Part 17

Davids pov

When I get home I sat on my couch thinking of places he could of took her, then it hit me the first place they meant the set of her music video but which one, medicate, monster that it. I've got to call liza

Liza: hello

David: liza i need to speak to luren

Liza: okay

Luren: hello

David: I know where he took gabbie

Luren: you do

David: he took her to the place she filmed monster

Luren: okay i'll tell the officer

David: okay

She hung up the phone and waited for some news from liza

3 hours later

I took a nap and woke up to the sound of knocking on the door, I got up and went to open the door and saw it was heath

David: heath your here i thought you got taken by zane

Heath: yeah i was but he let me go

David: did he take you to gabbies monster set

Heath: yes how did you know

David: I thought for a while and I lined it up, but is she okay

Heath: no he hit her and I don't know what he might be doing now

David: come on

Heath: where are we go

David: we need to get to the hospital

Heath: why what happened

David: carly died, and you know the rest

Heath: carly died

David: yes

Heath: so what have you guys done to deal with this

David: liza called the police and that's about it

Heath: your going to make me talk to the cops

David: your right

Heath: wait before we go i have one more thing to tell you

David: what

Heath: I saw a car when i left i think they might of gone somewhere else

David: did he say that did he say where

Heath: no he didn't

David: damn okay come on

We leave his house and began to drive to the hospital

Zane pov

Im driving down and i hear gabbie crying in back but i pay in mind we've been driving for a few hours and we still haven't reached where were supposed to be

Gabbie: where are we going

I surprised she said something

Zane: were going somewhere they can't find you

Gabbie: did you hurt luren, or anyone else

Zane: aside for carly and erin everyone else is okay

Gabbie: what did you do to them

Zane: shot them

Gabbie: oh my god

She didn't say anything else

I continued to drive to where we were going

I pulled up to where we were going and got out the car and went to the back door and opened it and waited for her to take the hint and get out, soon she did and she just stood there

Zane: come on

I grabbed her by the arm and led her inside the building, when she stepped inside she took a quick look around. I closed the door behind us and locked it then turned on the lights.

Gabbie pov

its night and dark he turned on the lights to reveal a well furnished room and a room off to the side.

He took me by the arm and led me to the room off to the side and opened the door, turned on the light to show a bed and a small dresser

Zane: you stay here until i say you can come out

He pushed me inside and closed the door and locked it

I looked around and then sat down on the floor and cried, i got carly and erin killed and got heath put in danger, he's right if i would just stay quiet things wouldt of gone like this.

Zane pov

I leaned up against the door and put my ear to the door and heard her crying, something inside of me wanted to let her out but the other part of me wants revenge and im siding with revenge.

Liza pov

David showed up with heath and talked to the police, the police said they would go investigate tomorrow so they can legally search the property

Liza : so how did you get away from zane

Carly: is gabbie okay

Luren: why didn't you take gabbie

Heath: he let me go, he hit gabbie but i don't know if she's okay now, i wanted to take gabbie with me but she wouldt let me

Luren: what do you mean she wouldt let you

Heath: I wanted to take her but when i tried to take him down he pulled the gun and Threatened me and gabbie i couldt let gabbie or myself get shot so i left. But if i didnt i wouldnt be able to tell you this stuff

Luren walked over and gave heath a hug and said

luren : thank you even though you left her there with him, you did your best and while leaving her put us one step closer to getting her back so thank you

Luren walked away out the door

David: what's her problem

We all looked david

Erin: gabbie girlfriend upset because she go bye bye

What erin just said cracked me the fuck i fell on the floor laughing

Nurse: hello i'm the visiting hours are over

David: okay

After i collect myself we give erin hugs and leave and go home and go to sleep

The next day

Luren pov

I woke up and noticed that i was in gabby's bed and that she was laying right next to me she turned over and looked at me and gave me a kiss

Gabbie: good morning

Luren: your here

I touch her face

Gabbie: of course I am silly why wouldn't I be

Luren: because zane has you

For some odd reason the room got darker and gabbie got up and turned to face me then zane appeared next to her

Luren: zane why are you here

Zane: she mine now

He and gabbie turned to face each other and they kissed i couldt move all I could do was scream, I watch as they kissed and zane pulled a knife and stabbed her repeatedly the let her body fall. Then he turned to face me

Zane: I told you she wouldt live to be 31

Luren: nooooooo

Zane: now your turn

He climbed onto the bed and shuffled over to me and i woke up, i was in gabbie's bed but she wasn't there

Luren: god it's only been a couple of hours and im already going crazy

I look around and see the bottles of wine and beer sitting on the dresser sitting in front of the bed. God i got drunk

I got up and started to clean the bottles up and got my things and left. I feel like she's around me when i'm in her apartment. When I get back to my place i washed up and sat on my couch.

Luren: maybe she got her phone back

I called her phone and it went straight to voicemail

I tried 3 more times but they all went to voicemail, i hope he didn't kill her or i'll kill him

Gabbies pov

I fell asleep and woke up to the sound of someone knocking on the door then the sound of it opening. I shot up in the bed looked at the door to see zane standing there with a bat and I knew what was coming

Zane: hey gabbie want to play baseball

I said nothing because I know I have no choice

Zane: take that as yes

He stepped into the room and shut the door behind him and walked over to me with the bat in hand,I knew what was coming so i fell back onto the bed and feeteled positioned until I felt the bat hit my leg and with that one hit i knew that it was going to be painful.

He hit me with the bat repeatedly until he got tired and stopped and left the room, I looked at my legs and arms and saw burs after burs and a little blood witch was good because the more blood I kept inside me the better.

Zane pov

I had to stop didnt want to kill her before we got to the best part,it felt good to do that I want to go in there and do it again but i'll wait until shes let her guard down. But for now ill make some breakfast because I don't know what her to go and die on me while im just getting started, and while im at it i need to hide her phone its been ringing like crazy