Part Three

" Life never grants a second chance once it's too late Laura" , said a voice gentle and thick with regrets , as if speaking in a deep trance. Only now did Laura understand the words her mother spoke that night.

Laura stood weak and motionless , staring at a pale , bruised and brutally stabbed soul less body lying before her. The corpse was too similar and yet too different from her mother. It was lifeless , nothing like the sprightly existence of Alessa. She kept staring at it , her face unresponsive and free of all expressions. The numbness that she defeated this morning , was all she now wanted to feel . So she let it in , until it flooded her body , conquering it entirely . Her face seemed unaffected of the conflict occurring inside her as her brain kept trying to convince her heart. Whereas her heart kept thumping harder and harder against her chest like a madman, trying to escape the cage of her body, to see for itself if what brain was screaming was true. It wanted to make sure that her brain wrong. It had to be wrong.

Her heart came up with every possible excuse. It must be a dream , or s hallucination. Maybe there was a big misunderstanding. It could be anything but reality.

Silently , she kept watching them fight like a spectator for God knows how long before she felt something wet brushing against her skin , bringing her back to what we call a bitter reality and what , to her , seemed like a terrible nightmare. She looked at the sky as dark clouds invaded it , just as darkness had invaded her life , she thought.

The sky was now sobbing like a heart broken lover. She wondered why? What had it lost? What reason did it have to cry?

She felt sorry for it , still oblivious to the fact that her brain was now denying what her heart had finally grasped. And then she cried.

Her scream ripping through the sky like a roar of thunder as her eyes began to rain. She cried for the wailing sky. She cried for broken hearts and broken trusts. She cried for mothers who never got to hold their babies. She cried for the children robbed of their dreams. She cried for stories with no endings. She cried for martyrs and their families. She cried for everyone who never experienced love. And everyone who experienced it. She cried for everything and everyone.

Everyone except a daughter who just lost her mother.

The scene before her had become a blur. She cried even more hoping for it to disappear. The sky kept sobbing with her , to give her a company or to prove that it's grief was deeper than hers ? , no one knew. It grew even darker as if competing with darkness inside her , but eventually failed and gave up.
