Ishly, the Brave

"What did he mean with, the Fool?" asks Ishly as she looked at everyone in the room.

"The Fool is the nickname that you earned for killing Provus when you recklessly walked into a trap while we were at war," says the Vincent from the future when he looked at her sadly.

"You never change your way which meant that you would lead your brother into his death because he loved you too much," says the Vincent from the future.

"He was consumed by the Abyss in exchange for saving you," says the Vincent from the future.

"That can't be Provus is too strong to be consumed by the Darkness," says Ishly not believing what that Vincent said.

"Why should he lie to you?" asks a woman between the people to Ishly.

"He wouldn't gain anything from lying to you, Fool. I lost many of my people because of your recklessness. Do you know how much blood will be on your hands? Millions of people will die because of you," says a man holding an ax.

"Maybe we should exile her completely that way she won't be able to do any harm," says the Vincent of the past which made Ishly tear up from hearing her dad to even suggest that.

"That would be a great idea," says a woman as she was glaring at Ishly.

"I am no fool," says Ishly as she sits down and holds her head between her knees trying to block the voices of the people.

"Enough!" says a voice that was familiar to her.

"Morrigan?" asks Ishly as she saw a younger version of Morrigan with some wrinkles showing her age while stains of grey decorated her black hair.

"The Traitor returned," says a man as he looked at Morrigan.

"Traitor?" asks Ishly as Morrigan laughed at them.

"You can call me a traitor but the decision I made back then saved millions of people from a civil war," says Morrigan as she looked at Ishly.

"Some might call me Traitor for what I have done but others like Vincent call me differently," says Morrigan taunting the man as Ishly looked at how easily Morrigan managed the slander.

"I will always be the Witch of the Wild, Traitor of Kirkwall, and Killer of Garrett Hawke!" shouts Morrigan as she revealed why she was called a traitor.

"You killed your own husband that's why you went crazy," says Ishly as Morrigan looked at Ishly.

"It seems, you aren't much of a fool as they all say," says Morrigan as the Vincent of the future was silent watching everything knowing that someone else was watching from outside using his eyes.

"It is true I killed my husband so no civil war occurred in the Free Marches. The scar was still fresh from the war and many tried to rally but they needed someone that had power and my husband was perfect," says Morrigan as she took some steps before stopping.

"He decided that I kill him before a civil war started and millions of people lose their life and land as it happened in Antiva," says Morrigan as she looked at everyone that was silenced by her before Morrigan stood in front of Ishly.

"And you should mature a bit. If this could faze you then you are a failure of a Highwind," says Morrigan as she showed no mercy to anyone in the room.

"Look at the man with the ax do you know his nickname?" asks Morrigan as Ishly shakes her head when Morrigan says, "He is Ragnar, the Berserk. Once he begins a fight he can't stop until it is over killing friend and foe in his path."

"The woman over there is called Frigga, the Executor," says Morrigan as she looked at Ishly when she asks, "Have you ever heard of them before?"

"No," says Ishly as Morrigan looked at her seriously.

"Why do you think that is the case?" asks Morrigan as Ishly didn't know when the past Vincent stood in front of the thinking Ishly.

"It is because they changed their fate by working on the piece that they hated the most of themselves," says the Vincent of the past looking at her.

"Ragnar is better-known as Ragnar, the Calm. He changed drastically after learning to control his rage. Frigga is better-known a-," says Vincent when Ishly interrupts her.

"Frigga, the Silent Assassin," says Ishly as the Vincent of the past smiled.

"Everyone here had a characteristic they weren't proud of and they improved on but it takes time and dedication to defy your future but that is what a Fool is famous for," says the Vincent from the past as he tried to pet her head.

"And you child will need more than just two weeks from which you already wasted one," says Ragnar as he looked at Ishly seriously.

"Now don't be so serious and let us start her training," says a voice Ishly recognized easily.

"Mom," says Ishly as an ethereal body of a younger Ciri stood in front of her.

