"What do I need to do? When do we start?" Sophie asked excitedly.

I said seriously. "First you need to increase your stamina and endurance elder sister. For that you need to run, running helps your body be fit and and have a healthy mind. Did you see me running in the morning?"

"Yes you were running." Said Sophie.

I nodded. "You see even when I am already able to do all those things I still do my daily run. It is the basis of everything I did just now. What I did just now is called free running. You see there is still the word running because it is the base. It starts with simple running but it evolves slowly and will become free running and is still evolving everyday. The concept of free running can be based from the name alone. When you are running you are free, so nothing can stop you from running. Not a wall, not a tree, not a rock, not even a person. Obstacles should not stop you from running instead you use that obstacle as an object to help you keep on running. You saw earlier right? The wall did not stop me, but I used the wall to keep on running. Do you understand?"

"I do. So it means for me to be able to do that I need to run and keep on running. But when will I learn to do free running?" Asked Sophie.

I smiled at her. "You saw the things I did right? It was very difficult but I was able to them, and I did them continuously. And now I am resting, I am not still at top level of free running. At the top level you can do it continuously without getting tired to much. So that is why I still continue on doing the basic running. We do basic running so we will not get tired when we do free running. We run and increase our stamina and endurance, with our increased stamina and endurance we can keep running and when we increase even more our running will become free running."

"Alright brother. I will start running." Sophie said with excitement.

i coughed to catch her attention. "Elder sister you will need to have a change of clothing that is more easy to move. You will not be able to run properly with the dress you are wearing."

Sophie looked down then looked to me. "Hehe it does seem so, I will go back first to change."

I smiled and nod. "Just make do with something first elder sister. I will ask one of the servant who knows how to sew to make a proper attire for you to use. Even the things I wear now are not appropriate I will design a few clothing that will not restrict movements and suitable for training."

"Okay, Katrina seems to know how to sew we can ask her to do it. I will go change first." Sophie went back to her room with Vanessa. I continued with my training in free running. I used the walls, trees, poles and anything within the area as an obstacle.

As I was doing my training I went back to basic running and did a little thinking. (I forgot that in this era does not have a brassier or a sports bra. It will be very difficult. I can design a makeshift boxers for me as underwear and for females g string panties can be easily designed. For the breasts, well we can do the wrapping to reduce their movements and Sophie's are not that big yet because she is still young. Hopefully in the future I can find some elastic clothing so as to make the sports bra. I need also design a footwear that will not damage the feet. Prolong running with these sandals are not good. Battle boots will be the goal as it will be used in the future also. I need also to arranged this courtyard and make it to an obstacle course. It is a little small, but it will have to do.)

I stopped my thinking as I saw Sophie returning. What she was wearing was definitely was not right, but it will have to do for now.

"Brother what do you think?" Asked Sophie.

I smiled with difficulty. "I will have to do for now elder sister. Don't worry, I will design a much more appropriate attire for training in the future. Come I will go alongside you to be able to teach you properly."

"Alright, teach me well brother." Said Sophie as it seems she cannot wait.

"Okay let us start." I led her by the side and we started doing light jogs. I started to teach her proper posture and proper pacing when starting a jog. She had difficulty doing it at first and only within a few minutes she starts gasping for breath we slowed down to a walk to rest then when I think that she rested enough I urged her to start jogging again. It went like that for the whole afternoon alternating between walks and jogs, but she did not stop. It was a good start. As the day starts to end we eventually stopped Sophie's first day of training I showed her how to do cool down exercises. Then we went to the bedroom to change because we were covered in sweat. I dried myself after wiping the sweat with a wet cloth but when i turned around I saw Sophie asleep on the bed.

"It seems that it really took her strength in not stopping, and now she is so tired. Well, it is her first day, I would have been amazed if she was still energetic as she were during this afternoon." I talked to myself while looking at Sophie.

I decided to wipe her so she will not feel uncomfortable. I called Vanessa and told her what happened so they will not need to prepare for our dinner as I will eat some fruits for dinner. After eating I accompanied Sophie on the bed and went to sleep.