Ser Jorey Surprising Everyone

The day passed and the Normandy was back in space in the direction towards Omega while dealing with some meddling trouble on the way to it like finding Jacob's father who was living like a king on an uncharted planet.

Titania dealt fast with this problem while Vincent had to deal with another one named Kasumi Goto who wanted to know more about her late husband and the Network.

"Can't you make me a member?" asks Kasumi as Vincent looked at her troubled.

"The Network is an organization that even I have to respect so they can respect me. If you really want to join it you must survive this mission then I will put your name on the list for potential recruits," says Vincent seriously since the only one that could make her an official Network Member would be Karliah as the First Head of the Network.

"But you said that your daughter is leading it," says Kasumi as she just wanted to know more of her husband's secrets.

"I can tell you that she will say no right away. But I can put a good word in for you so that they look closer at you but you will have one problem," says Vincent looking at Kasumi as she looked confused at him.

"And that would be?" asks Kasumi confused as Vincent opened his hand before a fireball appears over his palm.

"Magic, you don't have any Magicka in your body which means that you were exposed to E-Zero as a child like many other humans before you. It will be a disadvantage but you have your own way to make that disadvantage look small compared to others," says Vincent as he looked towards the table next to them.

Jacob was furious going by how he was treating his food when Vincent says, "It seems the person you are interested in is having something on his mind."

"His father most likely," says Kasumi when she realized that Vincent knows about her feelings, "How did you know?"

"I am old, not blind. Just the glance you give him tells me you want to undress him and bind him to a bed to have fun," says Vincent as he summoned three glasses and a bottle of Thedonian Whiskey which was older than Kasumi.

He pours himself a glass before he says, "Your late husband would have loved for you to find happiness again."

He then hands over the bottle and the two glasses making Kasumi smile as she grabbed the two glasses in one hand and the bottle in the other before joining Jacob.

Vincent watched from the distance when Liara sits down beside him and she says, "I heard from Titania that you and our newest crewmate had an intense discussion."

"Yes, but that has been resolved. She was jealous of you because it seems that she has a crush on me for a long time now. Maybe I shouldn't have concentrated too much on Mara Sov and more on Ikora," says Vincent as Liara looked at him confused for a moment since she knew the name Mara Sov but couldn't put a face to it.

"Mara Sov?" asks Liara as she began to think when someone sat down beside her.

"She is the Awoken Queen and one of the women that Vincent is pursuing," says Ikora as Liara suddenly had Mara Sov's face in mind.

"It's no wonder you became jealous. That woman is quite a beauty no matter how you look at her," says Liara as she looked at Ikora.

"You must be Ikora. I am Liara T'Soni," says Liara as Ikora looks at the Asari.

"Ikora Rey, I hope we will get along," says Ikora as Liara was confused why Ikora was so informally.

"She is older than you by at least a century or two if not more," says Vincent which surprised Liara since Ikora is a human.

"I am a Guardian. We don't age except our Light runs out the same goes for dying," says Ikora as she explained to Liara more specific what a Guardian is which Vincent can't since he never was a Guardian.

They were sitting and talking while Vincent was looking over Kasumi making sure that she was doing alright before he turns to the two women seeing Ikora teaching Liara about Guardian when Vincent remembered something.

He stands up while saying, "I hope you two enjoy each other's company but someone else is awaiting me."

"Who if I might ask?" asks Liara interested while Ikora wasn't since she knew it already.

"He is going to teach the hamster how to use magic," says Ikora informing Liara about Ser Jorey receiving training from Vincent beginning today.

"The little fellow will be a monster once I finished training it," says Vincent as he leaves for the elevator leaving both behind.

Once at the elevator Vincent call for it when Miranda stands beside him and asks, "How comes someone like you is on this ship instead of leading a giant fleet to fight the Collectors?"

"That is simple," says Vincent as the door of the elevator opened and he continues, "It isn't my war yet. Once it becomes my war the Old Guard will rise and the battle-hardened veterans will join my side making the First Legion stand again. And everyone will know that the First Emperor joined the war."

