Kelly Chambers

After a bit of arguing it was decided that the three would stay on the ship since they couldn't return to Nirn without losing more time than focusing on the mission.

Vincent was keeping an eye on the two teens as he wasn't worried about Fenris. Vincent took out an armor for Mabari from his bag and equipped it on Fenris.

"So you should be able to survive now," says Vincent as Fenris barks in agreement.

Vincent then looked at the other two and says, "If it gets too dangerous I want you to take my bag and summon the Black Emperor to return home."

"How do we know when it is too dangerous?" asks Ishly as Vincent looked at her seriously.

"You will know when I throw my bag at you. If I do so I want you to escape from there as fast as possible. That goes for you as well Fenris," says Vincent as Fenris barks in agreement.

"Anyway, we should enjoy the time we have right now until we reach the next destination," says Vincent as he walked to the elevator.

"Where are you going?" asks Ishly as Vincent entered the elevator before he turns around.

"I am in pursuit of a new mother for you two," says Vincent with a smile making Ishly feel sick while Provus knew that it was Vincent's duty to marry women of different races.

Vincent also made it clear that he wouldn't marry a woman of another race if the lifespan of the race doesn't exceed three hundred years. He made that rule so he wouldn't have to feel the pain of losing a loved one too early.

Kirvena and Karliah were also slowly reaching the end of their lifespan they still had a century or two but compared to him that was nothing.

"You are really sick. Who is it?" asks Ishly as the elevator door was closing.

"It is Liara," says Vincent before the door closed and Vincent went from the Cargo Bay which he called his place to stay.

Tali was in the Engine Room with the other engineers and Liara was in the Medbay assisting Dr. Chakwas in her work while continuing her own work.

Vincent arrived on the third floor and was surprised to see a woman with short light brown and green eyes holding a pat in her hand when she sees Vincent and smiles.

"I was just on my way to find you, Mr. Highwind. I am Kelly Chambers, the Yeoman, and Psychiatrist on the Normandy. I wanted to see how your mental health is dealing with the situation that is going on," says Kelly as she just finished with Liara and Vincent only sighs.

"How about we sit down at one table," says Vincent as he left the Elevator and Kelly nods in agreement.

"Did you visit a Psychiatrist before?" asks Kelly as she sits down at one table with Vincent.

"Yes, and she wasn't really nice with me, but that can be because she wasn't a professional one," says Vincent as the person he was talking about was Nocturnal.

She would listen to his complaints and just say 'Deal with it.' before she began to complain about her trouble. Vincent sometimes thinks that it would have been better to marry Nocturnal instead of Azura but he keeps that to himself.

"So you know how this works. This will make it far easier for both of us," says Kelly as she began to write something on her pad.

Kelly began to question Vincent about the basics first which Vincent answered as well as possible without blowing his cover when Kelly asks, "So what do you think about having your children join us?"

"You want the truth?" asks Vincent as Kelly nods at him.

"I know that it can be difficult to talk about it," says Kelly as Vincent only smiles.

"Well, it is their lives so it was their decision but I wished that their first adventure wouldn't be a suicide mission that could get them killed. All of my children went on adventures or fought in wars. I just wanted them to have their first adventures to not be a death trap," says Vincent as Kelly could understand Vincent since her father must have felt the same.

They continued for a while before Kelly smiles and says, "It seems you are in perfect mental health. I will pray so that nothing happens to your children while they are on the Normandy."

"Thank you," says Vincent as Kelly leaves towards the elevator when Liara joins Vincent holding a cup of tea.

"I thought you could stomach something warm after being questioned out by Kelly," says Liara as Vincent took the cup of tea and takes a smell of it.

"It smells good. Did you mix it with some honey?" asks Vincent curious as Liara smiled at him.

"I made my research about what you like and what you don't like by questioning a friend of yours," says Liara as Vincent laugh.

"I am surprised he answered you with the truth," says Vincent as the only person she could be close enough would be her chief which was Mannimarco.

"You know who he was before he became the Head of the Institute of Kvatch right?" asks Vincent as he loved Liara's company.

