
Adis tightly closed his eyes as he gritted his teeth. Now he understood why his father decided to defy his fate. Because it was too cruel that he felt his heart was being shredded into pieces. But he refused to succumb to an act of revenge that should have been meant for someone else.

"T-there must be a way to break the curse, or a-at least to reject my fate, just like how my father did for himself. Yes, that's right, we could just seal the monster again. Yes, let's do that." Adis was mumbling to himself as his eyes became unfocused and desperate.

Ilyas approached him and vigorously shook his shoulders to wake him up from his breakdown. "And then what? The next Delacroix will have to make three sacrifices and face three calamities? Are you insane? You are not breaking this damn curse but just making it worse!" His voice suddenly became mellow again as he continued, coaxing him to see reason. "Wake up! Don't you get it? With the cold curse in my body, I am good as dead. Am I not the ideal candidate for this?"

Adis shook his head vehemently and pushed his friend away. In anger, he swept the books and papers on the desk with his hands. "Stop! Just... stop. Please, there must be a way!" He clenched his teeth and jaws to prevent his tears from falling out.

Ilyas helplessly looked at his friend as he leaned on the wall. Then he looked up and closed his eyes as his tears silently fell on his cheeks. He slowly slid down to the ground and buried his eyes on his arms.

The two men, known in the world as the most powerful demons and were not afraid of anything, suddenly felt at a loss and silently sulking for their cursed lives.

Unbeknownst to the two demons, there were also three more souls listening to their conversation. Zen and Aqua were hiding behind the bookshelf and helplessly sobbing together. While a shadow was lurking on the other side of the library and carefully walked away after hearing everything.

Once the demon twins had calmed down, they sat on the floor while leaning their back on the wall. They just looked at the distance in a daze and embraced the awkward silence.

It was Ilyas who finally broke the silence first. "Adis, you always knew my desire to be free from the shackles of royalty. If I'll be granted a second life, I will create a paradise where all my loved ones will be there, peacefully living through our immortal lives." His face looked expectant and his eyes shimmered in longing for something he could never have. Then, he closed his eyes with a nostalgic smile on his face as though he could actually see the paradise that he wanted.

After a while, he opened his eyes. He had a look of someone who had found zen. He stood up and leaned down to extend his hand to his friend. "Adis, let's end this tonight. Let's bring back the peace and freedom in Trium Regum. Give me the honor to stand proudly by your side again and fought together with you for the last time. Will you grant me this wish, my friend?"

Adis was in a daze upon seeing Ilyas' calm smile and undaunted face. "I-I... haven't said that I accepted this kind of fate."

"But I already did," Ilyas resolutely answered as he stood up straight. "Nothing will happen if we wallow in self-pity. If I am going to die, at least let me die as a hero. If someone will be wreaking havoc in this world, it will just be us, twin demons. I refuse to give that right to anyone else." Then, without looking back, he walked out of the royal library.

He halted upon seeing the crying Aqua and Zen on his way. As always, he smiled helplessly and roughly ruffled their hair. He whispered as he walked passed them, "Take care of your big brother for me."

When Ilyas reached his princesses' chamber, he plastered his usual happy grin on his face. "Millie, Hannah!"

The two women turned their faces to look at him. Millie was currently sitting on a chair while Hannah was by her side, telling her stories. When they flashed him their happy smile, he faltered in his steps and a lump formed in his throat. He knelt in front of Millie and kissed her huge belly. He was softly caressing it while whispering something against it.

Hannah reached out her hand and gently stroke his head. "You must be tired. Why don't you stay here tonight?"

He sighed and nodded. He gripped both of their hands tightly. "I just want to say... that I love you both... And that you will always be in my heart."

"What are you being so mushy for?" Hannah teased him.

Their chamber had been filled with merry stories and sweet laughter, ignoring for a moment the dangers that were lurking in the air.


"Why did you not tell to your wives that you're committing suicide," Adis coldly stated as they were walking towards the front of the Dark Palace where Einhart was waiting.

Zen and Aquarius stubbornly insisted on going with them and were now scurrying behind to match their quick pace.

"Are you kidding? I'm going to be a hero after tonight. My child will be proud of me once he hears the story of my adventures," Ilyas retorted.

"But heroes always die in the end, big brother Ilyas," Zen commented at the side.

