The Gjallarhorn vs a Mech

They continued fighting their way through the second hall in the facility of the Purgatory. Vincent was in the front with Fenris as he showed his flexibility to his companion while dodging bullets from both sides while taking the enemy down with just his fists.

"Is it normal to have him to be this close and personal?" asks Zaeed not believing his eyes as Titania takes a thermal grenade out.

"You should have seen his whole crew back when we hunted Saren down. They would all be fighting in the frontline except for the mages and ranger," says Titania before leaving cover as she throws the grenade while shouting, "Grenade!"

Vincent heard Titania and he changes his stance making him more resistant to everything while Fenris jumped behind him to take cover before the Grenade explodes.

It exploded and Vincent felt some heat touch his body but it didn't bother him as he was resistant to fire.

They finished with the second hall when Kasumi communicates to Titania that she hacked the system and that no ship except she authorizes it will leave Purgatory.

Suddenly the facility shook again and they began to float for a moment before gravity was stabilized again when Titania stared at Vincent.

"Your little friend is working hard but we should move before he kills our target," says Titania as they were on a ticking time bomb now.

They needed to get to their target fast when Vincent touches the wall to see what it was made of before he turns to Titania and says, "Since we need to be fast how about making our way instead of following her tracks."

"You want to break through those walls?" asks Zaeed as Titania smiled at Vincent.

"We are right behind you," says Titania as Vincent began to radiate Arc Energy around his body.

Vincent takes some steps back from the wall before he rushed at the wall making the Arc Energy around him flare up before he breaks through the wall like a tank on a mission.

The others followed him as he didn't stop but continued running straight taking out everything on his path as he broke through the next wall in his way. The group looked at the devastation left behind with every step Vincent took towards the direction where the target was.

"Is that normal?" asks Zaeed as the walls were made to not break under any circumstances.

"That's quite normal," says Titania as they followed Vincent's path which was filled with corpses because he was like a wrecking ball that only could move forward once swung in a direction.

Vincent slowly began to lose momentum it seemed for the group as he found a giant mech fighting against the girl.

The group finally caught up with him and they see the mech that was holding their target by her hands and feet disabling her from moving when Titania walks forward.

"We need her alive!" shouts Titania at the Mech since someone must be inside it controlling it.

"I don't care if you need her alive she destroyed the whole place because of her rage," says the pilot when suddenly the place shook again and they begin to float again when a blue membrane began to surround Vincent and Fenris.

"Shit!" shouts Titania knowing what that means as she asks, "Do you have another of those Transparent Space Suits?"

"I get your idea," says Vincent as he changed from his Monk set into his Dragoon set holding his spear.

He used his spear to jump towards their target when he was near enough he placed a sticker on her body from which the blue membrane rushed out from surrounding the target so she could breathe again.

"What is going on?" asks the girl when Vincent grabbed her and pulled her away from the clutches of the mech while the air was slowly thinning out making it difficult to breathe.

They could see that the prisoners in their cells were dying slowly. Vincent used his spear again to reach Titania's side.

He arrived by her side and placed the girl on the ground before saying, "She will need some time to come to herself. We should take care of the mech and its pilot before she wakes up."

"Then we should do it fast," says Titania turning to the group.

"Aim at the arms and legs. Once it can't move we win," says Titania to the group as Fenris wasn't much of help right now since he can't bite through metal.

Vincent was ready to use his new baby as his spear disappeared and the Gjallarhorn was in his hands and Vincent says in excitement, "Time to test you out."

"What is that?" asks Tristan as he was holding his Avenger in hand which was an assault rifle.

"That my friend is the best friend of a Guardian, the Gjallarhorn," says Vincent as he aims at the body of the mech before pulling the trigger which made Tristan feel the power that Vincent mustered to hold the weapon still as the ground under him began to crack.

"Thank Akatosh that the boots could hold me down," says Vincent as the boots could generate gravity which can hold him down to the ground.

The rocket shot out of the Gjallarhorn and rushed at the mech which tried to block the rocket only to find out that its arms were now missing as well as the upper body of the whole mech making Vincent smile before kissing his Rocket Launcher.

