Feros part 2

They walked towards Fai Dan who seemed to organize the colonist when he sees the group approach him.

"Are you with the group that came before?" asks Fai Dan as Vincent took the lead instead of Tristan.

"That is right. We haven't heard from the group for a while now and it is getting late. We are worried that something happened to them," says Vincent as Fai Dan was now worried.

"They were fighting the Geth before we lost contact with them. Maybe they are just in an area without coverage. Or the Geth are interrupting our communication with them," says Fai Dan as Anra touches the ground not listening to the conversation.

"Something is wrong," whispers Anra into Vincent's ears not gaining Fai Dan's attention doing so.

Vincent's eyes were closed as he was thinking for a moment what could be wrong when Vincent asks, "Where was the last location of the group before they have gone missing?"

"They entered the facility when we heard them fight against the Geth," says Fai Dan as he points at the facility.

"Then we should take a look inside it," says Tristan as he wanted to get his sister back as fast as possible.

Vincent opened his eyes and says, "We should go then. The longer we wait the higher is the possibility of them dying there."

They begin to move as Ciri's Wolf Necklace began to shake for a moment making her hand wander to her sword when Vincent stops her.

"There is a monster nearby. I never would have thought it was possible," says Vincent knowing what the shaking of Ciri's necklace meant.

"Then why are you stopping me?" asks Ciri as Vincent looked around the corridors on which they were walking on.

"We need to pretend that there is no monster at the moment," whispers Vincent to Ciri when he turned to Anra.

"Anra already informed me that something was wrong around here and I have the same feeling," continued Vincent as he touched the ground that was covered by plants.

"Tristan, I have a question," says Vincent as Tristan and his group were walking in front of them, Tristan was too worried about his sister to even notice this important hint.

"What do you want to ask?" asks Tristan as Vincent could see that worry was written all over his face.

"How long do you think was this facility not used?" asks Vincent as Tristan was thinking about it when he noticed what Vincent was hinting at while the other group finally caught up.

"The facility was fairly new. It shouldn't look like it was abandoned for years even if they are constantly under attack of the Geth," says Tristan realizing that he was not keeping control of the situation because he was told worried about his sister.

"That is right," says Vincent as he stands up and looks at them.

"Do you think Fai Dan is involved in my sister's disappearance?" asks Tristan as he seemed ready to return and kill the bastard if he was involved in it.

"He could be or it could be that he doesn't know anything. We will find out once we find your sister and her group. But until then keep a calm mind. You won't be any help if you are that emotional," says Vincent as he wanted Tristan to calm down.

"Our primer objective is to find Titania. The second should be to find the one responsible for her disappearance. Maybe we can accomplish both at the same time," says Vincent when his hand begins to glow violet before a wolf appeared beside him.

The wolf sat down beside Vincent and he petted it before he asks, "Boy, can you find the people that passed through here before us?"

The wolf began to smell the area before he walked through Tristan and the others making Tristan look at Vincent shocked.

"He is a spiritual animal. He doesn't have a physical body if he doesn't want to," says Vincent explaining why he could touch the wolf while he just phased through them.

They followed the wolf as they soon arrived at a bigger room which revealed that a big fight was fought here. Vincent sees the Heretics laying on the ground when the wolf howls.

"Tracks," says Vincent as Ellana touches them.

"They are fresh it seems that our missing party ventured deeper into the facility after taking out the Geth," says Ellana with confidence in her skill.

"Normandy, here is Tristan. Can you hear me?" asks Tristan as he tried to communicate with the Normandy.

"Did you get through?" asks Ciri as she was hiding her necklace under her armor to not scare the others.

It was shaking wildly around under it making Ciri sure that they were approaching whatever monster lived in those corridors. Vincent looked at her to confirm if the monster was nearby when she nods.

"No, I can't get through. It seems that it was here when they entered the dead zone," says Tristan as Anra looked around the room.

"Is something wrong?" asks Liara as she saw Anra checking the whole room.

