part 11

Luren pov

Gabbie is calling me and i picked up

Luren: gabbie is everything okay 

Gabbie: yeah yeah im fine its just i really have to tell you this 

Luren: gabbie what is it 

Gabbie: zane turned himself in 

Luren: that great

Gabbie: the police want me to testify against him and I said yes

Luren: gabbie are you sure you want to do that

Gabbie: im sure, and also they said i can bring along two other people to help me testify 

Luren: so who are you going to bring along

Gabbie: im going to bring liza and you 

Luren: gabbie before you get to invested are you sure your not going to let him get the best of you 

Gabbie: yes i'm sure,now you go have fun 

Luren: okay see you when i get back love you

Gabbie: love you to

I hung up the phone and put my phone back in my pocket 

Liza: everything okay 

Luren: yeah nothings wrong its just zane turned himself in and gabbies going to testify and wants me and you to testify to 

Liza: that's good but why does she have to testify

Luren:i don't know 

Liza: so why don't we stop by the hospital and get her hospital records for the court case

Luren: lets go after wherever we are going 

David: I have one question, why can't I testify

Liza: why would she let  you after what you did 

David: okay fare point 

Luren: and plus liza was always first to know about something 

Liza: thank you luren 

Luren: so where are we going 

David: we're going to the house le ve

Luren: the house la what 

Liza: it's this place where you go and drink for free 

Luren:i don't drink 

Liza: well party

The rest of the way to the house la ve we rocked out to some songs, when we got to the house la ve we could already hear the music blasting. We parked and walked to the party.

4 hours later

Liza was drunk and david went to the car and passed out, and I needed to get to the hospital before it closed

Luren: liza come on I have to get to the hospital before they close 

the doors 

Liza: come on let me find Steven and give him a kiss

Luren: you have a boyfriend now let's go

I led liza throw the crowds of people and to the car, when we got to the car I got liza in and got in the driver's seat.

I drove to the hospital  and ran in to the front desk

Nurse: hello, how can I help you

Luren: um can I plz have gabbie hanna record

Nurse: I going to need identification and the relationship to the person

I pulled out my lesions out and handed it to the nurse,

Luren: I am gabbie hannas girlfriend 

Nurse: luren Macy you're her girlfriend, you were hired to be her bodyguard 

Luren: you where her nurse

Nurse: yes, how is she told me while I'm printing the papers  out

Luren: she's okay but something happen 

Nurse:omg is she okay if you can't get her to the hospital then I can come with you to help

Luren: no everything is okay, but the guy who stabbed her um got in to her apartment  and raped her but I stopped him from hurting her

Nurse: did he get caught 

Luren: no he turned himself in and now where going to trial and where going to show the records at the trial

Nurse: here you go, if anything happens  call me and I'll come to help

Luren: thanks 

I left the hospital  and dropped liza and david off and called an uber to get back to gabbies house 

When I got back I found  gabbie asleep on the couch and woke her up 

Luren: gabbie wake up 

Gabbie: yeah oh hey luren your home

Luren: yeah and I have something that will help with your case 

I held up the papers

Gabbie: the hospital  records omg I was going to get them 

Luren: so when is the trial

Gabbie: it's Thursday 10 am

Luren: so we have one day for everything to get ready

Gabbie: we need to call liza and tell her 

Luren: let's do that later she's drunk 

Gabbie: let's cuddle then 

Luren: okay 

Zane pov

She won't do it she's scared I'll be out of here in days 

Police: you have one call and you might want to make it out to your lawyer 

Zane: why would I do that

Police: because  your going to trial

Shit she's really doing it damn there go my master plan 

I decided  to call my lawyer  

Liza pov 

My hangover didn't last very  long which is odd but I decide to call luren and ask when the court date was

Luren: hey liza

Liza: when is the court date 

Luren: it's Thursday

Liza: what time

Luren: 10 am

Liza: okay might you at the courthouse 

Thursday 10am

Luren: gabbie wake up it's time we need to get ready we only have 2 hours before we have to be at court

Gabbie gets up and began to get ready while i gather everything we would need for court and what not and waited for gabbie 

Gabbie got ready in this 

And i wore this 

We drove to the courthouse and waited in the car for liza it was 1hour and 12 minutes left before we had to testify

Luren: gabbie are you sure your not going to break down this is going to be on youtube and national tv

Gabbie: luren i'll be fine i know he can't hurt me as long as you're there i know things are going to be okay 

Luren: gabbie i love you 

Gabbie: love you 

Me and gabbie share a kiss and a hug when we get a knock on my widow, I quickly turn my head to face whoever it was and saw it was liza

Liza: hey you two love birds we have to get in there 

Luren: gabbie you ready

Gabbie: ready as ill ever be 

We get out the car and hold each others hand as we walk past the people taking pictures of us and screaming questions, we get in the courthouse and get directed to courtroom 302

Beginning of court case 

Officer: all rise

Everyone stood up 

Officer: do you solemnly swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth 

Everyone: yes 

We all sat down and the case began 

Judge matthew: hello i am judge matthew and today we are here to see if zane will be sentenced, how do you plead

Zanes lawyer: not guilty 

I saw zane give gabbie a look and gabbie just ignored but looked a bit unwell  

Judge matthew: miss macy would you like to go first 

Luren: yes 

I walked up to the stand and took my place looking amongst all the people 

Judge matthew: you my begin 

Luren: for the first part of what happened i had not come into her life at the moment 

Judge matthew: so what is the relation now 

I began to blush and scratch the back of my head and look gabbie in the eyes 

Luren: she is my girlfriend 

Judge matthew: you may continue

Luren: so  what i was around to see was, this is kind of a hard hitter, gabbie stayed up dealing with the article and her other things when I came out to tell her to come and go to bed because it was getting late, she said she was coming and I want back in the bedroom and waited for gabbie to come in. when i started to hear zanes voice and gabbies voice and then gabbie crying i stayed quite so he couldt hear me and went over to the bat in the cornner of the room for some reason and grabed it and looked out to see gabbie bent over the counter top and zane raping her, i went out and told him to get off of her and he didnt lissin and just laughted it off and then i hit him in the side and helped gabbie into the bed and then came back and he was gone and liza and her boyfriend showed up and then  we went out.

Judge luren: thank you, moving on miss koshy 

I left the stand and liza went up 

Liza: I was there for everything except for miss gabbie being stabbed and her getting raped but my boyfriend is what started a lot of the articles 

Judge matthew: what do you mean by that 

Liza: he made two videos accounting what happened 

Judge matthew: do we have those videos will

(will is the guard)

Will: infact yes 

They rolled out the screen and began to play