
"Listen, you two," Haru started as she laid out her plan to Millie and Hannah. "Once you get out of Gehenna, do not stop until you reach your destination. Many enemies were lurking around and just waiting for you to emerge. Once the public finds out what happened, the nobles and elders will instantly announce your public execution. And it will be difficult for the Royal Family to help you by then. Only Adis and I knew the manor in the mountains and it's fully guarded with the King's Grim Reapers. You'll be safe there."

Millie and Hannah sobbed as they nodded vigorously. "We will do as you require, my Queen."

As if on cue, a soft knock was heard and a massive male wolf with silver fur appeared outside the door. "Mother Queen, the transportation you requested is now ready. The team you also asked to prepare is now ready to embark."

She stood up and approached the wolf who towered over her. She patted his neck and buried her face in his fur. "Thank you, *Fenrir for accepting your mother's unreasonable request in such short notice."

Fenrir chuckled helplessly and rubbed his huge muzzle on her cheek that tickled her skin. "Please don't pull this kind of stunt again. Father King would definitely flip out the second time."

Fenrir was a wolf that she adopted almost two years now. He used to be just a tiny pup when she found him in the woods of Atlantis. After such a short time, he already grew to be such a huge being that she could barely hug anymore. Haru and Adis treated him like their true son but he was a free-spirited beast and seldom stayed in the palace. "Once you come back, can you stay in the palace for a short while and keep mother company? I miss you so much."

"Don't worry, Mother, I will make sure of their safe arrival to their destination, then I will come back home at once to take care of you," he dotingly replied.

She held his furry muzzle and kissed his cheek. "That would make mother happy."

They all stealthy escaped Gehenna and swiftly walked towards the open ground. Millie and Hannah gasped in surprise upon seeing a colossal silver dragon as their ride.

Haru turned around and tenderly smiled at her two maids. She stroked their heads just like what she always did in the past. "This time, I hope that the two of you will truly find your happiness. Even if I wasn't able to meet Prince Ilyas, I know that he would not want you to suffer. For his sake, you must live freely."

With tear-stained faces, Millie and Hannah hugged her tight for the last time. No words were said. Not even a word of thanks or apology. But their silence was more than enough for them to understand their heart's desire. Only time could heal their weary heart.

As the dragon flapped its wings, Millie looked down and asked, "My Queen... can I write you letter from time to time?"

Haru's smiled with her eyes. "I'll be looking forward to it." She shouted and waved her hands in the air. "This is not goodbye. Don't give up, you guys! One day, I will definitely see you again!"

When the dragon became just a tiny dot in the sky, she sighed and decided it's now time to go back to her bedchamber before Adis flip out. "Let's go back to the palace, Anais--"

As she turned around, her words were caught in her throat upon the sight of a beautiful man in a black cloak standing in front of her. The scene gave off a strong feeling of nostalgia as though she was back in time, almost two years ago in the winter night of Eremus mountains. As she looked at the majestic man in a daze, she did not notice that Anais and Frost had long gone and left him alone in the care of the devil himself.

"My Queen, you have grown so bold to sneak out from my embrace and even make decisions behind my back. To make matters even worst, you have gifted the house I named after you to your two servants. Silly wife, how shall I punish you this time?

When Haru recovered from her daze, she did not look scared and even teased him. "Don't jest, my King. There's no way I could break from your chain-like embrace if you really did not allow it. Besides, I don't remember ever calling Einhart as a means of their transportation, unless a certain idiot King intervened and trailed after this delicate Queen to fix some loose crews in my plans..." She walked towards him and coquettishly snaked her arms around his thick neck as she stood on her tippy toes. "...Just like how you always clean up my mess without any complaints. Idiot husband, how shall I award you this time?" She sweetly cajoled as she lovingly lapped his lips.

Adis' eyes shone in delight as his misbehave hands immediately crept to her small back and firm buttocks as he brushed his pelvis against her stomach. "I'm sure you already know how, my beloved."

Haru giggled and raised her eyebrows up and down suggestively. "Then, shall we go to the royal library this time--"

Haru was unable to finish her statement as the couple had completely disappeared from the horizon where the only thing left was the faint sounds of crickets and owls.


Another three weeks had passed. Haru had been exchanging letters with Millie and Hannah since they left, merely talking about nonsensical things. The letters began with an awkward start but the two maids did not give up and continued writing to her. Now, she felt closer to them than she ever did before.

