Sin Of Sloth

Sloth is known to be a reluctance to work or make an effort; laziness. But a more easy way to understand what it's all about. What does it stand for? What's the meaning behind it? It stands03 for saving ones energy to let it go to waste. Losing the will for the holy ghost. Only showing no will for nothing and nothing of will. The temple of body finding a new empowerment. Hopping around in a pit of snakes... a symbol of evil. Why sloth? That's the question. Why are people lazy and not productive? The reason is it easier to be lazy. Not getting up or doing anything. Yeah it will make you seem like a vegetable. Not like anybody cares or should care. It is a feeling you get when your tired of life. Maybe even tired of living. When your movements stopped and maybe your breathing will too. If you kept that up. A moment of total silence and calmness. With nothing done and nothing to do. Not caring about problems or social activities. Your body not choosing to move as that is your will. Your mind controlling you over everything. Not enjoying anything laughing, smiling, being happy or sad. Just being there with no purpose. Just to stay there. That is your will. What you choose when you think there's nothing else you can do after losing energy and time. After maybe losing your family, a business or just losing your will to act. By choosing to wear a straight, cold face instead of a happy, cold lie. Showing your real feelings not caring for other's attention or opinions. That is your decision.