Curse of the Demon

After almost two hours of their morning make-out session, Adis and Haru finally came out from the bath chamber. Together, they walked inside their walk-in closet to prepare for the day.

For the sake of his morning court duty, Adis had gone back to his human form. The couple decided that he would only show his true form if the situation called for it or if it's just the two of them.

Haru was helping her husband to wear his royal robe while fully naked and Adis was busy admiring the tantalizing scene in front of him. When she pivoted her body to reach out for his belt, she inadvertently saw her reflection in the life-size mirror. She stopped in her tracks and tilted her head as she saw something right below her abdomen. It was like a rosebud tattoo, but it was too small and easy to miss if one would not pay attention to her body.

She stood up properly in front of the mirror and touched the skin on her lower abdomen. Then, she tried to erase the black mark by rubbing it with her thumb, but she couldn't remove it. She creased her eyebrows while thinking when and where did she get it.

"Haru, what's wrong, my love?" Adis asked and embraced her from behind when he realized that she was occupied with something.

"Adis, look." She glanced at him in the mirror and showed him the mark she just noticed. "I don't remember having this yesterday. What do you think is this? Maybe I haven't scrub myself clean yet." She continued as she kept on rubbing the mark firmly.

She heard Adis inhaled sharply and stopped her hand from rubbing her skin. She abruptly looked at his direction and saw that his complexion paled and beads of sweat immediately formed on his forehead. She extended her hand to wipe the sweat off on his forehead.

"Adis, what's wrong?" Haru asked back.

"Idiot, don't rub it. You'll irritate your skin," Adis softly chided. He hurriedly pulled a bathrobe and covered her entire body carefully. He wrapped his arm around her hips and gently ushered her to their bed. "Here, have a sit first. Are you feeling sick, Haru? Do you feel any pain in your body?

Adis' voice we're calm and soothing, yet the slight tremble and sweat on his hands betrayed his demeanor. "Wait for me here, my love. I will be back very soon, okay?" He didn't wait for her response and ran towards the door and yelled out his orders to the servants. "Millie, go look for Aquarius and tell him to come here immediately. Hannah, go prepare nutritional food for your Queen and you..." he looked at the Imperial Guard, "Send a message to Drako and tell him to bring the Queen's Healthcare team here. What are you all still looking at? Move your damn asses, now!" He roared with a force that created tiny cracks on the pillars and walls around them.

The poor servants scurried their way towards their own tasks while wondering what made their King snappy and anxious.

"Fang, come out!" Adis loudly called out his aide.

Fang abruptly appeared from the shadow. He swiftly knelt on the floor to show his respect. "My King, this loyal servant is here and ready to receive your command."

"Call your brother through your telepathy and tell him to haul his wife here, right this very minute!"

Fang blinked his eyes, wondering what caused the indifferent King to panic. But he still did as he was told. "Yes, Your Majesty, I shall talk to Graves at once."

Upon hearing his aide's assurance, Adis went back inside his bedchamber and knelt in front of his wife. The change in his attitude and expression were astonishingly fast as if he was not just snarling his fangs in front of the servants moments ago.

With a gentle face, he talked to Haru while stroking her hair and caressing her hand. "Haru, I've already ordered Hannah to prepare your meal. From now on, you shall only eat nutritious food that I personally tested."

The creased on Haru's brows deepened at his unusual behavior. "Adis, I think... before you start calling out different people and throwing your commands, you should explain to me what's going on first."

Adis opened his mouth to explain the situation but he was suddenly interrupted by hurried and unorganized footsteps from behind.

"Big brother, what happened? Millie said you were panicking and demanded my presence at once." Aquarius spoke while walking hastily towards them.

Zen popped out from hiding behind Aquarius' back and grinned widely towards the couple. "Hello! I'm also here, big brother! The morning court is about to commence, so what's the fuss all about?"

"Aqua, Zen, Haru got the Curse of the Demon." Adis simply stated.

The two Kings stiffened and their jaws dropped at his announcement. When they finally recovered, they suddenly acted like headless chickens.

"Isaiah, you stupid brat! Where the hell are you? Come before me at once!" Zen giddily called out.

"Eva, this King has a request to make," Aquarius loudly spoke out but his voice slightly trembled at the end of his sentence.

Both Isaiah and Eva appeared and greeted them at the same time. "Greetings, my King, this loyal servant is ready to accept your command."

