Haunted Cargo Bay

Back on the Normandy, they were flying towards the Citadel to report what they have found out on Novaria.

Liara was at peace with her mother's death since it was her wish but was still mourning about it. She was mostly sitting in the canteen alone or working in the Medbay to not think too much about it.

Many could see that Liara didn't want to talk about so they left her alone. Vincent did the same as he was standing in front of his children presenting them with the weapons so they can choose one of them.

The weapons were made out of wood but they were covered with an illusion of what they will be wielding in the future.

Provus was eyeing the gun before he grabbed the two-hander with the purple blade which turned into a shorter wooden sword that was still bigger than him.

Ishly was different, she grabbed the knuckles that looked like Lions that were roaring before they turned into simple wooden knuckles.

"We have a Monk and a Dark Knight," says Vincent with a smile as both were confused when Vincent pets their head.

"You two will be starting your stamina training beginning tomorrow. You will both need it as a Dark Knight needs to be able to protect everyone at the cost of his own health while a Monk needs to be able to run over the battlefield since they are close-ranged," says Vincent as stamina training shouldn't damage their body and Anra wouldn't be angry with him.

"But you should continue with your training in Magicka as you will need it to activate special skills," says Vincent as he walked with them towards Ellana who was already waiting.

They arrived at the Citadel but Vincent and his wives didn't leave the Normandy as they aren't really welcomed on the Citadel at the moment, while Wrex and Garrus also stayed behind with Liara and Tali.

Wrex wasn't really welcome on the Citadel either while Garrus was a former C-Sec and didn't want to see his former co-workers.

Tali as a Quarian wasn't really welcome either on the Citadel and Liara was still mourning and didn't want to talk about her mother.

The stop was rather fast as Titania left and returned faster than Vincent expected. Vincent was look8ng after the children as they were running in circles around the Mako making Garrus stop his calibrations on the vehicle.

"I can understand that you need to make them but why around the Mako?" asks Garrus as he was confused about it.

"The Mako isn't long and they need to adapt to the curve making them use more strength on their lower body. It is more fast-passed than running from one corner of the room to the other," says Vincent as he demonstrated it to Garrus.

He ran to the front of the Mako before he came to an abrupt stop putting all his strength on his right knee as it bends before his left leg carried on the momentum of his speed making the same thing again until he stood in front of Garrus again.

Garrus just scratches his head when Wrex joins them and asks, "You haven't noticed it right?"

"What do you mean?" asks Garrus as Wrex points at the ground on which Vincent stops abruptly.

Garrus looks at it and sees a footprint on the ground as if the steel wanted to break from the force Vincent used.

"We should inform the mechanics to repair it. We can't have a hole in the Normandy since we can't breathe in space, right?" says Garrus looking at Vincent wanting to hear a reaffirming yes when Vincent only smiles at him.

"I have never tested that before," says Vincent as he wanted to joke on the cost of Garrus's sanity which made the Krogan laugh who saw Garrus facial expression.

"He is clearly joking with you," says Wrex as he hits Garrus's left shoulder.

"We should inform the Commander before we take off," says Vincent as Wrex opens his Omni-tool and contacts Titania about what happened when they hear an angry growl coming from the other side of the call.

"Tell Vincent that he owes me one for holding the Normandy back," says Titania as Vincent walks to Wrex's side.

"What do you need?" asks Vincent as he sees Titania's angry face.

"Come to my Quarters and you will know what I want from you," says Titania not even hiding her anger.

"Be right there," says Vincent as he leaves Wrex's side.

Wrex finishes the call and says, "Something big must have happened on the Citadel for her to be that angry."

"Can you make sure that the children finish their assignment?" asks Vincent as Wrex nods.

"How many rounds do they have to do?" asks Wrex as Vincent closed his eyes for a moment since the children learned restoration magic from Ellana.

"Make them do fifteen more laps before they go clockwise for another thirty laps. If they need to rest don't let them rest for longer than ten seconds since the muscles could cool off and put their body in danger," says Vincent showing that he has experience in training children.

"I will see it as training for when I have my own children," says Wrex as Vincent leaves him alone with the children.

