Exile (Vol.2 End)

Vincent was meditating at the moment trying to not think about the war that was waging right now in the Northern Kingdom between Nilfgaard and the Empire. Time passes slowly for him and he can't know that the war was over when Ciri took her throne from her father.

Once Ciri was on the throne she made reforms and surrendered to the Empire knowing that under the Empire they wouldn't suffer. Nilfgaard became a province in the Empire with its vassal states joining as well.

Many beings not human were happy about that and at the same time not which included Vampires of this World. They had to surrender to the blood they would normally drink from the innocent which caused a civil war between Vampires with Serana leading her fellow brothers and sisters to victory in this civil war.

It was quite easy to deal with them once the enemy found out that their regeneration ability didn't work against the Empire as they sealed the souls in Black Soul Gems so they couldn't return from the dead.

The Werewolves were transported towards Nirn so Hircine could take them under his wings making them be able to transform back into humans and werewolves as they pleased except it was a Blood Moon in which they are forced to transform into werewolves.

Even Trolls joined the Empire and were now totally normal to find them walking around the streets of the city or villages with other humanoid creatures that followed the rules of the Empire.

Vincent who didn't know that was going crazy on the island he was exiled to. He was walking up and down while trying to think what was going on outside. He didn't even know that two years passed since he arrived on that island.

The dead were buried and mourned for and their names were written down so everyone can remember that they died for their Empire.

Ciri in the meantime had some special guests as she asks, "Anything new on the Vincent Front?"

"Nothing new. He won't return no matter how many times you ask Ciri. He will return once Anra takes a ship to get him," says Yennefer who was sitting across from her daughter.

"I think little Ciri has some feeling that she couldn't voice the last time they talked and is wanting to let them out," says Mina as she took a sip from tea while the other women were sitting around the same table as well.

"Why are you here. I can understand that my mother is here," says Ciri angry at Mina for implying something.

"You think a ruler is born right away? You will need training in the area and that's why we are here to teach you in that regard. And don't worry about Vincent. He must be meditating at the moment trying to calm himself down," says Mina knowing her husband well but he was under abnormal circumstances.

Vincent was raging as he was destroying the little forest on the island since he doesn't know when a day starts or ends because the sky was always black.

"It seems, you are raging too much because you don't know what is going on outside," says Kynareth as she came to visit Vincent since she could see that Vincent was going down a path that could lead to the destruction of both world if he loses his mind.

"Why are you here, Kynareth? I thought that I was exiled," says Vincent aggressively even if he didn't want to.

"I know that it is your insecurity about the war that is talking out of you. I am here to tell you that the Empire won and Ciri became the Queen of Nilfgaard after surrendering to the Empire," says Kynareth as Vincent sighs in relief finding out that the war was over.

"There are still some civil wars because the Vampires can't adapt to rules of the Empire and are killed and sealed in Black Soul Gems. Vlad is doing quite a good work beside the Dawnguard that joined Serana in the fight against the Vampires," says Kynareth as Vincent was slowly calming down and Kynareth could see it.

"Thank you this will remove the burden that I was carrying on my shoulders," says Vincent as he felt more secure about the situation outside.

"I don't want you to go crazy, but repent on your sins that's why I told you what was going on outside. I should also tell you that you still have at least 95 years before you. So enjoy yourself," says Kynareth as she fades away again.

"95 years until my release. How long was I already raging? She could have told me that at least," says Vincent to himself before he returned to the house and began to meditate again feeling calmer about it since his thought about the war were nonexistent.

The Vampires weren't much of a problem with the Dragons around since the older a Dragon gets the harder and thicker its skin becomes after Akatosh blessed them again. Even if a Vampire could tear through a Legion it couldn't beat a Dragon since they can't damage them without being a Dragonborn.

And even if they manage to kill one it would just return from the dead as if nothing happened because they can't absorb their souls. This made Vincent meditate in peace for years while reflecting on what he did all those years.

The outside world was changing drastically advancing faster than expected in the last fifty years with entering the age of technology which changed many lives.

Many new inventions were spreading around Nirn from the smartphone to cars that worked on Magicka instead of Gasoline. They even managed to send people to the two moons which are being studied at the moment.

It seemed like the Golden Age arrived on Nirn which spread to the Northern Kingdom as they belonged to the Empire and were treated as equals to the other provinces.

Many people began to feel old just by looking at their PCs not knowing how to use them at the beginning and when the Internet came to Nirn it was like a miracle for many people.

The cities grew bigger as the population did because there was no war except for Avallac'h's world going down to Mehrunes Dagon who began to advance again taking three of the major cities of that world before making a pause again.

Vincent on the other hand was thinking about which role he was playing for the person that manipulated him to kill Lorkhan as he meditated outside the house not knowing of the approaching danger Nirn will be facing in the future.

Meanwhile in space, a giant white construct was flying towards Nirn with a spaceship beside it. On that ship were humans, humanoids with blue glowing skin, and robots that could talk like normal people.

One of the blue glowing skinned humanoids was sitting beside a dark-skinned human woman and a robot that had a good of when he says, "The Vanguard lost the Last City and we are lucky that we are all alive because the Traveler found a way to safe us all."

"We don't know that yet, Zavala," says the dark-skinned woman to the humanoid that was glowing.

"Ikora is right. I don't believe that the Traveler could create a wormhole out of nowhere and send us into another Galaxy. All our systems were fried when the Darkness attacked us fifty years ago and now we are sitting duck floating towards who-knows-where," says the robot with the hood on as he was cleaning his favorite gun.

"We can be for sure that the Traveler is guiding us since he didn't change course but it can be that he isn't changing course because he is like us floating in the unknown," says the robot when a humanoid woman joined them.

"We all fled from this fight because there was no way in winning it. The Reef joined you because we couldn't stand against the Taken King," says the woman seriously while another one of the humanoids was standing behind her.

"We are lucky that the ship was big enough to take everyone with us but everyone that wasn't in the Last City can be counted as dead," says Zavala as he seemed to grieve about the fact that they lost everything they worked for.

"We can rebuild what we have lost. But we can't bring the dead back. We should mourn for them and not for the Last City," says a man that seemed to hide his face behind a mask.

"He is right," says an older man who seemed to not be really welcomed in that round as everyone glared at him.

"You shouldn't speak too much, old man. We could just throw you out through the luke just to make it clear," says the robot as a joke.

"Cayde," says Ikora as a woman with pale skin and three glowing green eyes which were covered by some bandages arrives at their side.

"We should think about the future in that I have to agree with Osiris and the Speaker. We can't change the past," says the woman when a big stocky man and a smaller man arrived at the table as well.

"Lord Saladin and Lord Shaxx, what can we do for you?" asks Zavala as Saladin looked around the table.

"I have nothing to add to what was said before but we our rations are at fifty percent and we will only survive another 50 years like this and at our tempo, we might not reach the destination at time," says Saladin making the humanoid woman think deeply.

"We can't shorten the provisions to the people since we are already giving them the bare minimum while we, Guardians, aren't eating and drinking since we don't need it. But we should find a way to grow crops on the ship," says Saladin seeing everyone think about it.

"Then we might have to experiment. If we succeed, we can feed the people more food and that would improve the mood in the carrier since everyone is thinking lately they are going to die out here," says Shaxx as they had more deads than births at the moment.

"Yes, it will improve the mood and the Guardians might be motivated again as well since they will get some food between their teeth," says Cayde as many of them wanted to eat something for a long time now.

"Then it is decided, Osiris and Ikora should take care of this matter since they are some of the most intelligent people on th carrier," says Zavala as everyone accepts this decision pushing it towards the two before the meeting ended.