Taking Control of the Normandy back final part

Vincent arrives at the third deck finding some Collectors dragging some of the people away when he sees two of them putting Mess Sergeant Gardner into a body bag.

"Over my dead body," says Vincent to himself since he has the best camaraderie with Gardner out of everyone else in the crew that isn't an old crew member.

Vincent takes his mag out and gets a feeling of it when he determines that half of the mag was gone before putting it back in.

He jumps out of cover and shoots at the Collectors which were trying to get Gardner out killing them when the ship began to shake madly.

Vincent grabbed Gardner and rushed back into Thane's room when EDI says, "Mr. Highwind, you should get as fast as possible to the fourth deck so I can protect you from what is going to happen next."

"I can't if what I am thinking you are going to do is what you are going to do. Kelly is still upsta-," says Vincent as EDI interrupts him.

"She isn't she was taken by the Collectors in the elevator. They are all gone except for you and Mess Sergeant Gardner," says EDI as Vincent sighs feeling powerless at the moment.

"Then start and kill them all. I will make sure that nothing happens to Gardner," says Vincent as he creates a barrier that blocked the air from leaving it.

The Normandy flew at high speed through the System while opening the airlock killing all the enemies still on board.

The Normandy stopped and EDI informs everyone on the ship that she closed the airlock when Vincent dissolves his barrier when Gardner wakes up finding himself in a black sleeping bag.

"It seems you have finally woken up," says Vincent as Gardner looked around.

"What happened? The last thing I remember were those yellow eyes staring at me," says Gardner confused as Vincent sighs.

"The Collectors attacked the Normandy. I arrived just in time to kill some of them and save you out of their clutches. Can't have my best buddy and cook being kidnapped. I don't think Titania can make any edible meal," says Vincent making a joke at the end to relax Gardner.

"What about the others?" asks Gardner worried as Vincent helps him out.

"Either dead or taken by the enemy," says Vincent not lying about their current situation.

"I wanted to get Kelly as well but EDI told me that they already had taken her. I really hope we find them soon or we will have to be prepared for the worst," says Vincent as he walks towards the door.

He finds some Collector corpse on the floor as he looks towards the corner and asks, "EDI, how many of the crew members are still on board?"

"Three including you and Mess Sergeant Gardner, Mr. Highwind," says EDI as Vincent sighs from hearing that.

"How many did die on the attack?" asks Vincent since he saw at least two corpses on the second deck.

"At least four have died in the ambush while another eight were injured and they were taken by the Collectors," says EDI as Vincent began to think about what to do.

"Who is the last person on the ship?" asks Vincent since EDI mentioned that only three people were on the ship.

"Flight Lieutenant Jeff Moreau is still on board. He helped me with reactivating our defenses and releasing me from my shackles," says EDI as Vincent looks at EDI.

"At least one of us gained something out of this situation," says Vincent happy for EDI being free again.

"Have you informed Titania already about our location?" asks Vincent as Gardner catches up and sees the dead Collectors laying on the ground.

"I did, she said that you contacted them earlier while we were under attack, is that correct?" asks EDI as Vincent nods.

"Yes, they should be on the Black Emperor at the moment," says Vincent as he looked at Gardner and touches his shoulder to comfort him.

"But let us clean the ship before Titania and the others arrive. Gardner, go to the elevator and wait for Joker. Once you meet go to the second deck and wait for Titania and the others," says Vincent as Gardner hasn't heard Vincent's first sentence because he still couldn't believe what happened moments ago.

"What will you do?" asks Gardner worried.

"I will just clean up and make sure that our fallen comrades don't lay on the floor. They deserve better," says Vincent as Gardner nods before they go towards the elevator.

Vincent waited with Gardner for Joker who was also haunted by the traumatic experience they just suffered when Vincent says, "You did good, Joker."

"Thank you," says Joker with a bit of hesitation in his tone when Gardner enters the elevator and Vincent says, "Just sit in the cockpit until Titania and the others arrive."

"We will," says Gardner as Vincent smiles at them.

"We will get them back," says Vincent trying to cheer them up as it gave them some hope.

