Part Eight

There are two kinds of things, those that are never meant to be chased , and those that must be chased. Love belongs to the former , while truth is one of the latter ones. Love can never be chased , no matter how much you try , it comes to you only when it's meant to come. While truth doesn't just come to you as you sit and wait for it. It demands walking on the path of excruciatingly piercing thorns. And that's what Laura and David chose to do.

David spent hours striding across the garden before he resolved to a final decision. The next morning he handed in his application for leave. He had already talked to his team leader about it. It had been hard as their team had an important case to investigate. But he knew that's the only way left , he had to do it , so he did.

Miss Alessa's murder case was handed to another team. He passed them all the information he got , except for the thing about paintings. At noon he came to Laura's home again.

"I'll be taking the paintings to my apartment to investigate. As you know I've come here unofficially, you can't tell about it to any of the detective , alright?"

Laura didn't object. She silently cooperated as if she had put all her trust in him.

Before leaving David stopped and said , "You are a strong girl Laura. I'm sure miss Alessa is watching over you from heavens. She must be proud of you. This shall too pass you know that right?" , his gentle smile opened a door to his soul , a door that had been locked up till now. Behind the door sat a child who slightly lifted his head from his knees , giving a break to his swollen eyes he looked up and said , "I'll make sure to remember that Mr. David. I can't thank you enough for your help. Take care." Laura gave a week smile.



"Mom?" The girl grabbed her arm and shook it. Her mother didn't respond.

"Mom it's late. I'm so scared. Can you come inside?" The strokes paused for a moment.

She turned her face towards the girl. That's when she saw the red paint on her face or was it....blood? She couldn't guess.

She took a step back , her blood frozen and body crippled with fear. She felt a dark , vivid presence around her. Breathlessly she glanced over her shoulder as she sensed a shadow stir by.

"Mom? Why aren't you talking." The girl managed a shaky sentence. Heavy silence fell over the room. Suddenly a splash from behind her covered the whole view , painting everything in frightful red. She screamed. As loud as she could. Then she saw Alessa, smiling , covered in blood.

"Who- who are you?"

"Who are you?"


Laura was sweating when she woke up. Her breath quivering and body trembling. When had she fallen asleep? Was it all a dream? Or was it a flashback of past? Where had she seen that women? Who was she ?And...what was that on her face? The polaroids flashed in her mind. That women in her dream seemed a frail , old version of the girl with Alessa in those photographs. Was she her biological mother?

A distant , feeble voice interfered the confusions bombarding her mind. The sound came again, and yet again till it became clearer.

It was the doorbell. Laura opened the door, "Is everything alright?" His voice spoke as he eyed her worriedly. "Mr. David?" She seemed surprised.

"You called me to talk about something important didn't you?"

"Oh yes! Please come inside." They made their way to living room and got seated on the chairs. The curtains were drawn , letting the daylight in a home full of dark souls and abandoned memories.

After a moment of heavy silence , Laura spoke , "I'll get straight to the point. I want to investigate it with you.".


"I want to investigate my mother's case and the serial murders with you Mr. David."

"Miss Laura," David paused for a while. "You've been through a lot lately. I understand that you want to catch the killer badly but you should give some time to yourself too. Your health is deteriorating , you're growing weak day by day. I don't think I can let you burden yourself with any of this. I'm sorry."

"You don't get it Mr. David. That's the only way I'll feel better. I can't just sit and watch you investigating on your ow-"

"You can trust me Laura. I'll catch the killer and find your family , trust me with it. Besides you should focus on your recovery. Get therapy for a while. You can join me once you improve."

"No. I can't do that. I trust you. That's not it. But these walls haunt me. Even since mom has left , this home feels so hollow. I feel more and more guilty each passing day , I feel like it's my fault."


"Please Detective. I need to help you as much as I can in order to feel better. I need to put my mind to work or else my thoughts will kill me."

"Of course you can help me Laura, but I can not let you investigate it with me." He stressed on his last words.

"But why? You're doing it unofficially anyways. Why can't you? Because you suspect me? Right? Of "my mom's murder"?" A tear dripped down her cheek.

"That's not it Laura. That's really not it."

"Please Mr. David. Let me find the truth on my own. My questions haunt my soul I can't just wait for you to find my answers. Please , I beg you." She pleaded with tears in her eyes.

"Laura , we can't investigate it here. Your backyard is a 'murder site'. You'll have to move to my apartment for the time being. Can you do that? Can you leave your home? Do you have the courage to abandon the room that smells of your mother? Don't push yourself hard Laura."

Laura's eyes took a quick yet intent view of the brick-built walls surrounding her. As if filling with the view of her 'home'. The home that was once a source of comfort , and now was nothing but a cruel reminder of everything Laura witnessed that day.

"If that's what it takes , I'm fine with it." She declared , her eyes betraying the determination on her face.
