The spring banquet

Thud! Thud!

A loud heavy sound of a pole thumped on the ground echoed throughout the bright grand ballroom and captured everyone's attention. Then a booming voice came as a royal knight made an announcement.

"The formidable King of Umbra, His Majesty, King Adis Delacroix, and the venerable Queen of Umbra, Her Majesty, Queen Haru Akatsuki - Delacroix, have arrived. All hail to the King and Queen of Umbra!"

All guests in the grand ballroom bowed respectfully as the royal entourage of Umbra entered the hall. The crowd split on each side and made way for Haru and Adis. They all gasped and whispered at the sight of the majestic couple.

The Dark King looked dashing and powerful in his dark noble suit, golden chains and medals could be seen on his chest and a stylish black cape draped over his broad shoulders. The white gloves made by Haru was very striking as it was the only light color in his dark ensemble.

The Queen looked ethereal as always in her white off-shoulder sweetheart neckline long dress with a thigh-high slit. The upper part of the dress was adorned in golden lace appliques. A white and gold cape was draped over her tiny shoulders and a golden lace high-heeled shoes on her feet.

The sight was a perfect image of a goddess and a devil.

The nobles' expressions were a mix of envy, intrigue, and fascination, especially towards the design of their outfit. Haru personally thought of their wardrobe, hence it was unique and modern.

"Ah, big brother, I'm glad you finally came! Welcome home!" Zen greeted once the couple reached the other two kings. Although Zen was smiling, his words really meant, 'You are late big brother. We've been waiting for you for ages. We can't start the banquet with a missing King, can we?'

"Mn. Thank you," Adis simply answered but his two younger brothers could clearly see the truth behind his words. "Hmph! Be grateful that I even came and brought my Queen with me. These noble pests don't have the right to even glimpse at my Queen.'

Aquarius intervened in the upcoming argument between the two. "Big brother and sister-in-law, you must be tired from the long journey. Please have a seat at the throne."

The audience who heard the King of Atlantis' words suddenly became confused. Although Umbra was entirely a different realm than Lumine, it would only take seconds to go to the Light Palace through the use of teleportation in the Dark Tower. But no one dared to comment about it.

The Light Palace of Lumine and the Ocean Palace of Atlantis had three thrones each and meant for the three Kings of the realms. Only the Dark Palace of Umbra had one huge throne for obvious reason -- Umbra's throne and power couldn't be shared with anyone.

Adis sat down on his royal seat nonchalantly, then he held Haru's hips intimately and pulled her to sit on his lap. Everyone, including Haru, gasped in surprise. Zen and Aquarius just shook their heads helplessly.

Haru was very embarrassed by his behavior and tried to stand up but was stopped by Adis with his stern voice. "This seat is too narrow for both of us. I will not allow you to stand beside me throughout the banquet nor let you be out of my sight. Be good and stay still."

Haru pouted her lips in annoyance. Adis found it cute and started teasing her. "Stop that! I might lose my patience and attack your lips right now."

She snarled in a very low voice that only he could hear. "I can't choose my own seat. I can't pout. Then what am I suppose to do next? Bark and play dead?"

"Kiss and make love to me. I'm bored anyway," he whispered back.

"You just came not less than five minutes ago and you want to leave already? We have a deal so behave."

"Tsk!" His plan to trick her on snicking away didn't work. But it's okay. He prepared numerous plans to slip off.

Unbeknownst to the idiot couple, the crowd was intently watching them bickering and messing around with each other. Everyone was amazed to see King Adis' gentle and playful aura.

Zen finally snapped from his daze and cleared his throat to begin his speech as the King of all realms. "To the Great Elders of the three realms and to everyone, good evening! Tonight, with the presence of the spring goddess, Queen Haru, the winter has now officially ended." He formally started the boring speech.

Although it was Haru's first time to appear to the public as Queen of Adis, it was not the first time she attended the spring banquet, so she already anticipated the dreadful speech. Zen continued on delivering his speech with ease and air of a true King. After the greetings and introductions, he reported the development of the three realms, highlighting the new improvements in the dark realms and the elevated livelihood of its citizens which earned endless praise from the audience.

"May all the lives of the citizens in Trium Regum prosper and continue to live in peace. Let me offer a toast to everyone as I officially welcome the warm and sweet blessings of spring." Zen finally ended the boring speech with a toast.

That's it! He didn't mention about the ambush that happened in Umbra nor the betrayal and annihilation of the four elders of Lumine a week ago. It was done on purpose to give the impression that the three Kings didn't plan to make a big deal out of it and to catch the mastermind and the accomplices off guard.

Some nobles and elders started to approach Zen and Aquarius for different kinds of concerns, while no one dared to approach Adis. Everyone knew the unspoken rule -- if you wish to live, do not disturb the Dark King.

Those that would like to speak to Queen Haru would just have to try their luck next time as Adis didn't have any plan to let her roam around as well.

"Well, this year's spring banquet is quite boring," Haru complained.

"Are you implying that this King's company is no good and boring?" Adis asked and raised an eyebrow.

Haru pretended to not hear his interrogation and looked around. She murmured in a very tiny voice, "Tch! What is he waiting for? The third dance has already ended. Geez, I was really hoping this idiot husband will invite me to dance tonight."

She suddenly yelped when Adis stood up and carried her in his arms. She instinctively snaked her arms around his shoulders and looked at his handsome face.

The people around them, including Zen and Aquarius, halted and looked at them, curious as to why Adis abruptly stood up.

"Please forgive this idiot husband for not being attentive to his Queen's desire. This idiot husband will definitely reflect on his action later at our royal chamber. In the meantime..." Adis carefully put her down in the middle of the grand ballroom and bowed gracefully in front of her. "My Queen, would you give this lovesick King the honor to have a dance with you?"

Haru bit her lips to stop herself from squealing. Her face was so red but she's truly happy. "S-since this is my first spring dance for this year, would... would it be okay to dance with you twice?" She asked sheepishly. If not for Adis' superhuman ability, he wouldn't be able to hear her words.

Adis' expression softened as he thought that she was so adorable. He reached for her small soft hand and kissed the back of it. "Shall we dance as many as you want?"

Haru's expression brightened, "Really?"

"Mn, he nodded and started to move in tune to the music.

Their dance was slow and romantic. Their body was so close to each other, almost embracing even. Adis' moves were so light and skillful, guiding her and encouraging her to enjoy every step.

"Haru... from now on, I will dance with you every spring as many times as you want throughout the three realms. This is my solemn vow to you."

"Oh, Adis, I'm so happy! Fufu, we must also add this to our secret book."

"Mn. Naturally!"

After their third dance, Haru decided to take a break by getting some refreshments. Adis walked with her as he was gently wiping the beads of sweat on her forehead with his white handkerchief. It was also one of her handmade gifts that he treasures.

At the spring banquet, all nobles from the entire Trium Regum were gathered for social and diplomatic reasons, and all were treated with equal importance.

A beautiful *Lamia took advantage of the Dark King's good mood and approached them. "My warmest greetings to the great King and Queen of Umbra! My name is Anais from the House of Count Mifsud." She placed a fan in front of her lips in a demure manner. She looked cunning but definitely alluring. "Today is my coming of age. Since I have noticed that there's still no news of an heir from the royal family, I would like to offer my assistance by becoming His Majesty's concubine. I can assure you that a lamia gets pregnant easily and I can give the royal family an heir."