Her life before it began.

Once upon a time, there were a girl who loved to act. She always practice to become a superstar, but to no avail she failed to become one.

She become an actress at the age of 13 and become a will known actress at the age of 28.

She focused at acting, she forgot about school causing her to failed.

It's the same with lovelife, she failed at everything.

Making her a bit depressed.

She acted at one of the popular movies causing her to be notice.

She thought she will have a smooth sail, but it become more hard.

A lot of her same generation actors are jealous.

They farmed her and the citizen believe them.

She was accused that she sleep with a man to become a B ranker actress.

Her showbiz ended.

She become an introvert at the age of 34.

She was forgotten at the age of 39.

Her friends betrayed her and her parents were not there because they were ashamed.

She was alone for more than 19 years.

She began to love reading at the age of 45.

She died at the age of 49.