Sin Of Gluttony

This sin is special in so many ways. Gluttony or otherwise known as a habitual greed or an excess in eating. The subject of gluttony is not how you make it. It's how it started. Why did your greed for "this" started? What type of object or food was it? What did it give you? What feelings did it calm or stop? Who caused it? People talk about the percentage in each country that grew out of people eating and having an excess in weight. But didn't researched why those people did what they did. In life there's many problems. Especially today. There's money, family, business problems. Even more than that. People are greedy for stuff because it makes them feel happy. Like if they had something that nobody else did. Or something from somebody they thought was great. And if they become overweight is because food has many flavors causes many emotions. It changes sadness to hapiness. And a crying face to a laughter face. Even tho those people know what they are doing to themselves. They can't stop it. Well they can. But they choose not to. In the end. They end up depending on it. More than anything in their life. Making it their most precious object. Not getting rid of it. For their own good or health. Sadly that's the truth. Just like those people. Being a glutton helps me feel better. Both about myself and the world around me. Just like life is hard for them it is hard for me. Which is why we depend on "this".