"Tsk! Don't jinx me, you brat! You better watch and learn, for tonight you're going to be a true warrior." Ilyas laughed out loud and lifted his leg to finally mount the gentle dragon.

But they all halted when they felt the decline of the temperature and their breaths fogged. Their fingers and mouths tremble at the ill omen.

Adis swiftly turned around and stared at the citizen with frightful eyes. His veins popped out in his forehead and demonic stripes suddenly appeared on his flesh. He roared as loud as he could, shattering the windows nearby. "RUNNN!"


A huge object fell from the sky and the impact caused a huge explosion that smashed the ground of the palace and threw Adis and his company a few blocks away. Then, an ear-deafening shriek was heard throughout the place that caused the citizens around to either faint or run for their lives. The bell of the clock tower tolled and a series of cries and screams could be heard all over the city. In just a brief moment, hell finally broke loose.

The hideous monster broke free from his huge aquarium earlier than they expected by mounting a snow cloud and dropped himself directly to the Dark Palace.

As the monster prepared to strike, Aquarius was already one step ahead and he immediately called forth his water chains to enveloped its entire body.

"Zen, evacuate all the citizens. Open all the gates and teleportation towers. Ilyas, go with Zen. Take your wives to Atlantis." Adis barked off his commands.

Ilya's tried to protest, "What? But--"

Adis grabbed his collar and harshly shook him. "I told you I haven't accepted this wretched fate yet! I know there has to be away! If I try to kill it now while you are away, then the monster won't be able to possess you. This is not the time to dilly-dally. As your King, I command you to obey my orders!" He yelled then threw him inside the palace. "One way or another, I will find a way to break the curse!"

Ilyas resolutely nodded. "I trust you, my King!"

Adis just smirked as he saw his friend finally left. The color of his eyes changed as he turned to his demon form. He looked at the monster with murderous intent as he swayed his right arm to materialized his dark sword. "Let's end this now. It's time to send you back to the gates of destruction where you truly belong!"

While Aquarius was holding the monster with his water spell, Adis accelerated and started his violent attack. However, his assaults had proven useless as its body regenerated as soon as he slashed its flesh. To aid him in the battle, the Ignis brothers also joined in; Fang used magic spells, Graves on the physical attack and Drako was on support.

When the nuckelavee had grown immune to the water for a bit, it broke the water chain and directly strike on Adis. He swiftly deflected the attacks and countered it with his dark magic but his hair and clothes were starting to freeze.

As though the monster had finally reached its limit break, it yanked its enormous head backward and howled before it's body emitted a thick fog. The fog instantly froze the soil beneath their feet and wilted the plants nearby.

"Cover your mouth and nose. Avoid the fog, Your Majesty. Once inhaled, the fog will turn into a cold curse and it will instantly freeze your heart." Fang yelled out then immediately covered his mouth and avoided the fog.

They all dispersed but the fog enveloped the entire area in a heartbeat, completely blocking their vision. The once noisy grounds fell into a deep silence as no one wanted to make a sound, afraid that the alert monster would hear the movements.

Adis' sweat slid down from his jaw and instantly turned to ice. As it fell on the ground, it shattered and cause a very faint sound, but enough for the monster's sensitive ears to hear. It swiftly turned and jabbed its skeleton sword to Adis.


A crisp sound of a sword piercing the flesh and a soft groan was heard in the dead silence of the night. As the thick fog gradually disappeared, Adis also slumped on the ground. A look of grief glistened his tear-stained eyes.

In front of him was Ilyas and in his chest was the skeleton sword that was meant for his heart.

"Noooo!" Adis cried out desperately. Blinded by grief and hatred, he gripped his sword and stab it to the monster's chest and pierced its cold heart.

The monster twitched as he embedded his sword deeper into its flesh. Wisps of black smoke seeped out from its body. As the first ray of the sun marked the dawn of the new day, the monster in front finally revealed its true form amidst the black smoke. It became a man with hair and eyes as dark as the cold night, tanned skin, and mischievous grin. Scarlet blood gushed out from his lips.

Adis' complexion paled, mouth gaped open and his entire being shook from the painful realization.

Everything was just an illusion! A trick created by the thick fog and clouded his mind to attack the monster that already possessed Ilyas when he suddenly came back alone. The friend that he thought was stabbed by the monster was just a block of ice.