"Ah, Isaiah, go and look for my grandfather and tell him that sister-in-law has been marked with Curse of the Demon. Hurry!" Zen ordered which made the royal aides, including Fang who just came inside and heard the announcement, stood in disbelief.

It was Aquarius' turn to wake the royal aides from their shock by loudly clearing his throat. "Eva, inform the court officials that the three great Kings decreed that the royal court shall be closed for today and will resume tomorrow. Oh, and the news about my sister-in-law's situation shall be hidden from the public for now."

"It shall be done, Your Majesty." All the royal aides answered before they disappeared to execute their own tasks.

Fang, on the other hand, walked closer to his master and made a report. "My King, Graves and Dr. Frost are now on their way here. They will arrive in less than five minutes using the secret passage." He then shifted his attention to Haru. "My Queen, is there something you wish to eat in particular? I shall have Millie and Hannah prepare it for you."

"Well, with all this commotion, I think I really need a good shot of strong coffee, please." Haru politely requested.


All the men in the room shouted in chorus.

"From now on, you shall not drink any coffee. I am banning any provision of coffee in the Dark Palace." Adis sternly declared.

"What? But why?" Haru was a coffee lover and Adis knew that, hence, different coffee brands were being supplied in their palace daily. "More importantly, you haven't explained anything to me yet. I am running out of patience, Adis!"

"Ah, wife, please don't get angry. It will not be good for you and the baby." Adis immediately pacified her emotion.

Haru's eyes widened at his statement. It was as though someone threw a bomb at her and impaired her hearing. "W-what did... you just say?"

Adis flashed his brightest smile that almost blinded her eyes. He cupped her cheeks gently and placed his forehead against hers. "Haru, my sweet Haru... we are having a child!"

As if on cue, a teardrop fell on her cheeks, then another one fell too, until she became a crying mess. She couldn't believe what she just heard. She punched Adis' arms gently. "Stop fooling around! It's still too soon to find out that kind of thing. I will really get mad if you're just kidding me about this."

Adis shook his head vehemently and enveloped her small hands with his large ones. "No, my love, I'm telling the truth. I will never lie to you just to get your hopes up. The mark on you is called the Curse of the Demon. It's proof that you have been touched by a powerful demon and got impregnated."

She couldn't contain her emotions anymore and while her tears were still pouring down from her eyes, she suddenly stood up and jumped repeatedly. "Really? I am now pregnant? We are finally having a baby? Kyaa!" She squealed in overwhelming happiness.

Adis became frantic at her sudden movements. "No, no, please don't jump, Haru. Be good and sit for a while until your doctor comes and check your health. You know that a human carrying a demon baby inside her body is really dangerous, so please be good and stay still before I have a heart attack."

"Oh, okay," Haru conceded then giggled sweetly. She could see Adis' anxiousness was over the roof at the moment, so she decided to not create trouble for him to ease his worries. "Haru will behave, so please don't worry."

The other men inside the room also heaved a loud sigh of relief when they heard that Haru won't cause any trouble and would behave for a while.

"My, my, I never thought that the venerable Queen is quite the fast worker."

All of a sudden, they all heard a mellow voice exclaimed, and gentle footsteps came after. Soon, a tall man appeared in front of them. As he gently pulled down the oversized hood of his dark cloak, his androgynous beauty abruptly brightened the room. He gave a sweet smile that could captivate any ordinary beings.

"I heard of the good news on my way here. Congratulations to the great King and Queen of Umbra!" Frost bowed as he greeted Adis and Haru. Then, he shifted his attention to the other two Kings. "And congratulations as well to the entire Royal Family."

"Frost, I'm glad that you are finally here." Aquarius looked relieved upon seeing the good doctor. Then, he glanced at the door, expecting an intimidating wolf trailing the doctor's behind. "Where is Graves?"

"Oh my, thank you for reminding me about my wayward husband." Frost looked like he totally forgot that Graves actually escorted him up until outside of the bedchamber. "He asked me to apologize on his behalf for not meeting the Royal Family as soon as he arrived. When he heard about the Queen's circumstances, he immediately gathered his soldiers and bark his orders to tighten the security of the castle."

Adis nodded in approval. "That's all right. I trained him to be like that."

Frost clapped his hands as he returned his gaze to the Queen. "Very well then. I ask all the gentlemen, except for King Adis, to please step out as I conduct the examination."


Everyone looked at another newcomer pushing a food cart inside the bedchamber. "Isn't it time for Her Majesty to have her breakfast?"