"The King of Worms, I read the book and he said that mostly all of it is true when I questioned him out on our breaks," says Liara when she suddenly pulled a book out of nowhere.

Vincent knew the book and he looked at her who was full of excitement and anticipation when Vincent says, "Almost everything in that book is exaggerated to make me look bigger."

The book's title is 'The Life of the First Emperor part 1 - The Dragonking' Vincent had many people ask him if it was true what was written down and it is true just taken out of proportion.

"Then maybe you can tell me what is true and what isn't while I read it with you," says Liara as she was a bit nervous that Vincent would reject her proposal.

"Of course, how about we begin today," says Vincent as he knew that it would be boring but he would spend some time with Liara which was his goal all along.

Vincent stood up and sat down beside her when Liara began to read while asking some questions about the recorded deeds while he also added some of the deeds he performed in between the recorded deeds that weren't in the book.

"Interesting, so you defeated Alduin because you were lucky to find him in Kynesgrove trying to revive one of his dead brethren," says Liara as Vincent nods.

"Yes, we were lucky since many days passed since the day I first met him in Helgen," says Vincent as it felt almost like an eternity passed since that happened to him.

"I was in Helgen it is a peaceful town at the border of Skyrim. Flemeth took me to Windhelm to see Ysgramor's Throne which I wanted to see with my own eyes instead of the pictures made of it," says Liara as Vincent smiles.

"You should have gone to Alinor. It is far more beautiful there than anywhere in Skyrim," says Vincent as the Elven City was a masterpiece even compared to the Imperial City.

"Mannimarco said the same but I was more interested in the Nord culture at that moment," says Liara as she closed the book.

"But we should finish for today. I still have to help Dr. Chakwas with our physical profiles so if something happens to us she can patch us up the best possible way," says Liara as she could see Dr. Chakwas looking at them through the window of the medbay.

"I will see you tomorrow then," says Vincent as Liara stands up from her seat and returned to the medbay.

The Normandy needed to fly towards the nearest Mass Relay which was outside Imperial Space since all the Mass Relay inside it were destroyed by the Empire so they couldn't be attacked by surprise and because they were useless for their engines.

It took the Normandy almost a week to get to a Mass Relay which they could use to get to Omega. Before they landed on Omega Titania called everyone on the ground crew to the meeting room.

"Alright, everyone is here," says Tristan as Titania looks at everyone before holograms appear over the table they were at.

"We have four targets to recruit on Omega," says Titania as she looked at Miranda.

"First we have the Vigilante named Arcangel. He is someone that is fighting against all three Mercenary Crews on Omega at the same time," says Miranda as a Hologram of a blurry picture of the person was shown to them.

"Then we have the Salarian Doctor named Mordin Solus who is important for the success of our mission," says Miranda as a hologram of Mordin Solus was visible to them.

"Then we have Zaeed Massani, a mercenary without scruples. He used to be the leader of the Blue Suns and he already accepted to work for us under the condition we help him in a matter," says Miranda not knowing more about him as a hologram of Zaeed was shown to them

"And the last is Kasumi Goto. She claims to be the best thief in the Galaxy. She asked us to meet her in the Afterlife," says Miranda when Ishly interrupts while a hologram with a question mark was floating in front of them.

"She really must have some big balls to proclaim herself as the best. If mother finds out she might challenge her to a thief's duel," says Ishly talking about Karliah.

"Like said before self-proclaimed best thief in the galaxy," says Miranda as Vincent wasn't bothered by it.

"So we are going to split up so we can recruit all of them?" asks Vincent as it was obvious to him since they introduced all of them in one go.

"That's right," says Titania as she pulled Mordin up again.

"Tristan, Kaidan, and I will go after Mordin Solus," says Titania as he was the most important VIP.

"Liara, Tali, Fenris, and you will go after Arcangel," says Titania when she looked at Miranda.

"Miranda, you go with the rest and get Kasumi and Zaeed," says Titania as Ishly was excited because it was her first mission while Provus was hiding his excitement.

"Once we landed I want everyone to fulfill their mission. Am I clear enough?" says Titania as everyone nods as they didn't have time to waste.