His wives were in the canteen having a normal conversation with Tali, Tristan, and Kaidan. This meant that Wrex had to look after two children all on his own with Garrus help who was with him in the Cargo Bay.

What Wrex didn't know is that Ishly is a troublemaker while Provus was her partner-in-crime and Wrex was about to find out with Garrus as the moment Vincent entered the lift and its doors closed both children disappeared out of their sight the moment they made their turn.

"Where did they go?" asks Wrex as he didn't see them return as they normally would under Vincent's sight.

Ishly and Provus learned not only restoration magic from Ellana as they also learned from her how to turn invisible just in case of an emergency so they could hide in plain sight from the enemy.

"Ishly! Provus! Come out immediately!" shouts Wrex as he walked around while Garrus was leaning against the wall when he suddenly hears some of his tools dropped to the ground picking his interest.

"Wrex?" asks Garrus thinking the Krogan might have dropped them by accident when Wrex pops up from a different corner.

"What, Vakarian? If you have so much time help me look for the children before Vincent finds out that they didn't finish their training," says Wrex as Garrus looked intensely at the other corner of the room where his tools should be.

"I think I know where they are," says Garrus as he walked towards where his tools are followed by Wrex.

They approach the corner and find the tools on the ground but not the children when they hear the children laugh coming from the same corner Wrex came from earlier.

"How the heck did they manage to slip past us?" asks Wrex as he turned in the opposite direction when suddenly one of the tools began to fly into the air before dropping down again which scared both at the same time.

"Vakarian did you want to scare me?" asks Wrex as he looked at Garrus thinking he dropped the tool while he wasn't looking when Garrus looked at him with disbelief while his face turned slowly pale.

"That wasn't me, I thought it was you that dropped it," says Garrus as they could clearly hear the children laughing at the other corner and suddenly one of the tools rises from the ground again and drops down making both nervous.

They pull their weapon out and point it at the corner but no one was in it making both go crazy as Garrus asks, "Do you think the Cargo Bay is haunted?"

"It could be but first we need to find the children and take them out of here," says Wrex as he was putting his gun away as did Garrus before they moved to the other corner.

They split up so if the children would move they would catch a glimpse of them. But both looked at each other once on the other side when they reunited and they walked to the containers to see if the children were hiding behind them.

They find only air when suddenly they hear all the tools fall to the ground again. Wrex and Garrus lose it and walk to the lift slowly as they thought that something might have kidnapped the children.

Once in the lift the children reveal themselves and laugh out loud rolling around the ground finding it funny seeing two grown men having fear of ghosts.

In the meantime in Titania's Quarter, Vincent arrived and found Titania drinking some whiskey as she tells him to sit down.

"I need a favor of you and since you left a mark on the Normandy you will fulfill it," says Titania as she pours a glass for Vincent who takes the glass.

He takes a sip from it and tasted it before swallowing it when he asks, "This is good, not as good as Honningbrew Mead but good."

"Are you listening?" asks Titania as Vincent nods.

"Yes, what do you want from me?" asks Vincent as Titania finishes her drink.

"You must have a lot of experience when it comes to losing someone," says Titania not wanting to hurt Vincent.

"You want me to talk to Liara, am I right?" asks Vincent as Titania nods.

"Yes," says Titania as she puts her glass down.

"Why not do that yourself. You have lost your father and mother," says Vincent as Titania sighs.

"That is true but I was still a child back then. I don't remember much about the pain as it is numb for me and my brother," says Titania as she was numb to death around her because of her career in the military.

"Do you want me to help her," says Vincent as Titania nods while Vincent sighs.

"I understand but don't expect me to fulfill a miracle. It will need some time but she will be alright to go on a mission or two after she is over this," says Vincent as he finishes his drink and takes Titania's drink out of her hand and finishes it as well.

"The Commander shouldn't be drinking while on duty. You need to be able to lead us if an emergency arises," says Vincent as he leaves while a glass was thrown after him.

"We are on shore-leave because of your action in the Cargo Bay for two days!" shouts Titania angry that Vincent drank her glass empty.