Quick Notice

All this info is basically on the first chapter of the rewrite but Ill just put it here as well.

The Rewrite is basically done and I have a lot planned out this time. Updates will be a little slow but thanks to it being Summer Break they should speed up over time.

Main Goals were to make the MC less cringy, Make him plan things out more, Have long and short term goals and most importantly start him in a weaker world. Outside of all that I edited his System a bit and hopefully things won't go off the rails too quickly.

In any case, the only warnings I can give are this. One he will get stronger slower than he did originally and I want to try to broaden the number of powers he uses. (So not just skipping straight to One Piece, Bleach, DBZ and Naruto.) Along with that, I plan for him to be more manipulative so that should be a plus.

And of course, hopefully, the fact I got better at writing (At least I believe so) will let me not fuck things up.

Anyway, I'm out bye...