True strength

The merman laughed out triumphantly as he slowly turned around. "I never thought that deceiving the King of Umbra was a child's play. I worried myself for nothing," he spat disdainfully.

Haru's eyes widened in disbelief at the sight in front of her. The merman was slowly changing his shape and appearance. He shifted into a brawny man with tanned skin and scary scars all over his body.

"A shapeshifter!" Haru loudly gasp.

"Bingo!" Ulric playfully said then snickered like a true evil villain.

Her face suddenly became savage. "What did you do with my old man?"

"The hell I know," Ulric shrugged. "He must have been tortured to death by my sadistic comrades."

"No!" Haru cried out and turned around to run. However, she halted at the sight of a huge magic circle in her way. She cautiously looked around and finally noticed that the entire area was surrounded by different magic circles. 'A protection barrier?'

"No, it's not," the male satyr said as though he could read her mind. He slowly approached her, "Please forgive these lowly beings for forgetting our manners, Your Majesty. After all, living in Gehenna for a very long time made us lose any courtesy we once knew," he mocked.

The satyr continued his blabber, "My name is Alastair von Mikhail. I used to be a royal wizard of Trium Regum before the Royal Family decided that I am no use and threw me to Gehenna. The runes around us are my space enchantments. Outside of these runes is a powerful illusion, while time stood still inside my territory."

Haru couldn't believe that she encountered powerful foes at this time. She continued to move backward until her small back touched the magic circle. The Divine Protection instantly activated, making her body glowed in bright light.

"Ooh, you are lucky to have the blessing of Divine Protection as my runes are very brutal. If ordinary beings touch it, they'll be burned to a crisp," Alastair unsympathetically warned.

Haru did not comment. It's good that the Divine Protection was activated, it's just a matter of time before Adis would know that she's in danger and he'd appear anytime soon.

"Ah, before I forget," Alastair blurted. "Don't expect that someone will come and save you. As I mentioned, in my territory I hold the power of *Chronos, so it's like you are in a different space from everyone else. Even if your Divine Protection is active, no one would notice it. On the outside, time continues to move as though you are still running towards the Light Palace."

Haru felt nauseated at the situation she's in at the moment.

Then, her eyes suddenly brightened upon seeing her two maids, Millie and Hannah. They were running while killing some dark slimes in their way.

Haru squealed in happiness. "Millie, Hannah, I'm here!"

But to her utter shock, the two maids seemed to not hear and see anything. They even passed through her as though she was a ghost and ran away from the place. Despair could be seen in her beautiful eyes.

"Tsk, tsk!" Alastair shook his head softly. "My, my, what a stubborn queen. I told you, didn't I? No one would know what's happening to you. It's like you totally disappeared from this world. Before they finally realize that you're gone, it's already too late. By then, the package has been safely delivered to that sadistic Duke, and viola, we are finally free again! Hahaha!"

Haru shook her head vehemently. She couldn't give in to despair and fear. She gritted her teeth as her eyes darkened. She hadn't lost yet. If anything, her fight was yet to start and she swore she would come out of this hellhole alive, one way or another. She refused to believe that Adis would not come to save her. He is the unrivaled Demon King, after all.

She stood up with unwavering determination in her eyes. She had lived two lifetimes, therefore, the wisdom she amassed was more than enough to buy her time before Adis completely break the spell. She could do it!

"Freedom? Is that all you want?" Haru started. "Did you forget who is in front of you? I am the goddess of spring and the sole Queen of Umbra. I can give you more than just your freedom. As long as you'd let me go, I shall grant anything you desire."

The two villains looked at each other then roared in laughter. It was as if what she said was beyond incomprehensible.

"I think you are forgetting something here, stupid bitch!" Ulric snarled like a rabid dog. The change in behavior from these two villains was dangerously unstable. "You are the victim here. We do the talking while you do the crying with your beautiful royal ass."

