Broken Thoughts ☠

Continuing from "Open Technical Dimen." and "Open Imagination". Yeah I talked about it. I said that I was transported/ or had a vision. Whichever one it was. It wasn't normal. This wasn't a divine calling or something. This wasn't just white. It was dark too. During that talk me and you guys had. I was trying to think positive. But there's more to it than that. Just like Angel's exist. Devils do too. We are not alone in this world. Some times when you think. "Oh I prayed and god has answered me". Sended me an angel. To tell the truth. Don't you ever ask yourself. If what's come to help you is even human. Or even an angel at all. Or even good for you? I don't think you did. You only thought of the good things that came with it. The positive effects it had on your life. But what if those positive effects had a cost?

And what if what you had to pay with wasn't money or your body, maybe your soul. What if it was all of them? Or even more than that. Your whole being. The question is what would you do? Would you give up your self? Your freedom? For what really? Revenge? Magic or Magick? A wish? Would you actually give up that much? Would you really? I don't believe that . Not all humans could or would do that. Unless they understood. They are gonna die anyway. Might as well die while getting what they want. Fulfilling their wish in life. Whatever it is. But I bet most of you are scared? Aren't you? I mean who isn't. I'm just gonna say one thing. In life you got to/ have to learn to be selfish. Most of the time. Just live for yourself not for anybody else. Nobody is gonna love you as much as you should love yourself and appreciate yourself. But If you have a goal in life. Go thru with it. It doesn't matter who you have to climb on top of. But for real tho y'all don't think dirty. I'm trying to be straight with you guys. And have a adult to adult conversation. Bruh I'm still a kid. What am I even talking about? 🤣😂