Vincent then enters the elevator and Miranda looked at him confused while asking, "First Legion?"

"Yes, the First Legion is made of those warriors that survived the Conquest of Nirn. They are right now either living in peace on the fields or serving as instructors for the recruits. But anyone that sees them knows very well that they served because of the aura they give off," says Vincent as Miranda entered the elevator as well before pushing the button for the second deck.

"Is the aura that strong?" asks Miranda as the elevator's door closed and they went down first.

"Do you want to see how it feels to stand beside one of them?" asks Vincent as Miranda nods before Vincent radiated a small aura that resembles that of a Legionary from the First Legion.

It was intimidating but not that strong that it would paralyze a person except they were caught off guard when Vincent says, "This might be nothing but a whole army that radiates this kind of aura can intimidate the enemy quite hard."

"I can imagine it," says Miranda as the door opens and Vincent walks out.

"And that is only the First Legion. Think about it, I have the Dragoons, Monks, and Berserkers that follow my call since my children are leading them. And don't forget the Dragons. They are the strongest unit of the whole Imperial Military," says Vincent as Miranda was picturing the whole thing in her head.

She turned pale as the door closed and she went up while Vincent walked towards the little group which was watching the Hamster workout.

"How is he doing?" asks Vincent as he looked at them.

"He is holding himself together but it will take more time for him to manifest his Magicka," says Ishly as Vincent only laughed hearing that while walking forward.

He kneels down and puts his finger against Ser Jorey and says, "Now concentrate little one. I will be circulating your Magicka through your body which will help you while using Restoration Magic which I want you to copy."

Vincent begins to circulate Magicka through Ser Jorey's body making the hamster's body shine bright as his fur changed from white to gold slowly.

Vincent continues circulating Ser Jorey's Magicka when black goo slowly taints the fur which surprised Ishly and Provus since they never saw that before.

"What is going on?" asks Ishly surprised as Vincent smiles in excitement.

"Ser Jorey seems to be a special little fellow," says Vincent in excitement as he was slowly pouring something that they have never seen before into Ser Jorey.

Ser Jorey was slowly beginning to hear a female voice that said, "Hear... Feel... Think..."

See Jorey appeared in front of a giant crystal and the crystal began to speak, "It seems a Warrior of Light appeared out of the rift created by accident."

The crystal looked at Ser Jorey who didn't know what was going on when the crystal speaks again, "I can feel that another Warrior of Light has bestowed you the Light."

See Jorey looked confused at the crystal when a small crystal that could fit into Set Jorey's hands appeared in front of him.

"All Warriors of Light are special might they be small or big. But sometimes the smallest ones are the ones that surprise us the most," says the crystal as Ser Jorey grabbed the crystal and pure Light engulfed him.

"I will grant you a gift so you can keep my child company forever," says the crystal as the Light began to enter Ser Jorey's body.

"Tell my child that I am proud of him," says the crystal as Ser Jorey slowly disappeared out of the space he was when he opens his eyes and finds himself smelling like a dead rat.

He looks down himself holding the little blue crystal seeing his fur being pure black when Vincent picks the Hamster up and drops him into a small bucket full of water.

Vincent begins to clean Ser Jorey when Ishly asks, "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing, I just infused the little guy with a bit of my light and he became a little Warrior of Light. Oh, I have to teach him a lot more now that he became a Warrior of Light," says Vincent excited as Ser Jorey was completely clean as his fur was golden and quite bright.

"So he can be what all of us could never become," says Provus as Vincent nods.

"Yes, he accepted the Light naturally while all of you somehow rejected it," says Vincent as he takes a small sniff from Ser Jorey to make sure that he smelled better than before.

"Yep, you smell quite nice now, little fellow. But from today on your real training begins and we will begin with Paladin," says Vincent with a smile since Ser Jory already began his training in it.