"Mom?" asks Ciri as she was still too young to be a mother in that form.

"She is your daughter as well?" asks the Vincent of the past as he looked at the Vincent of the future.

"We married after I finished my exile of hundred years," says the Vincent of the future surprising Ciri and the Vincent of the past.

"Well, at least she was a woman before I married her. It would have been awkward to marry a girl in her age," says the Vincent of the past not knowing how many women he would marry.

"Anyway, we should start with her training," says Ciri as they began right away thinking that they only had one week with Ishly.

The month passed fast and Vincent was on the Throat of the World meditating since he was making sure that nothing serious happens to Ishly while she was living alone in High Hrothgar.

She was developing well under the guidance of the pieces that were left behind by the past and future people that isolated themselves in High Hrothgar before.

She became more serious while preserving her childishness which was one of the trades that made Ishly be herself.

Vincent was prepared to get her now. Ishly was sitting in the courtyard when he appeared in front of her.

"Have you learned what it takes to be a Highwind?" asks Vincent as Ishly smiled at him before showing her victory pose.

"Good," says Vincent taking the Keening out as well as the Wraithguard before giving Ishly the Wraithguard.

"Put it on before I give you the dagger," says Vincent as Keening wasn't a toy to play around with.

It was draining him of energy since he was touching it without the Wraithguard. Ishly does as asked and put the Wraithguard over her right hand before Vincent hands her the Keening.

They walk to the wall and Ishly began to engrave her name into it while a piece of her entered the name she engraved as it shined blue before it stopped and Vincent opened his bag and Ishly drops the dagger and the gauntlet into it.

"Ready to leave?" asks Vincent as she nods when Vincent opens a rift home.

They were about to pass when Ishly hears the Vincent of the future say, "Stand tall, Ishly, the Brave."

Ishly turned around seeing him sitting on the steps while shedding some tears before she hears, "Don't try to leave your Dad too early just to prove your Braveness."

"I won't," says Ishly as Vincent was confused about who she was talking with before they passed through the rift appearing at their door.

"So we are back, I like that you still have some childish energy in you after everything you went through," says Vincent as he petted her head.

"Were you watching me?" asks Ishly happy that Vincent was worried about her as Vincent pets her head.

"I am your father, I would never leave you unattended if you go through a different time. Even when the spirits of old were harsh on you I felt sad seeing you go through all that without being able to help you since it is a test of will," says Vincent as he opened the door and they were attacked by confetti.

"Congratulation!" shouts everyone inside the house as they see Vincent coated with confetti when Ishly enters the house happy and excited that everyone was at home to welcome her back.

"I am back," says Ishly as a tear left her eyes as she was emotional since she missed them all.

She rushed at everyone before taking them into a big hug while saying, "I missed you all."

"We missed you too, girl. The house felt almost empty without its troublemaker," says Mina as the others nod in agreement.

Vincent was still covered in confetti as he moved forward when Ishly see the cake on the table and says, "Finally something edible. Last month I was eating cold or overcooked food."

"I think we need to teach you some cooking so you can survive the next time you are on your own," says Anra as Ishly smiles at her.

"That would be great," says Ishly before she rushes at the cake while saying, "But that can wait until the party is over."

"So which nickname have you received?" asks Ciri since she got one as well from the spirit of High Hrothgar.

"The Fool," says Ishly not wanting to reveal the nickname which the Vincent of the future gave her.

"Really, the Fool," says Ciri not believing what Ishly said.

"They said that the Fool suits me since the Fool means a new beginning," says Ishly making everyone smile.

"You are brave enough to stand up to your mothers," says Mako as she was already liking the nickname the Fool for Ishly more and more.

"Keep that nickname it suits you quite well," says Azura as she kissed her forehead before they began to cut the cake and serve it.

They began to eat when the bell sounded interrupting the gathering as Vincent stood up and says, "It is Ishly's day today so you continue with the party."