She had also peacefully reached her sixth week in pregnancy without too much hassle. The baby in her belly was behaving and she's yet to experience any morning sickness. However, some notable changes in her behavior had emerged ever since. The feeling of her energy being sucked away and her sleepiness had worsened that Anais developed a habit of stocking numerous soft pillows in her space ring as she literally would fall asleep even when she was standing or talking.

One time, the entire palace panicked when she suddenly collapsed while walking. Fortunately, Anais slithered beneath her in haste to catch her fall. All servants and soldiers gathered around her to check if she was alright, only to found out that she was sleeping soundly on Anais' body. Since then, Adis assigned cute and fluffy *gremlins to trailed her back and act as her cushion whenever she stumbled or fell asleep.

Currently, Haru was inside the throne room of Atlantis despite Adis' objection. She knew she couldn't hide from the prying eyes of court officials and nobles for so long. Numerous gossips were being spread throughout the realms due to her frequent absence in the past six weeks. So today, she decided to observe the boring royal court meeting for appearance sake.

She already lost count of how many times she yawned nor the times Adis rearranged the soft pillow on her chair for her comfort. She noticed that the meeting was just being dragged and she was starting to get hungry.

Haru moved closer to her husband and whispered, "My King, your silly wife and our little devil are hungry."

Adis' features softened as he smiled dotingly to her. He took out the almonds and dried fruits that he personally prepared for her from his pocket. "Frost said that these snacks are good for my silly wife and little devil. But don't eat too much, else you will lose your appetite for lunch."

Haru's other change was her cravings for snacks, hence, Adis and all the few people who knew her pregnancy always had nutritious snacks in their pockets for her.

She smiled happily and started munching her food. When Zen saw her eating like a squirrel, he looked left and right before he discreetly moved his royal seat closer to her.

"Sister-in-law," Zen chortled in amusement as he whispered. "Is my nephew hungry again?"

Haru vigorously nodded while nibbling the almond in her two hands. She really looked like a cute squirrel and he was tempted to pinch her cheeks, however, there was an ominous aura beside her and he was afraid that he would lose his hands if he would so much as touch her.

"Here, sister-in-law, I ask my private chef to prepare snacks for you and my nephew." He pulled out a small food container with mini moon cakes and red bean buns.

Her eyes sparkled as though she saw precious jewelry instead of simple food. She immediately pulled Adis' sleeve and looked at him with puppy eyes as she asked for his permission. "Adis, silly wife and little devil want those snacks. Can I have two each, please?"

Adis sighed helplessly and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. "Just one each, my love, else you'll be too full for lunch. Be good and listen to Adis, okay?" He coaxed her with his soothing voice as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Ah, big brother, don't worry. I personally asked the chef to make it light, just enough to whet her appetite," Zen reassured his big brother and took one of the red bean buns himself and tossed it into his mouth.

"Even so, I have to watch her food intake lest she would vomit," he said as he reached out for a moon cake and personally fed it to his wife. "Here, love... does it taste good?"

Haru was the happiest as long as she had food in her mouth, hence she nodded happily and took another bite.

Then, a gremlin walked slowly as he carefully brought a tall glass of fresh orange juice in its hands. Worried that the cute creature would stumble and drop the glass, Adis swiftly took it and placed it beside Haru.

"Thank you, Popo!" She said as she continued eating her moon cake while she held the gremlin on her lap and embraced it. She looked like a little girl embracing a plushie.

Aquarius just chuckled in his seat while covering his mouth with his fan.


The royalties were suddenly interrupted by one of the court officials with his fake cough.

"Your Majesties, the preparation for the banquet in honor for the ambassadors of different states have been completed. This good official made sure that it was grand enough that everyone will talk about it for days," the official boasted his accomplishment. He seemed to be a newly promoted official as he was still not well informed about the unspoken rule -- never ever interrupt the King of Hell from his lovey-dovey moment with his Queen.

The throne room became eerily silent and the rest of the court officials and nobles moved far away from the arrogant official as they didn't want their clothes to be stained with blood if the Demon King decided to make his body explode just like what the King did the other day when someone spoke a bit louder that made Queen Haru awoken from her sleep.

As expected, Adis scowled at the impertinence of the pest. Who dared to disturb his Queen from eating her snack? He turned to the poor official and was about to flick him outside of the throne room if not because of Haru stopping him. Adis let it go for now as he did not want his wife to see such an unsightly scene, but he made a mental note to demote the insignificant being. After all, he was known as a petty and vengeful King.