via magic except you are powerful enough like O'Dimm or me," says Vincent explaining to Vlad why he couldn't be teleported to his position.

"Anyway, it seems we are riding into war again," says Vlad not knowing that Vincent won't be standing on the battlefield this time.

"You will be Vlad. I will soon enter my exile and won't be able to fight in this war," says Vincent as he passed his old friend.

"Exile?" asks Vlad as Vincent nods.

"Yes, Kynareth's punishment for killing her husband," says Vincent as Vlad followed behind him.

"Then I should go with you," says Vlad as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, it wouldn't be an exile if I brought you with me, old friend. Anra will be the one to release me from my exile once Kynareth tells her," says Vincent as Vlad couldn't accept that.

"Don't do something foolish, old friend. I don't want to find you dead once I return from it," says Vincent as he could tell that Vlad wanted to do something rash just to enter exile with Vincent.

"I need you to look after the worlds I am trying to protect and the punishment is quite fair for what I did for following orders that a book gave me," says Vincent as he could hear the woman.

"Now I have to mess with this mess and make one of my descendants marry Adda the White making him King of Redania and after taking Temaria back from Nilfgaard they will reign over both Redania and Temaria together," says Vincent as he turned to Vlad.

"Bring me Valexus Highwind from the bloodline of Lytara and Uther the Bold from the bloodline of Elisif. They are the people I see worthy of ascending to the thrones of Redania and Skellige," says Vincent as Vlad understood him.

He couldn't marry Adda the White since he would enter exile and when he came back from it she would be either too old to bear an heir for him or be among the dead.

"I will get them right away," says Vlad as he put his hood over his head covering it from the sun before he leaves.

Vincent knew that Vlad would only need some minutes to get the two and entered the room filled with almost all of his wives, Saskia, and the woman known as Adda the White.

Saskia seemed relieved with Vincent in Vengenberg as if some burden was taken away from her when Vincent entered the room.

"Welcome back to Vengenberg. Please tell me you are staying for a long time," says Saskia making Vincent's wives chuckle from hearing Saskia.

"We will soon depart to Novigrad to join my children and the others for our last battle against the Wild Hunt," says Vincent as he walked towards Adda the White.

He takes her hand and kisses it before saying, "It's a waste that I won't be able to marry you."

"What do you mean?" asks Serana now as she and the other three a still didn't know about Vincent's punishment.

"He won't be able to marry her because he will be entering exile," says Mina surprising the four women.

"Is that true?" asks Karliah as Vincent nods before telling them about it.

"Once Ciri has fulfilled her destiny I will enter exile as Kynareth ordered it. That's why Queen Adda the White will be marrying Valexus Highwind. He is an aspiring scholar and warrior that would have become the next Grand Chancellor of the Elder Council," says Vincent as he could see some displeasure on Adda's face.

"Why should I go for the runner-up if the first prize is right in front of me," says Adda as she tried her best but Vincent was quite adamant that she will be marrying Valexus and no one would change his mind not even his wives.

"I asked my closest friend to get him for you. He should arrive in a moment and you will know why I chose him for you," says Vincent as he turned then to his women.

"What about Radovid did I miss his execution?" asks Vincent as the women nod.

"Yes, he is now ash. We send messengers with the news to every Kingdom," says Karliah as they sat down and talked a bit until they hear a knocking on the door.

"Valexus come inside. Uther, you go with Vlad and get yourself a drink," says Vincent as the door opens and only a man with bronze skin entered the room.

He was Valexus Highwind, a man that was quite tall for an Imperial. His body is built muscular as the muscles were showing it. He had a face that every woman would try to seduce as his blue eyes could captivate them. He has short black hair that combined quite well with his eyes.

The moment Adda saw Valexus she saw his eyes and fell for him without knowing it. Valexus was in his Legionary Armor as he was still a member of the Legion right now. Valexus kneeled down in front of them as Vincent helps him up.

"Valexus, let me present you to Queen Adda," says Vincent as Valexus takes Adda's hand as did Vincent before and kissed it.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Queen Adda," says Valexus as he took a closer look at Adda and saw many beautiful but also disturbing things in her.

It was almost like Adda had possessiveness written all over her face when facing Valexus as if he was an object she needed to own. It wasn't the first time he met a woman like that but Adda was different it was like an animalic instinct took over her body at that moment.

"I agree to it," says Adda as Valexus was confused since he didn't know what she agreed on.

"Good, Valexus from today on you aren't a Legionary any longer," says Vincent as Valexus was even more confused.

"You are the King of Redania and Temaria and Adda will be your lawful wife," says Vincent dropping the bomb over his head.

The moment Valexus knew what was going on he shouts "Never!" and tries to escape only to find himself unable to move as Adda had a tight grip on his wrist while the women in the room all had an evil smile on their face excepts for Saskia who was hiding behind Vincent who also was relieved that he wasn't their target.