Part 6

Gabbie: he's at my apartment

Liza: okay are the police there yet

Gabbie: no, know what i said i don't want you to worry so liza just relax i'll handle it okay

Liza: gabbie i know you don't want to rely on us but sometimes like this you might have to, its okay to have walls but you need to know when to let them down

Gabbie: liza just i want you to stay out of this, I don't want you hurt

Liza: liza well sometimes gabbie if someone is willing to help you

Gabbie: liza i'll see you okay

Gabbie pov

I hung up the phone and put my head into my hand, I heard the door open and my head shot up to see it was the nurse with the police

Nur: miss Hanna their here

The police walked in and they were the same guys from last time

Officer: hello miss hannah we have heard the person who did this has contacted you

Gabbie: oh yes

I pulled up the picture and showed them i told them that that was my apartment and about what happened when he attacked me yesterday

Officer: okay, for your safety we are going to have you be home treated

Gabbie: I can't be home treated he knows where I live and it seems like he keeps going back there

Officer: we are going to have a guard stay with you

Gabbie: I don't know about this

Officer cj: trust us we are going to give us one of our best

gabbie : okay fine

Officer: we will alert the hospital of this

Gabbie: okay

The police left the room and the nurse came in with a bag of my things and told me to get ready, I got ready and waited for the nurse to tell me what to do now

Nur: miss hanna

Gabbie: you can call me gabbie if you want

Nur:okay gabbie um there's a car waiting outside for you

Gabbie: thanks

She was about to walk out when i stopped her

Gabbie: nurse wait

She turned around to face me

Gabbie: thanks for saving my life

Nur: you don't have to thank me it's my job, now i think it's best you get to your ride

Gabbie: bye

I walked out of the room to the front doors and stepped outside the sunlight hits my eyes and it burned. My eyes adjusted to the light and i was a woman holding a sign that said gabbie

The lady: you must be gabbie right

Gabbie: yes

The lady walked over and shook my hand and in that moment I felt something that wasn't pain

The lady: my name is Luren and I'm going to be you garud for the next few days

Gabbie: well you already know im gabbie and why I need security

luren: yeah im sorry, but more importantly we might want to leave

Dhe pointed over to a large mob of people with cameras coming to words us screaming hey gabbie over here, gabbie gabbie is want david true, can you please tell us the real story on what happened, is that your new love interest. Luren quickly got me into the car and ran around to the drivers side and got in and drove off.

Luren: that was close

Gabbie: yeah, maybe we should get to know each other

Luren: good idea

Gabbie: well i work in online entertainment and i have trust issues

Luren: my name is luren macy, i am gay and i love to protect people i love or who are in need of protection

Gabbie: oh really your gay, i think i might me bi because i have checked out a lot of girls in my time

Luren: your funny

Gabbie: thats why im a youtuber i tell jokes and sing and write and draw

We rode back to my apartment, I took a short nap which was interrupted by lauren shaking me awake

Luren: we're here

Gabbie: oh

We got out and walked to the elevator and rode up to my floor and got out and walked to my apartment door. I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it and open the door to see the same cardboard cut out laying to the floor

Gabbie: oh my god

Luren: what is it

Luren walked in front of me and saw it by the look on her face she was surprised

Luren: okay calm down it's okay he's not here

Gabbie: I know it's just he getting to me

Luren: well thats why im here to protect you and to help you

Gabbie: thanks lauren, what do we do now

Luren: lets watch some movies

Gabbie: okay fine with me

Luren helped me take the cut out to the trash and we came back and started to watch love is a gift ( which by the way is a youtube short christmas video).

The movie was very good but it got to a party that was an intimate scene and me and lauren looked at each other our faces got closer and closer until we...


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