The End of the Suicide Mission

The Daedra and Aedra were fighting together something that wasn't seen ever as they decimated the incoming enemy under their strength while Vincent evacuated the people towards the Normandy.

Once everyone was safe he closed the rift and picked up his spear before jumping upon his brother's back and saying, "Let us show them what happens when they threaten our existence."

Durnehviir roars as tentacles grow out of his legs going for the Collectors as they turn to ash when they came into contact with them while Vincent jumped from his brother's back being surrounded by a royal purple aura before a circle with runes in them appear in front of him which he passes through before he crushes into the ground killing the enemies in the area he landed.

Arkay was using a scythe made out of light while Stendarr was using a Golden Sword and Shield as they entered the battlefield. Dibella was holding a staff as she freezes the enemy turning them into beautiful statues before Zenith smashes them using his slide rule.

Akatosh was in draconic armor displaying perfectly who he was as he slowly steps forward while chanting something before everything seemed to stop in time before he shouts and a flaming dragon seems to leave through his mouth becoming bigger and bigger as it incinerated every on its way.

Kynareth made vines grow out of nowhere as they hold the enemy still in place as trees began to grow around them taking roots in the ground making a forest appear when Julianos and Mara combined their spell creating a giant firestorm which engulfed the forest burning it to the ground leaving only ashes behind.

Then the last Divine took the field holding a two-handed ax wearing an Old Nord Armor as he split his enemy in two before shouting pushing the enemies back when he swings his ax horizontally killing more Collectors.

"How I have missed this," says Talos excited as he smashed the next Collector when he sees Vincent taking care of two Collector at the same time.

"I really have to thank you for bringing us to this glorious battle," says Talos as he rested his ax on his shoulder before he throws it in Vincent's direction.

Vincent throws his spear in Talos's direction as both attacks passed them by a hairs breath hitting the enemy behind them when Vincent stretches his hand towards the ax behind him.

"I have to thank you all for coming to my aid," says Vincent as he threw the ax to Talos who catches it while his spear returned to his hands.

"Vincent, we are done here. Get everyone out before everything gets torn into pieces," says Titania over her end of the line.

"They are on the Normandy. I and my friends and family are the only ones left," says Vincent as he holds his ear.

"Then it is time to retreat. I am informing Joker to get me and my group. I will meet you on the other end," says Titania as Vincent only smiles and turns to his family and friends.

"Time to leave the Commander will be exploding the whole base with us in it or not," says Vincent as everyone seemed a bit sad since they haven't fought like this for a long time.

"We still have one battle before us to show those Reapers what happens when they try to bring the war to our doorsteps," says Vincent as they all felt excited when Akatosh puts his hand on Vincent's shoulder.

"There will be no one able to unite both sides like this after you. Let us enjoy the next battle which will be our last battle together," says Akatosh to his son as a rift opens behind Vincent before Akatosh pushes Vincent through it.

Vincent appears inside the Normandy as he looked around with Dr. Chakwas treating everyone with some help of the crew and Ser Jorey who was in his White Mage robes.

The Daedras and Aedras disappeared burning holes into the base as they left in either radiant light or purple darkness returning to their Realms of Existence.

Everyone knew that once Vincent became a Divine no mortal would be able to gather them all together in one place as he did just a moment ago and the peace they were having for this long will be over.

Vincent still didn't know about it as he changed into his White Mage Robes before he helped Dr. Chakwas who was surprised that Vincent appeared out of nowhere.

They treated everyone as Joker got Titania and her group when he begins to put as much distance between them and the Collector Base.

They made it out alive thanks to EDI and Joker working together as Vincent was carrying Liara to their bed and placed her inside it so she could rest for a while.

Ishly and Provus seemed sad about something as Vincent most likely knew why before he asks, "Did you have to slay Fenris?"

"Yes, it seemed in his bloodlust he found his way towards the Normandy. We gave him a fast and painless death. Most likely he is in Sovngarde enjoying a big bone with meat on it," says Ishly sad as Vincent petted their head sadly.

"I know it was hard for you both to do that. You knew him for almost two years," says Vincent as he kisses the forehead of Ishly and Provus.

They have lost a family member that was quite dear to them and what was the worst was that they had to kill it.

