The Bomb

Back on Virmire, the group took care of the AAT as they arrived at a forward camp while the Normandy landed.

Titania began to talk to the person in charge of the forward camp while Vincent looked at what they will be charging at with Vlad.

"Can you go and check the place out?" asks Vincent out of Vlad who only bows.

"Of course," says Vlad as he disappeared right away to check the place out.

Soon the others grouped up with him as Tali asks, "What did you mean with I became a member of the Empire?"

"That's right, what did you mean with that," says Titania seriously as Vincent pulled out the message he received from Naosane.

"The Flotilla decided to enter the Empire. That means that Tali became a citizen of the Empire," says Vincent as he gave it to Tali and the others.

"What did the Empire do to achieve this?" asks Tali as she thought that the Empire used its strength against the Flotilla.

"Going by the character of Naosane I would say that he promised to help them out of their turtle shells and maybe a place to call home," says Vincent as he looked at Tali.

"Is that true," says Tali as Vincent writes a message to Naosane to get more information.

Naosane answered rapidly as Vincent says, "I was right. The Quarians will be sharing Rannoch with the Geth. They are supposed to be unarmed on Rannoch while the Empire also will try to find a way for you to leave the suits."

"And what did we have to do?" asks Tali as she knew that nothing comes free.

"Not much since your people can't enter the Legions until we find a method of getting you out of there but that will be quite easy if I believe what Azura told me before," says Vincent as he looked at Tali as only she and Garrus didn't know who he really was in this group.

"How can you just like that talk to someone as powerful as the former Emperor?" asks Garrus as he was suspicious for a long time of Vincent.

"That's because I hold the most authority over the Empire as its founder followed by my grandson," says Vincent revealing it to Garrus and Tali which were quite shocked going by their silence and Garrus's expression.

"You are-" says Garrus as Titania steps in.

"He is the First Emperor and his crew members are his wives," says Titania since Vincent revealed to them who he was.

"That means-" says Tali nervous when Vincent interrupts her.

"Nothing, it means nothing, girl. Except that I am very very old and have seen many good and bad things over the years," says Vincent as he put his hand on Tali's shoulder trying to calm her down.

"I don't care what people think about me since it would be a waste of my time. I only care about my objectives and the well-being of my people and right now I have two things that are getting in the way of the well-being of my people," says Vincent as he looked at the sky seeing the Normandy fly towards their position.

"Two?" asks Tristan confused about that.

"Yes, the first would be the Reapers. We have prepared for them for over 200 years to exterminated them and now that the first one appeared means that soon the others will surface," says Vincent as the Normandy landed.

"And the second thing?" asks Titania as Vincent mentioned two things and only told them about one.

"The second is the Taken King. If you want to know more about it you need to enter the Empire," says Vincent as the Taken King was a secret only known by some people under the former leaders of the Guardians, the former and current Emperor, and at last Vincent and his wives.

"Is he someone of your people that wants revenge against you?" asks Titania as Vincent shakes his head.

He had a stern face while saying, "No, but what he can do to people is something I wouldn't want my worst enemies to suffer."

"That bad?" asks Tristan as Vincent nods.

"Yes, he can pervert your mind and body so that you become his slave, an undying slave. I hope that when he arrives I can take care of him with the Guardians or else it will be worse than the Reaper," says Vincent as the other crewmates left the Normandy to join them.

"I think it is time to reveal my identity to the others as well. Once we are done with the Reaper we will be going different ways after all," says Vincent as Tali looked nervous.

"Can't I stay on the Normandy?" asks Tali nervous from Vincent who only smiled.

"I am not the one to decide that. The one in charge of the Normandy is the Commander after all," says Vincent as he didn't care about Tali being on the Normandy.

"You are always welcome on my ship, Tali. The same goes for you and your family, Vincent," says Titania as Vincent smiled at her.

"Time will prove that," says Vincent as he turns to Kirvena who came with Serana and Mina.

"What will time prove?" asks Kirvena as Mina looked at Wrex who seemed to talk with a Salarian.

He suddenly marched towards Titania and shouts, "We need to secure the cure for the Genophage!"

"Are you sure that will make things better for your people?" asks Mina as she looked at Wrex.

"What do you know about us," says Wrex as Mina walked towards him.

"I know that you Krogans fight against each other instead of talking about it. You all only know one thing and that is fighting. Do you think that if the Krogans had a cure it would change?" says Mina seriously which made Wrex a bit speechless.