Panicked footsteps were heard fast approaching the palace's grounds and it abruptly stopped upon the scene of the King with his sword in Ilyas' chest. In shock, Millie screamed on top of her lungs before she fainted on the ground, blood instantly trickled down her legs. Hannah bawled her eyes out as her knees buckled and collapsed. She continuously called out Ilyas' name until her voice became hoarse.

With a loud thud, Ilyas' knees touched the ground and his body followed through. The light in his clear eyes was slowly dissipating as he stared into the sky. As though he was trying to reach for something, he slowly raised his hand up.

Adis crawled to his friend and took his hand as he repeatedly apologized. Aquarius and Zen rushed in to heal him but to no avail, the dark sword had cut his any means of survival.

"Adis... where are you? Did you cause another black night again? Ugh!" Ilyas coughed up blood and panted as he called for his friend.

"I'm here... I'm here... Can't you see me...Don't worry, Zen and Aqua will fix you up. I'm sorry... I'm sorry... I'm really sorry!" Adis mumbled in despair as his tears fell on his cheeks simultaneously.

Ilyas smiled softly as he felt the drop of liquid on his cheeks. "Ah, it must be raining now... That's okay. I love... the rain. It washes my guilt and pain away. I... have always chased after you because I admire your resiliency and your kindness. I knew this day would come... But part of me always hoped... that I could free you from your burdens before I leave."

"Adis, when I'm gone... don't you dare cry." Tears started to fall from his clouded eyes. "My family... please forgive them... for whatever stupid things they may do to you... My only regret now... is that I won't see you getting married, nor make fun of you once you finally see your mate. Adis, for leaving you behind..." He reached out his hand to feel his friend's head then shoved it on his chest. "Forgive me! ...My family... and my dreams... I'm leaving them you... Please, be happy and free... live the life we once dreamed..." His arms gone limp and fell on the ground. And with a sigh, he slowly closed his eyes.

"Arghhh!" Adis howled as his body shook like a beast in excruciating pain. He felt as though someone was ripping his heart from his chest as he shouted his grief. "Why? Why did the gods have forsaken me? I had enough!"

Frosts were starting to form on the ground and onto the walls as a strong gust of wind forced the trees to bend. Dark mana smashed every building nearby as lightning latched across the sky.

That day, a new dawn had never came to Umbra again. The sun was never allowed to rise as the entire realm was enveloped with endless winter and dark clouds.

Amidst the chaos, a lone soul was inside the royal library and on his lap was the black book with the Delacroix seal. He was intently staring at it as he whispered, "I did it, mother, just like what you asked me to do. Alfred will definitely avenge you."


Three long and painful years had passed but the winter did not cease to stop even for just a day. It's as if the weather was in sync with the Dark King's emotion.

Adis stood alone on the Eremus mountain peak, staring in a daze at the barren ice field of Eremus. "It's been years since you left, and yet, my fated mate that you were so eager to see is still nowhere to be found. Was it all for naught? Not that I am excited to see her, but I just hope... that she's worthy of all these sacrifices."

A blinding light suddenly appeared behind him and as he turned around, his pupils dilated at the sight before him.

A woman with dark long curly hair and rosy fair skin was lying on the ground. When she gradually opened her eyes he felt that his soul was being sucked by her crystal clear amber orbs. They were adorably big and round. Her lips looked moist and luscious, like a newly blossomed pink roses. She looked captivating and charming. And what's more astonishing was the beds of lushes green grass and flowers beneath her delicate body.

When their eyes met, Adis involuntarily gave out a faint whimper when his head became dizzy as though he was turned upside down. His chest was hurting, making it difficult for him to breath. The pain was unbearable that he felt like taking out his agitated heart and offer it to her for salvation.

Afraid that he would scare her away, he smiled at her with great difficulty as he panted heavily. "Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you. Mysterious maiden, what is your name?"

"H-Haru... A-Akatsuki Haru," she answered in a small voice.

"Haru," he breathed out and swallowed hard as if he could finally taste the elusive spring in his mouth. "Such a lovely name. So you finally came." His voice was a mixture of relief, confusion, and... longing?

"Haru, my name is Adis... and I have been waiting for you for a very long time."