The Feast in Skellige

A moment after the duel they were feasting behind enemy lines since Skellige hasn't entered the Empire yet. Vincent was sitting at one table with Crach and Yennefer since Cerys was Crach's daughter.

Mako was sitting with them as well since it would be easier for the others to meddle with the local people since they know Elves.

Mako was already on her fifth mead when she says, "We really have to import some Nord Mead here for those people. They don't know what they are missing by drinking this piss."

"Nord Mead?" asks Crach as Yennefer smiles at him.

"Nord are Humans that live in an area named Skyrim. Vincent spent most of his life there with the natives," says Yennefer as Vincent nods.

"Nords are a lot like your people at least the culture is almost the same. You would like to live there. Uther is from there though he is quite special in this regard," says Vincent as Crach looked at Uther who was sitting at a table with Cerys.

A moment before the dinner, Cerys was stomping on the ground with her feet in anger because her father accepted everything about the losing condition making her an object that now belonged to another person.

"Are you crazy! You sold your own daughter to the enemy!" shouts Cerys as she looked at her father while her eyes were red in anger.

"Girl, you are still too young. We who have trouble with fighting Nilfgaard back should fight the Empire that made Nilfgaard retreat from Temaria. I don't think that we could win against them," says Crach as he heard rumors of the flying ships and Dragons that fight for the Empire.

"So you are scared to die an honorable death!" shouts Cerys as she wasn't thinking at the moment while spatting at her father.

"Cerys!" shouts Hjalmar who fought beside the Highwinds at Kaer Morhen.

He saw how well trained the Imperial Family is. He was imagining how strong the army was when they were already that strong. Mousesack was the same he wouldn't even imagine them getting the Empire by surprise since Vincent or his wife could transform into a Dragon and destroy that surprise attack of theirs.

"We have no chance against them. And Orug warned us to choose our side wisely because they don't want to kill us. They want us to live in harmony with the other races that is all," says Hjalmar as Cerys couldn't believe that her brother, the man that would rather die than retreat, was talked about surrendering.

"Are they really that strong?" asks Cerys as Hjalmar nods.

"They alone defeated the Wild Hunt while we were almost only watching. I only killed two in that fight and only because they let them pass through so I could kill them. They are organized and if that is the Imperial Family what do you think their Legions are. They will decimate Nilfgaard if they don't surrender soon," says Hjalmar reporting how many Knights of the Wild Hunt he really killed.

"He is right even their Sorcerers are more powerful than ours. Have you seen the woman and man with Golden Skin?" says Mousesack as Cerys nods.

"They are powerful so much that I felt like an ant beside them," says Mousesack making Cerys think about who she is going to war against.

"And that Uther he has an aura even if it isn't strong he has one. I was like a child looking at a Frost Giant," says Crach telling his daughter why he lost.

"So we just give up," says Cerys as they all nod.

"We have no choice or we will be seen as honorless if they spread what happened. People won't trust our word any longer and people won't see you as their Queen," says Crach as he was right about one thing it is that they would always hold their word.

"So I just marry that person even if I don't want him," says Cerys as she found it unfair that she had to carry this burden.

"We agreed on seeing if you are compatible with each other. If you both don't see eye to eye you won't marry him," says Hjalmar as Crach shakes his head.

"No, she will marry him and give him an heir," says Crach as he was deadly serious about this.

"Wait, Vincent wouldn't force Cerys if she doesn't want to. He wouldn't allow it," says Hjalmar defending his sister.

"He is right, Vincent is a man with honor if he thinks that Cerys is forced to marry Uther, he could see it nullified and ask for another woman to marry Uther," says Mousesack when a servant entered the room.

"The feast is ready," says the servant informing them.

"Just get to know him. He seems to be a nice man or he would have killed me or wounded me at least but he stopped his ax knowing that he won. Also, he showed respect by helping me up showing that he will take care of our people even if he wasn't born in Skellige," says Crach making Hjalmar and Mousesack nod as they agreed on that.

"They are all raised to see each other as equals and the race of the Emperor changes with every Emperor. Maybe one day one of our folk will sit on that throne," says Mousesack since he had time to talk to Naosane.