"Yes, this whole facility seems almost alive," says Anra when Vincent looks at her.

"You mean like Valenwood?" asks Vincent as Anra shakes her head.

"No, Valenwood feels natural but this doesn't that's why I said that something was wrong," says Anra as she looked around before she says, "It is almost as if those plants are spying on us."

"You think the monster awaiting us is a plant?" asks Vincent as Anra shakes her head.

"It could be but it also could be a monster able to control plants. But we should find out soon," says Anra as the summoned wolf was waiting for them to continue.

They walk deeper inside finding two people upside down on the ground. Tristan walked towards them thinking that Titania was under them only to find out that she wasn't.

"This is another group," says Tristan as Vincent removed the helmet and it reveals that it was an Asari under the helmet.

"What is an Asari doing here?" asks Vincent as he was suspicious now.

"I would say she is a scientist but she is well too armed to be one," says Liara as she saw that the Asari was in armor.

"Something is weird with her," says Liara now that she looked at her closer.

"What do you mean?" asks Anra as Liara points out her complexion.

"Normally an Asari's skin tone doesn't change but hers seems to change slowly," says Liara as she points at the end of the tentacles which were turning green.

"Strange," says Vincent as he takes a deep breath when he realizes that something is definitely wrong.

"Everyone put your helmet on right now!" shouts Vincent as everyone did as asked.

"What is wrong?" asks Tristan as he looked at Vincent.

"Something is in the air. Anra, check everyone. We were only exposed to it for a short while but we have to make sure nothing is in our system," says Vincent as Anra nods before her hands began to shine.

She puts her hand on Ciri and Ellana first before she puts her hand on Tristan and Liara. Then she puts her hand on herself and Garrus since Tali was in a full-body suit and didn't need to be checked.

The last was Vincent who had his Dragoon-Helmet on with a blue transparent membrane over his skin which allowed him to breathe in space while right now it was cleaning the air for him.

"We are all free of spores. The creature must have released them for a long time but it was quite thin in the beginning. If we had continued like this... Let's just say it would have become dangerous since we don't know what it does," says Anra as she was making sure that the other three didn't suffer from being infused by Magicka as well.

"What if Titania succumbs to it?" asks Tristan as Anra just shakes her head not knowing what those spores will do to a person that is too long under its exposure.

"The only thing I know is that it can change you physically going by the Asari we found," says Anra as she put the helmet back for her.

"We should get in deeper while looking out for the others maybe they are separated because of the effect of the spores," says Vincent looked at the wolf and says, "Keep an eye on those two."

Then they continued on their tracks as the wolf howls in agreement sitting down watching the two bodies. The group soon arrived at another room in which they found more broken Heretics.

"It seems they were still around here not long ago going by the smoke coming out of them," says Vincent when Tali calls them over to a corner of the room.

"We have a casualty!" shouts Tali as everyone rushed to her side.

It was the Krogan of their group. He had two wounds which shouldn't pose any danger but he was out cold and when Anra opened his eyes only darkness was reflected in it.

The Krogan suddenly woke up and attacks the group but Vincent kicks the shotgun out of his hand before getting him in a headlock.

"Intruders, I need to kill the intruders!" shouts Wrex as if he wasn't in control of his body until he was back out cold and Liara began to treat him with Medigel.

"Did you hear what he said?" asks Vincent as everyone nods.

"I think the spores are used to control the people breathing them," says Tristan as he was now even more worried since Titania could be on the enemy's side at the moment.

"It resembles what my mother was under just different," says Liara remembering that her mother was also under Saren's control.

"Maybe Saren sent the Ge- Heretics to destroy what or whoever is trying to control us through the spores," says Garrus as many agreed with that theory.

"That explains the Heretics but we still don't know what we are going to face," says Tali as Anra was extracting the spores out of Wrex's body.

"We should first Wrex going before we continue on our way," says Vincent as he was sure that Titania and the other two were fine since whatever uses the spores needs defenders to protect itself.