Titania vs. Vincent

In the time they stayed on Nirn the crew learned some history and about the culture and the ideals of the Empire.

"Their philosophy about everyone is the same sounds quite communistic in my eyes and ears," says Ashley as she looked at Tristan.

"But it works. The people are happy and the Empire doesn't seem to horde all the money to themselves and use it to sponsor the people in need of help like orphans for example and going by history the First Emperor had four adoptive children before he became known as Emperor. Not many people would do that," says Tristan as he was reading a book of history.

"What is your opinion on the Empire. Do you think they will turn hostile if they meet with the Citadel Council?" asks Titania as everyone nods their head.

"They most likely will. You heard them before talking about the incompetence of the Citadel Council. If the Citadel Council insults them in any way they would go to war and going by their history we would either face Genocide or choose their side," says Tristan as he didn't move his eyes away from the book.

"The question is can they st the Citadel Council and going by their military they would," says Garrus as he learned that every single person that is older than sixteen is a soldier even if they didn't join the military.

"But the people that went to war against them and surrendered didn't become vassals but full members of the Empire showing them that working together they can achieve more," says Garrus as Wrex really didn't care until Tali spoke up.

"Do you think they could heal my people of our weak immune system?" asks Tali as Wrex suddenly jumped in.

"If they can then they might also have a cure for the Genophage," says Wrex as the group looked at both.

"I think they would welcome the Krogans into the Empire immediately if they were to follow Imperial Law like everyone in the Empire but Quarians," says Titania as Tali looked sad.

"Right the Geth," says Tali remembering that the Geth are part of the Empire.

"That wouldn't be much of a problem as long as the Quarians follow the law and don't antagonist the Geth. The Quarians started everything after all and even killed their own people that sympathized with the Geth," says Vincent who came to get them.

"But what about the immune system?" asks Tali as Vincent smiled.

"Anra is the best medic on Nirn but the other medic aren't that far away apart. Or we could ask for one of the Divines or Daedras for help in this matter," says Vincent as Wrex chuckles.

"You think we would pray to a fictional god to cure our illnesses," says Wrex as he didn't believe in gods.

"You think that our Divines are just imaginary. Just try to not get caught by Sheogorath as I was before or you won't be able to walk away unharmed. He loves to turn people into cheese and feed them to other people that's why I try to avoid the lactose when I am near him," says Vincent as the ground crew looked at him confused.

"So your gods really exist?" asks Titania as Vincent looked outside the window and points at the giant stone Dragon outside.

"You see that Dragon over there?" asks Vincent as they nod when Vincent continues, "That was Akatosh when he descended as an avatar upon Nirn to save us from Mehrunes Dagon. Akatosh is also the father of all Dragons which explains why he took the form of a Dragon to fight Mehrunes Dagon."

"So all your Divines and Daedras really exist," says Titania as Vincent nods.

"They are as real as I am. I met some of them on my adventures and they can be a handful depending on which mood you meet them," says Vincent as he sat down and says, "But let us forget about them for a moment. Your ship should be ready by tomorrow and we will be leaving for the Citadel."

"The Emperor mentioned two people beside you who are they?" asks Tristan as he closes his book.

"They are his father and son. I will be there to keep them safe until we return to Nirn," says Vincent as he smiled at Tristan who became nervous.

"Why would the Emperor send his own son to the Citadel?" asks Garrus as Vincent turned to him.

"For the same reason why the First Emperor took his sons into the battlefield. It is so he can gains experience," says Vincent as they looked at Vincent.

"How do you know that?" asks Titania as Vincent smiles at her.

"Because I am a Dragoon. I served beside the First Emperor since before he became one," says Vincent lying about his identity as the group never saw a picture of the First Emperor nor have they read or heard his name.

"A Dragoon is one of the highest ranks in the military like our N7?" asks Tristan as Vincent only lifts his shoulders.

"I don't know that. I never met an N7 and fought with him or her to evaluate his skills," says Vincent as he smiled at them.