"We should go to the feast they must be waiting for us," says Cerys as she rushes off first while the others followed her.

Fast forward to the moment Vincent was talking with Crach. Vincent was observing them closely while Crach was nervous. Uther was nervous as well. He might know how to talk the talk with Nord Women but he never had real action since they mostly run away when they see his thing hanging between his legs.

"They would look cute with each other if Queen Cerys loved Uther but it seems it will be a political marriage," says Vincent as Crach was surprised since Hjalmar and Mousesack seemed to think Vincent was against political marriages.

"You seem surprised," says Mako looking at Crach.

"Well, the other two said you would be against such a marriage," says Crach making Vincent smile.

"I had many political marriages. But most turned into one of love while others were about to bloom only to wither away the moment they bloomed," says Vincent as he brought out one bottle of Honningbrew Mead and two bottles of Bella's Best.

"But the children never suffered under those marriages," says Vincent as he called a servant over.

He gave the servant a bottle of Bella's Best and told him to give it to the new couple before opening the Honningbrew Mead. He asks for eight new cups for them while Yennefer was excited to find out what Vincent brought out this time.

The servant arrives and Vincent fills four cups while saying, "This is Honningbrew Mead. It is the most popular Mead in Skyrim followed by Black-Briar Mead. Try it and you will see why Mako doesn't like your mead."

Crach took a sip and he felt as if he tasted pure gold making him empty his cup seeing that reaction Yennefer followed. She wasn't much into mead but everything Vincent takes out was good so far.

She takes a sip and says, "Is that honey that I taste on my tongue."

"Yes, most meads are made using honey but Honningbrew Mead improve their recipe every ten years. Sometimes it fails and they return to the recipe old one. That's why they are the most popular Mead on Tamriel but if I have to be honest the best Mead was made by my adoptive daughter Bella Highwind," says Vincent as he opened the bottle of Bella's Best.

He filled the other four cups so the mead wouldn't be mixed together. Crach then sees Mako lift her cup while taking only a sip from it when she placed it down again.

"If Bella knew something in life it was how to brew mead. She started in Highwind City before moving back to Ferelden. Her descendants are still brewing after her recipe. The one you are holding in your cup was made by my daughter. It was one of her first successes she made us drink," says Mako as Crach and Yennefer drank from it.

"It tastes like currants," says Yennefer as Mako nods.

"Yes, it is what gives the mead the dark color. She still has some other variations but this was the first she succeeded in. She called it 'Bella's Best 'Love Potion''. I remember it as if it was yesterday," says Vincent as he looked at the table with both Cerys and Uther which were having a conversation.

Vincent smiles at them and Crach notices Vincent's smiles and looks over only to see the couple talking friendly to each other when he asks nervously, "Is there a love potion in the Mead?"

"No, it was called Love Potion because it has the effect to improve the mood of those drinking it. Many couples married after drinking it making a myth spread through Nirn that a couple that drinks this Mead will be married in less than a year," says Vincent who used the Network to help his daughter a bit.

"Uther isn't your normal Nord. He was raised between Giants because his father fell in love with one. He has no experience with women except for speaking to them and he is quite humble and young making him the perfect King. He was supposed to become the next High King after his aunt gave way," says Vincent as Crach looked at Uther curiously.

"That explains why he is so big and his aura," says Crach as he looked at Uther.

"Yeah even though he can't control it yet. He used it instinctively not because he wanted to do it. He still needs to learn how to use his aura the right way," says Vincent as they talked into the night.

Suddenly they hear an uproar because of something that they thought wouldn't happen happened. Uther and Cerys left the room together with the bottle of Bella's Best.

"Well for the new King and Queen of Skellige!" shouts Orug as the others soon followed when Vincent stood up.

"We should dine tonight as good as possible then beginning tomorrow war against the Wild Hunt will begin," says Vincent as he raised his cup and they all drank their drink before filling another cup.

This went on until everyone was sleeping at the tables except for one person who was walking towards Vincent who was pretending to be asleep.