
I find it kind of ironic that I am surrounded by water, yet I cannot drink any of it safely.

Of course, I remember several methods of converting seawaters into freshwater, but I rather just drink the water directly from the ocean without needing to worry about consequences.

Letting out a sigh, I start building a little desalination contraption on the beach. More correctly, it is a distillation device – something that can convert seawaters into drinkable water.

Survival classes for the win!

It was compulsory for my pilot training. Somehow, the people in charge believe that I might needed it one day. I am so glad that I did not argue with them.

Sure. It might be faster for me to explore the jungle and find a source of freshwater, but it is probably not the safest option.

I also have the option of searching for supplies amongst the broken debris and twisted wreckages that are scattered all over the jungle. Again. That is not the safest option.

It is actually safer to just stay on the beach for now, and besides, if I build the device correctly, I should have some drinking water in the next hour or so. It is also less tiring than other options.

Once I got a good fire going under a made-shift pot full of seawater, I just needed to add some sort of water vapor collector above the pot, allowing me to collect the vapor and then condensing it back into water. Fresh water.

It is surprising easy when there are plenty of burnable materials left from the crash. The only difficulty was gathering them and breaking them down to useful chunk, especially when any laborious task will drain me physically and mentally.

I am still in pain too, so I did everything slowly. There is no need to hurry as there is plenty of daylight.

While the seawater is being boiled, I have a look at the scroll from before. I have not noticed it before, but there are some inscriptions finely etched into the ribbon.

It is written in a language that I have never seen before, and I have seen plenty of language. I manage to speak a few just enough to screw with the locals. I am a pilot, and I have flown all over for the past year or so. Still, just because I know a lot of languages, I am not looking to be a linguist of sort.

I am a pilot. Actually, my dream is to be an astronaut, but they had rejected my application, citing that I lacked quality they are looking for. Horseshit.

Anyway. That is not important, and when someone finally come looking for the missing aircraft, I will never be able to fly again. It is almost a certainty, and it sucks so bad.

I let out a heavy sigh as I try to open the scroll again. The ribbon does not seem to budge a little, even seemingly indestructible when I try to cut it.

What the hell!? It does not even burn. This is made of paper, right?

Alright. This is obviously not a normal scroll. The glowing kind of give that away. But indestructible as well as inflammable. Um. Not flammable. The English language sucks.

"Maybe when someone decided to come and pick me up, they can [identify] what language this is. It might be some sort of magic sorcery," I tell myself while examining the small scroll more closely.



[Promotional Scroll (Engineer)]

A new notification appears in my mind.

[Promotional Scroll is used to assign or reassign a class. A person may only hold one class at a time. If the item is used while already holding a class, it will reset all class experience points. You currently do not hold a class. Do you wish to promote to a class?]


I am a bit taken back at all of this. Is this some sort of a game? I am in a game? Did I die? Just so many questions pass through my mind. Questions that I have no answers to. Actually, there is one question I can answer. Or try to answer.

I did something to activate the scroll. Not actually activate but to learn what the scroll is.

Like before, I dismiss the window without selecting any of the option. That is allowed, apparently. And I am not too sure why there is a refuse option. If I refuse, does it still count as being used? Weird.

"What did I say before? Maybe when someone decided to come and pick me up…" I state each of the word slowly and clearly, trying to see if anything happened. Nothing happens.

"they can identify…"


[Promotional Scroll (Engineer)]

Yeah okay, it is that word. Identify. It triggers some sort of information window, allowing me to learn about the scroll and what it does. I immediately try the trigger word on everything around me.




This is kind of awesome. No. It is fucking awesome.

I quickly return my attention to the scroll. There seems to be no reason to not use the scroll to gain a class of sort, considering I am currently classless. If this is a game of sort, having a class definitely will be useful.

Well, at least, it will be better than having no class. Unless there is unique class in being classless. I am thinking way too much. Just use the damn thing and see what happen. So far, everything is beneficial to me.

Besides, if the class name is anything to go by, I might like it. I am a tinker hobbyist of sort

I mentally select "yes" on the option list, wanting to promote to the Engineer class.

The moment that I did, the small scroll in my palm unfurls itself, nearly startles me. Not nearly.

I practically throw it away on reflex, and to my surprise, it flies back at me and hovers in the air before me, allowing to see what I instantly assume to be some sort of contract. The language on the contract is the same language inscribed onto the ribbon.

In other word, I have no fucking clue what the contract is talking about. Luckily, identify comes to the rescue, allowing me to learn basically nothing I have not figure out myself.

[This scroll will allow you to change your class to that of an Engineer, allowing you to gain professions or jobs in the field of engineering. There are many choices available to an Engineer, but usually, it will allow you manufacture goods, construct complexes, manipulate object, and lay down a foundation of a civilization. While not unique, Engineer is a rare class, and it will grant you bonuses in Wisdom and Constitution.]