"I don't think so. I think that the battles will be bloodier than they already are and that the Genophage was needed to leash your people so that they learn to become better but your people never learned from the past," says Mina as she pointed her finger at Wrex.

"And when you could have brought the change but instead you fled Tuchanka because of what you did," says Mina as Wrex took a step back.

"What she wants to say is that without change your folk is doomed to die out either by its own hands or the hands of someone else," says Vincent with his back to Wrex as he was looking at the sky.

"Even the Empire wouldn't recruit the Krogans because of their current culture," says Vincent as he turned to Wrex.

"But that could change if you can take the lead of your folk and show them that there is more than battle and fury," says Vincent as he really wanted to help the Krogans but his hands were tied because they lust for battle.

Wrex could see in Vincent's eyes that he wanted to help but couldn't when he says, "I will need some time after we have dealt with Saren."

"Then we should speak again after you have changed your folk," says Vincent as he walked towards Wrex and continued, "Then I will be the First Emperor and you will be the Leader of your people."

"The First Emperor, I should have known that you are a bigger big shot than some old General," says Wrex not surprised about who Vincent was while Ashley and Kaidan almost fell over.

"I thought we wanted to keep it secret until it was time to leave," says Kirvena holding her shield and sword ready to fight.

"The plans have changed the Quarians have joined the Empire. Let's just hope that no drama follows their joining," says Vincent as Mina looked at Tali.

"Congratulations Tali," says Mina as Tali didn't know what to say since Mina and the other women were Empresses before if we go by Vincent being the First Emperor.

"Ahm," says Tali as Mina brushes it off and just petted her metallic head.

"Don't worry about what we were but who we are now," says Mina reminding her of Vincent's word.

"Right," says Tali as Mina stopped.

Vlad returned to report what he saw inside and says, "There are a lot of Krogans and Heretics inside the base. I also found a bomb which I haven't touched out of fear of alerting the enemy."

"How big would be the explosion radius?" asks Titania as Vlad didn't answer.

"Answer, Vlad," says Vincent as Vlad nods.

"Going by it seize it should be able to destroy everything on its path," says Vlad making worried expressions appear on everyone's face.

"I will take care of the bomb. You all try to find out where Saren and the Reaper are," says Vincent as he began to move with his group.

"So we going on another suicide mission," says Mina as she pulled her daggers out.

"It seems so," says Vincent as they moved out towards the base while Vlad disappeared into his shadow.

Vincent summoned his spear as his Dragoon Armor surrounded him. They prepared for their next fight while Titania was still talking to the Salarian that was leading the other group before they moved out.

They all fought their way through the enemy's base as Vincent and the rest of his group stood in front of the bomb and Vincent says, "Vlad has undervalued the range of this bomb."

"What do you mean?" asks Serana confused as Vincent changed his armor and weapon to Dark Knight.

Vincent spread his Darkness around him as she slowly began to absorb the bomb in his Darkness while saying, "This bomb will leave nothing behind, and with nothing I mean nothing."

"The destruction of the whole planet," says Mina seriously as Vincent nods as half of the bomb was already absorbed by his Darkness.

"What says the timer?" asks Vincent as he was concentrating on absorbing it.

"We have enough time," says Serana as the timer still had a minute before it would explode.

"We should warn the others so they can evacuate just in case," says Kirvena as Vincent was almost done.

"You are right," says Mina as she sends a message to Titania and Anra.

In the meantime in the Normandy, Anra received the message and went directly to the others. They also read the message and they looked at each other seriously.

"Do we trust him to deal with it," says Karliah as she looked in the round.

"They wouldn't have sent us this message if they hadn't some doubts," says Ellana as she began to erect a barrier around the Normandy because she needed to protect their two young family members.

"She is right and we also need to protect Ishly and Provus," says Azura joining Ellana as the others followed maintaining the barrier up.

Back with Vincent, he was almost done with absorbing the Bomb when he opened his eyes and looked at the Timer when he opened a rift.

"What are you going to do?" asks Mina nervous seeing the rift.

"I am going into space," says Vincent as he throws something at Mina before activating something on his chest as the timer was on ten seconds.

Vincent grabbed the bomb and jumped through the rift with it. He was surrounded by Darkness and he slowly began to freeze up as he felt pain all over his body when suddenly the bomb exploded. There was no sound just a giant explosion that everyone could see from Virmire.