Once the door closed Vincent began to clean the third deck as he burned the Collector corpses while putting the corpse of one of their member inside the Medbay on a table.

He went to the fourth deck and finished cleaning when he hears EDI, "The Commander arrived. Do you want to speak to her?"

"Not now, I would rather talk to my children, Liara, and Ikora. They must have been worried sick since they didn't hear much from me and when they did it was to inform them about the attack," says Vincent as he wanted to hug his children and the two women before talking to Titania.

"Should I inform them about your position?" asks EDI as Vincent nods.

"Yes, but tell them that I am in the Cargo Bay. I need to clean there next before cleaning the second deck," says Vincent in a sad and happy tone.

He calls for the elevator and takes it down to Cargo Bay. He sees a lot of corpses lying around the floor which told Vincent that they tried to escape through the Cargo Bay but didn't make it in time.

He was burning their corpses when Ishly jumps at him from behind as she hugs him tightly not wanting to let go of him.

"Don't do that ever again," says Ishly as Vincent smiles warmly before he moves his hand towards her head.

He pets her while saying, "I won't, except I must because it is the only way to save you. It is my job to take care of you and Provus."

"There are a lot of corpses here. Did you kill them all?" asks Provus as Vincent shakes his head.

"It was EDI she killed all of them while I protected Gardner," says Vincent as Ishly lets go of him.

Vincent turned to his son and gives him a big hug while saying, "You did well."

"Thank you, Dad," says Provus as he returned the hug.

"Now then, where are my two little friends," says Vincent as he let go of Provus when Fenris jumps at Vincent catches him.

"Did you miss me, Fenris," says Vincent as Fenris licked his face before Ser Jorey climbed up his shoulder, "You too, Ser Jorey."

Vincent saw Ikora and Liara and he puts Fenris down petting him before helping Ser Jorey from his shoulder while petting him with his finger.

"I can see that your arm has regrown," says Ikora as Vincent smiles at them.

"I had to learn a harsh lesson from my friends," says Vincent as he walks towards them.

"I am sorry for carrying everything on my own shoulders instead of trusting you both with my burdens instead of carrying them on my own," says Vincent as Liara hits his chest.

"You better remember those words or I will leave you next time," says Liara warning Vincent as Ikora nods at that when Vincent hugs them and lifts them from the ground.

He wanted to kiss them when their hands stopped his advancement while saying, "We don't want to taste Fenris's saliva."

"Now you are hurting him," says Vincent as Fenris was whining because of what Ikora and Liara said.

Vincent puts them down and says, "I will need to report to Titania about where I was and what I was doing."

"You should even if she already knows half of it but is it true that you killed Oryx?" asks Ikora as Vincent nods.

"Yes, I even have the proof right here," says Vincent holding the bag he had on his belt.

"Where did you get that bag? I thought you threw yours to Provus," says Liara as Vincent smiles.

"It isn't as big as the one Provus got from me but it is big enough to store a severed head inside it," says Vincent as he opens it making them see parts of the head.

"Provus, the bag," says Vincent as Provus through the bag back to Vincent.

He opens it and throws the bag with the head inside while putting it in its original place when he washes his face using magic before kissing both.

He turns to Ishly and Provus and says, "Can you two begin cleaning the rest so I can close my eyes later on. I haven't slept much the last few days."

"Of course," say Ishly and Provus as Vincent kisses Liara and Ikora again before going into the elevator.

He went to the second deck to see if he can find Titania there organizing everything and he was right. Titania was giving every one of the ground crew a post they needed to take over since they were short on hands even Gardner was relieved of his cooking duty getting to work as a medic until Dr. Chakwas returned.

"It is good to see you again, Commander," says Vincent as he smiles at Titania.

"You look like shit," says Titania joking around.

"I haven't slept much the last few days since I needed to steer an enemy ship into a sun," says Vincent as Titania smiles.

"Which most likely killed our current contractor," says Titania as Vincent chuckles.

"Most likely, but we shouldn't be too confident about it. Parasites always find a way to survive those things. If you don't believe that ask Mannimarco, he survived many things which would kill a person and he is walking around as if nothing ever happened," says Vincent joking about Mannimarco's past as both were happy that Vincent was back on the Normandy.