
[Congratulation. You have defeated a giant spider. 112 experience earned!]

[Congratulation. You have unlocked the Combat Engineer (Job).]

Two notifications appear in my mind the instant the spider becomes nothing more than a pile of green goo with broken legs. Seriously.

It seems like I have a special attack of sort. A very powerful attack that can probably instant kill anyone or anything if used smartly. Awesome. Very awesome.

But even so, it is still scary as fuck going up against so many spiders the size of a truck. One spider, and I might be able to fight without shaking. Two spiders – I might be able to win without losing important body parts. A dozen or so spiders at once. Yeah, fuck that. I'm running.

That is the most logical choice, and there is no shame in running away to fight another day.

I rather live and plan properly, thank you very much. No need to risk my life on something like this.

Unfortunately, the spiders appear to be very determined on dining on my juicy innards, but fortunately enough, I have a very good hand. Thus, any spiders that manage to get close to me earn a flying metal cube to the face. Very ugly face.

It is not always a cube made of metal. Woods and stones work are just as deadly when thrown at that speed.

After the fourth spider turns into a gory pulp, the rest of them seem to back away, screeching at a fair distance. Eh? Are they intelligence?

I sure hope the fuck not because that will suck so much. So, so much.

The answer comes to me in the form of a jet of string, nearly taking my right arm off. Holy fuck! I block the view with a handful of metal cubes as the other spiders began to shoot silky string at me.

At the speed they are shooting, those strings might as well be bullets.

Fuck! Fuck! I cannot fight them, and even if I manage to win somehow, it will be quite a costly victory, and I am not ready to make that sacrifice. Not for something like this.

The only option left is run and hide.

Where? Where? They can definitely break into my shelter without any difficulty, and I currently don't have enough time to properly design and prepare anything. Fuck! Fuck!

Think. Think. C'mon brain. I have just fed you!

One of the huge-ass spiders manages to climb over the metal blocks to get to me, but it instantly gets greeted with a solid sand block. I throw several more sand blocks upwards in the same direction, just to stop any more spiders getting any ideas.

It is also to empty out my stockpile, allowing me to collect more sands.

I use my ability to dig a hole in the ground. Deep and wide enough for me. I jump into it and then use my ability to fill the space above me with solid stone. There, in the hole in the ground, I will hide, and I will wait out the night.

Hopefully, the spiders are not smart enough to find me.

"Hey. Hey. Why do you want to be an astronaut so much?"

"Umm… because it's cool? And space is like a really big place that no one have explored before? Also, it is something about the sense of freedom. I want to be free. What about you? What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"An astronaut. Because… because…"

Sunlight streams into the small gaps above and wakes me up from my dream. It has been a while since I have dreamt about anything, but it is welcoming nonetheless, especially who the other person is.

I roll the engagement ring around my finger with a faint smile before thinking about how to get out of the hole that I have dug myself into in order to stay alive.

While I cannot put the metal block back into my warehouse, I can convert it to something else just like I have done so to a block of wood. Metal rods come to mind, and I proceed to craft some.

It takes fucking forever to punch the metal block into rods since metal is a lot harder to work with than wood, and once I dig myself out of the ground, I have a look at my surroundings.

The bonfire last night has died down, obviously, but the wooden shack nearby has been reduced into rubbles. The spiders must have destroyed it. They also destroyed some of my fish traps. Only the ones that are placed further into the ocean are left alone.

No biggie. I can rebuild them pretty quickly, but they will get destroyed tonight if I do not do anything about the spider problem.

I rather not have to rebuild all my structures after every single night, and somehow, I believe they will come every single night.

Okay. Light tower has to wait.

I need a proper way to tell those spiders to fuck off or else. They are smart enough to stop charging in mindlessly when some of their numbers die, so I am sure they will be smart enough to know that I am not worth the losses.

That is good.

But to achieve that, I need overwhelming firepower. The kind of fire power I don't really have, at least, I do not think so. Well, besides setting up a lot of traps. Traps that the spiders might avoid. Damn.

Oh. What job did I gain last night? Combat Engineer?

I open my status window again and check the job listing. Combat Engineer is there, highlighted as well, telling me that it is related to my class.

That is kind of obvious from the name, and I believe I can only unlock jobs that are related to my class.

Selecting the Combat Engineer opens up its information. Unlike Civil Engineer, there is an active ability that I can make use of.

"Deploy Sentinel."

I test out the active ability of the Combat Engineer job within my Engineer class. Oh. That is a mouthful, so I think I will shorten it. Combat skills then.

[Error. Sentinel model is not available. Please select a weapon model and try again.]

The notification tells me, making me raises a brow. How do I do that exactly? There is no option to do that on the status window, but there are some hints on there.


A new window appears, listing all my skills.

There are quite a lot, but once again, only skills belonging to the Engineer class are highlighted. I select the Deploy Sentinel ability under Combat Engineer, and its profile window open up.

There are options available within that window, but I am interested in the model detail. It is blanked at the moment, and after reading through the little description, I knew what I have to do.

I summon a block of wood and pick up a stick from a pile of ash that is once a shelter. Using the burnt tip, I began designing a tower.

It is better than writing in the sand, especially when I need to be more detailed. Of course, writing on actual paper is much better, but I have not worked out how to make paper yet.

I do not think it going to be as simple as punching a bunch of sticks together. Right?