"You should rest like Liara while I help to get the others to the Medbay," says Vincent as he gives them a big hug before letting them go.

He then grabs Zaeed who was the most injured of them all and carried him with care to the elevator before taking him to the medbay with Jacob and Samara which were carried by four other people who looked like the Colonists they saved instead of the crew.

They brought them to up and the not critical patients were brought to their rooms where Dr. Chakwas left two people to observe them just in case.

Vincent was about to return to the Cargo Bay after taking Kaidan to Titania's quarters since he thought that Titania would like to look after her lover when the elevator stopped on the second deck.

Kelly enters the elevator as she looks at Vincent who seemed completely exhausted by looking at his face when she says, "Thank you for saving me."

"I didn't only save you, Kelly. I saved many others as well and we almost lost all of our crew in our last stand to buy time for the Commander. We are all lucky to still be standing," says Vincent mentally exhausted as he sighs.

"I am happy that almost all made it through this mission. We lost only one person and that was Fenris," says Vincent a bit sad as he falls on his arse.

Vincent was holding his hands against his face as he was allowed to mourn now that everything was over when Kelly puts her hand on his shoulder giving him some moral support.

They stayed like this for a moment as Kelly stopped the elevator between the third and fourth deck so nobody would see Vincent from showing his emotions.

After fifteen minutes Vincent was back to his old self and he says, "Thank you, Kelly, for staying beside me in this difficult moment for all of us."

"I wouldn't be a good psychiatrist if I couldn't stand beside you at those moments," says Kelly as she was hiding her own trauma at the moment.

Vincent took her into his arms and caresses her head as he passes his fingers through her hair while saying, "It is your turn now."

Kelly begins to cry as she began to talk about her fear of seeing those insects triturating a human being into a paste. She was afraid that it was her end as she let everything out before Vincent let go.

"It is good to release everything that has been building up inside of us," says Vincent as Kelly nods before Kelly pushes the button to move again as they arrived at the Cargo Bay.

Vincent left the elevator as he petted Kelly's head before letting go while the door closes again and Kelly went up again to the second deck.

Vincent changed his robe into normal clothes as he sat down on his bed to reflect upon what happened with Fenris when Ser Jorey tries to cheer him up.

"You must be sad as well since you have lost your best friend," says Vincent petting Ser Jorey before he takes his shoes off and lies down beside Liara while Ser Jorey to his original place which was by their feet.

Soon Ikora joined them after taking her armor off being in her underwear as she snuggled up to Vincent wanting to feel warm.

The next morning Vincent met with Titania as they discussed about what to do next as Titania told him that she will be submitted to a Military Tribunal as well as the whole Human Crew that helped her.

She already made plans to take the others to the place they wanted to be taken before the Normandy returned to the Alliance so they can face their punishment.

Vincent sighs as he tells her to get them to Nirn as he just wanted to get his people back. He leaves to meet with people of the crew to offer them a place in the Empire.

Zaeed joined Vincent's party as did Thane after hearing from Titania that Anra might be able to cure him of his Kepral's Syndrome.

Legion joined Vincent as well since he was from the Empire. He wanted to help Tali with her research in Kvatch. Kasumi was joining them as well since she wanted to join the Network.

This made it clear that Vincent would have three more people joining him back at home. Once the Normandy left them on Nirn, Tali returned to Kvatch with Legion who became her assistant.

Zaeed was made a Captain under Vyrve's command with Vincent's recommendation. Kasumi was taken immediately by shadows that put a bag over her head.

Ikora returned to the Psijic Order to get her things before going to Highwind City where Thane was being treated against his disease by Vincent and Anra.

Liara now lived with them instead of returning to Kvatch to resume her work again while Ser Jorey began to make friends with Fenris's daughter which was more aggressive and energetic than Fenris since she was still a pup compared to Fenris.

Provus and Ishly went on their second adventure which this time would take place on Nirn and the Northern and Southern Kingdoms since it would help them gain more experience compared to what they already went through.

Vincent was happy to be back at home as he created a little metal dog that should represent Fenris since they couldn't recover his real body. He placed it in the Animal Graveyard beside the other pets owned by the Highwind family.