"How much I missed to pull the trigger on this weapon. I did it only once before and Cayde took it away from me right saying it was too dangerous to leave it with me," says Vincent as he walked towards the girl and the Gjallarhorn disappears again while Vincent places the girl on Fenris who was floating around.

"I want him on the team as well," says Zaeed when Vincent notices some cracks in the wall that leads outside of the facility into space.

"We should hurry before those cracks become a hole and the Normandy has to pick us up in space instead of the hangar," says Vincent as he underestimated the strength behind one rocket.

He grabs Fenris by his legs and pulls him towards him before he pushes him towards where the exit should be before he follows him and the girl while the others did the same by deactivating their magnetic boots and pushing themselves from the ground.

Vincent saw a little furball surrounded by a blue membrane not moving at all in the middle of the room making him turn around to get his little friend which seemed helpless without gravity.

Once Vincent had it in his hand he looks at it and says, "You did quite a good work. Almost too good as you killed everyone by shutting down the respiratory system in this facility."

See Jorey seemed pleased with himself when Vincent makes a roll so his feet could touch the wall before pushing himself off of the wall towards the right direction again.

"But we will have to train you so you don't kill us too one of these days," says Vincent as he petted the little guy with his index finger.

He arrived beside the others who were ready to leave this place as fast as possible as Vincent grabbed Fenris before they continued towards the Normandy where Kasumi and Kaidan were waiting for them.

They entered the decompression chamber before closing the door thanks to Kasumi being in control of the hangar before they opened the door towards the Normandy.

Once inside they removed the helmets and the blue membrane around Vincent and his two pets disappeared while the membrane around the girl was still active.

"We need to take her to the medbay right away," says Titania as Kaidan took her and rushed towards the elevator with Vincent and his two companions right behind him.

Titania turned towards Joker and says, "To our next destination Joker."

"We should be there in a day or two," says Joker as he released the Normandy from the Purgatory.

The Normandy began to move and Titania turns to her crew and says, "Thanks for your hard work today. Kasumi, I want you ready for the next mission so take a break from everything."

"Of course," says Kasumi as she left to get a drink while Tristan and Zaeed followed her.

Kaidan and Vincent arrived at the Medbay and Kaidan placed the girl on the bed beside Miranda's and Vincent removed the transparent space suit from her when Dr. Chakwas looks at the patient.

"What happened to her?" asks Dr. Chakwas seeing the chart as it was showing abnormal measures on it.

"The air became thinner on the purgatory until there was no air at all. We got lucky that there was still air to breathe when we found her," says Vincent as Dr. Chakwas began with pressing a mask over the patient's mouth and nose before stimulating the body.

"I want you two out of here. I need space to work and Liara I need your help can you use your Biotics to stimulate her body in short cycles," orders Dr. Chakwas to everyone in the room.

She was scarier than Kynareth at the moment to Vincent and that he would tell no one in his life as he says, "So Dr. Chakwas can be a battle maid when it comes to treating a patient."

"She was always like that when it comes to a patient on the ship. Even more so if they are crewmates," says Kaidan as the door was shut from inside.

"So that Gjallarhorn?" asks Kaidan as Vincent smiles at him.

"Not for sell even for Titania," says Vincent knowing what Kaidan wanted to ask.

"Why is that so?" asks Kaidan as Vincent moves towards a table.

"Because there are only two at the moment," says Vincent as he waves at Gardner to place him a beer on the counter.

Gardner does so and Vincent uses his magic to pull it towards him while saying, "One is in my possession and the second one is right now traveling towards the Andromeda Galaxy."

"Andromeda, the Empire sent people towards Andromeda," says Kaidan surprised as the beer arrives in Vincent's hand before he takes a sip of it

"It still tastes like shit. But it should do for now," says Vincent as he wasn't listening to what Kaidan said a second ago when he asks, "What did you say a second ago?"

"Forget that," says Kaidan as he walked towards the counter to get himself a beer as well.