"What makes you think we'll believe you?" It was Alastair's turn to mock her. "The Royal Family betrayed all of us time and time again. Just the thought of revenge towards the three great Kings is enough to make me cum in gallons." He scorned and savagely looked at her. "Now that I have you in my grasps, I'll be damned if I don't fuck you to death and cause immense pain to that ruthless demon King!"

That's it! She could never talk her way out from these deranged beasts. She had no other choice then. She sighed heavily.

"I admit I'm not as powerful as my husband," Haru started as she tossed her shoes away and ripped the hem of her long dress, exposing her delicate fair legs and feet. The men in front of her started to get a hard-on and their drool dripped from their nasty lips.

She ignored their hungry look as she ground her right foot forward while she stood sideways. She slightly bent her knees, her arms locked on her chest and clenched her fist in front. With her attack stance, she bravely exclaimed, "But that doesn't mean I am weak. Come at me!"

Haru moved like a speeding bullet and attacked the satyr with a right punch. Alastair, despite being surprised by her speed, was still able to swiftly cast his time magic and stopped her fist a hair's breadth away from his face. Ulric was awakened from his shock and started to reach out his huge hands to grip her wrist.

She swiftly dodged it and jumped back to her initial place. She tsked at the failed attack.

"Heh? I didn't expect that the Queen is such a tomboy. How could you act out of your character? The citizens will surely cry." Alastair quipped.

"Two men against one frail maiden, this is blatant bullying, don't you think?" Haru responded while preparing for another attack.

Her mind was in overdrive. She analyzed her opponents; Alastair was the thinker, while Ulric was just the brawn. If she would use her physical strength, the best target to attack was the strategist. However, due to his powerful time ability, there was no way she could land a hit.

Upon realizing that, she stepped sideways and zigzagged her way towards Ulric. Once in front of him, she brought up her right leg and pivoted her left foot and did a roundhouse kick with full force. However, her target was not just good at shapeshifting but also a master in martial arts. He caught her ankle with ease and swung it around. Haru gracefully did an aerial flip to stop her fall and landed safely on the ground.

'Damn it! This will be a tough fight.' she thought to herself.

"Ooh, I like feisty women. More, more!" Alastair raved like a lunatic.

The attack resumed, but this time, it came from Ulric. Upon seeing his rapid movement, she kept her body in motion and used her arms to block and deflect his powerful attacks from different directions, a very well-executed 360 defense.

However, despite the successful obstruction of his punches and kicks, she still scored some bruises on her forearm due to his heavy strength. Now, even the Geyser of Life had fully activated.

When she finally saw a bit of opening, she took advantage of it and pivoted her left foot as she did an angle kick on his side torso, making sure that the force from the momentum cracked his rib cage. The huge man howled as he heard the cracking of his bones, but she didn't stop from there. She lifted her left leg to gain balance and thrust her right knee upward, throwing and flying knee to her opponent's solar plexus and knocked the wind out of him for a short moment. As he bowled over, Haru finished her moves with a somersault kick on his jaw, causing his body to arched in the air. When his massive body descended on the ground, it created a huge dent.

Haru wheezed after the combo. She may pack a punch but her stamina was a different story. She should have listened to Adis when he was training her to improve her martial arts but she was a troublesome student.

Alastair ran towards his comrades and laughed at the sight of his sorry state. "Hahaha, what the hell? You've been beaten to a pulp by a woman. That's really embarrassing. Well, let me help you, my friend." He said and fished out a healing potion from his sleeves.

"No, you don't!" Haru seethed and brandished her vine whip towards the inattentive magician. As the end of the vine whip coiled around his waist, she swept his body away from Ulric.

Alastair looked astounded. "Oh, that's right! I forgot that the Queen was a spring maiden. She could wield the power of wood and plants element," he whispered to himself as though he had finally lost it.

Alastair saw many sturdy roots popped out from the ground and bounded Ulric's entire body tightly, cutting any means for escape. Ulric wailed in panic and called out his name for help.

"One down. And now, you're next," Haru declared as she cracked the vine whip down. Her eyes were ferocious as she added, "Prepare to die, asshole!"