"How about you fight against my sister. She is an N7 after all," says Tristan as he looked at Vincent curious to find out how strong he really is.

"That would be suicide," says Vincent as Titania smiles.

"What you afraid that I will kill you?" asks Titania as Vincent shakes his head.

"No, I am afraid that I will kill you," says Vincent with pure confidence in his tone which surprised them.

"How about we find out," says Titania as she seemed enraged while Tristan was holding his face knowing that Titania lost it.

"Fine by me. If you can make me move I will let you fight me," says Vincent as he stood up.

Titania didn't wait and rushed at Vincent and tackled him only to find out that Vincent didn't move one inch from his position. She tries to lift him from the ground and almost succeeded when pressure held Vincent down all of a sudden.

She looks up enraged and says, "You have won."

She then takes some steps back before she was surrounded by a purple aura that sent her flying towards Vincent who catches her and redirects her to face the wall without moving his legs from the position he was standing on.

Titania flew through the wall and the wall crashes down upon her. She stands back up and turns around as she asks, "How!?"

"A Soldier never lets his guard down not even after the fight is over. That's the moment most of the people can die because they think they have won," says Vincent as he sat back down and says, "She is good but she lost to experience. If she met a new Dragoon it would have been a fairer fight."

"So who would have won if it were so?" asks Titania as she wanted to know.

"It depends on the situation but I would say fifty-fifty depending on which Dragoon you met," says Vincent as he could see that Titania was feeling triumphant while he was thinking, 'I think that even a noob could take her on if he has instincts.'

"Anyway, I should leave. I will have to entertain an old friend of mine," says Vincent as he stood back up.

"Who are you going to meet?" asks Titania forgetting that they aren't friends but Vincent seemed not to care about that fact.

"I am going to meet the First Emperor. We haven't met in a long time," says Vincent as he walks towards the door and leaves the room while everyone else was stunned by what he said.

Vincent went to the Palace where Naosane and the others were waiting for him when Naokichi asks, "Why do I have to accompany Great-Grandfather and Grandfather?"

"Because he wants you to gain experience. Soon it will be your turn to rule," says Naosane as he was holding a glass full of wine.

"Be happy that it is only a diplomatic matter. In my times we would have thrown you into a war. If I remember correctly Naomasa was under Vyrve's command in the war against Thedas," says Vincent as Naomasa nods.

"To be exact I was under Orug's command who was under Vyrve's command," says Naomasa as they were eating dinner.

"They don't suspect who you are?" asks Naosane as Vincent lifts his shoulders.

"I can't say it for sure but Tristan seems to have suspicions which I shattered before coming here," says Vincent as the group was confused.

"What did you do?" asks Mina curious about it.

"I told them that I was dining with the First Emperor tonight. They were so stunned by that, that they dropped everything they were holding," says Vincent making them chuckle from imagining that.

"Anyway, what do you think will happen on the Citadel?" asks Naomasa seriously as everyone turned serious except for Naokichi and his sister.

"They will most likely force us to join them which we will reject politely. If we can't talk with them then we will use the Network to escape. They don't even know that we infiltrated their society in all ranks. What do you think will happen when we suddenly reveal that the second-in-line of the Turian Hierarchy is our spy," says Karliah as she knew everything that was going on in the Network as its founder and first leader.

"We could just assassinate the Primarch but that would go against the way of the Empire," says Kirvena as the whole group nods.

"Yes, we won't allow that. Also what happened to that Yahg called Shadow Broker?" asks Vincent as Serana smiles.

"He didn't accept our offer so we had to make him one head shorter so he can't reveal us. Lucia is the actual Shadow Broker at the moment as she needed something to do," says Serana as she hasn't seen her daughter that energetic in a long time.

"Good, I am happy if she is happy," says Vincent with a smile as he turns to Naomasa and asks, "How is Cayde doing?"

"He should reach Andromeda in two hundred years," says Naomasa informing him.

"Fyr Divayth went with him to create a portal over there. Let's just hope that they don't get killed," says Vincent as they finished dinner while he retreated with his wives to a nearby Hotel.